18: before

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"She might tell us in her own time-"

"She won't!" Danny hissed, "She's stubborn and she's insane and she is not going to tell us in her own time!"

They were sat on the sofa, whispering in agitated voices, two mugs of cold tea neglected on the coffee table. Peter's Mother was in the kitchen, pretending not to hear them as she wrapped a sandwich up in clingfilm and tossed it into her backpack. Susie Wicks was dressed in her nursing scrubs, chestnut hair falling out of her scruffy bun, and into her tired face.

"Right, I'm off." She smiled wearily at them, "Won't be back 'til late, they've got me working overtime."

"Bye, Mum." Peter waved her off.

She lingered in the doorway, "It's summer." She said.


"You boys should be outside. Enjoy the sunshine."

Peter rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure, fine."

Susie smiled compliantly, "See you later."

As soon as she left, they continued their conversation, "I just don't think we should be jumping to any conclusions." Peter reasoned calmly.

"We need to confront her." Danny shot back, "He's grooming her. He's a grown man, and she's a fucking child!"

"We need to approach this carefully, Danny." Peter said, "If we go in all guns blazing, she's only gonna shoot us down. Jen needs to know that we'll support her either way."

Danny collapsed back into the cushions, distractedly itching the bruise on his cheek, "I'm worried about her." He mumbled in defeat.

Peter smiled sadly, "Me too."

They looked up when Scott came stumbling out of his bedroom, one shoe missing, and his shirt on back to front. He froze when he saw them sat on the sofa, then hastily fixed on a smile, "Oh, hi." He spluttered, trying to pull his other shoe on, "Slept through my alarm...late for work..." He mumbled.

Danny grinned at him, trying to contain the laugh that was threatening to bubble up his throat. He had snuck out of Scott's bedroom just a couple of hours ago. It was no wonder he had slept through his alarm. "Were you up late?" He asked innocently.

Scott's cheeks reddened, and he quickly looked away, "Reading." He murmured, then cleared his throat.

"Oh, fun. What were you reading?" He pressed.

Peter looked across at Danny, his brows furrowing, "What d'you care? You hate books."

Danny shrugged, "Always willing to try new things."

"Was just...reading..." Panic flashed in Scott's eyes, "Plato."

Danny's grin widened, "Plato?"

"Yeah... I love Philosophy." He shrugged, reaching for the door handle, "Anyway, gotta run, see you later."

Peter watched him leave, confusion clouding his expression, "Was he acting weirdly to you?"

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