28: before

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Danny and Scott were laying under the sun in the small clearing by the lake, soaking up the last of the summer heat. The sky was blue and clear, the water smooth and glassy, the birds chirping overhead. The world was at peace, and they were so happy, it felt almost impossible.

"Are Pete and Jen gonna be mad that you took me here?" Scott asked. He was laying on his back, shirtless and beautiful, with his creamy sun blushed skinnand tousled chocolate curls dipping into his flushed face. "Isn't this your special spot? Just the three of you?"

"They're not gonna know I took you here." Danny couldn't help but reach out and run his fingertips across Scott's ribs, wanting to feel every inch of him.

Scott chuckled, swatting Danny's hand away, "Stop it, that tickles." He protested, instantly regretting his words when he saw the evil grin that spread across Danny's face. "No." Scott warned him, "Don't you dare."

Danny leapt onto Scott, straddling his waist, one hand pinning Scott's wrists above his head, the other running up and down Scott's sides, tickling every inch of exposed skin that Danny could reach. Scott laughed and squirmed beneath him, fighting for breath and trying to break out of Danny's grip. But it was no use, and eventually, he resigned to his fate, laughing uncontrollably until Danny dove down to plant his lips over Scott's, swallowing his laughter.

"I love you." Danny mumbled into his mouth, still pinning Scott's wrists down, devouring the boy beneath him like he was the tastiest thing in the world. The pathetic truth was, to Danny, he was.

Scott kissed him back fiercely, "I love you too." He said, words muffled by Danny's mouth.

They kissed until they couldn't breath, then continued to kiss until they were about to pass out, and only then did Danny roll off, laying back down beside Scott, their skin still touching. Their hearts were full, and their heads were empty. All they knew what that they were helplessly in love, and it felt wonderful and terrifying all at once.

Once Scott had levelled out his breathing, he tilted his head to the side, and found that Danny was already looking at him, "I like your face better without all those bruises." He said, lifting his hand up to run his fingers across Danny's cheek.

"Really?" Danny teased, "Because I thought the bruises made me look pretty hardcore. No one's gonna fuck with me if I look like I've just been in a fight."

"Not when it looks like you've just lost a fight."

Danny turned away at that, his eyes focussing on a bird flying overheard.

Scott instantly knew he had said the wrong thing and a pang of guilt and regret washed over him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay." Danny said quickly, still looking straight up at the sky, "I never really thanked you, by the way - for letting me stay over so much recently. I feel like I've moved in. Your Mum must hate me being there all the time, eating all your food."

Scott could tell that Danny was trying to change the subject, and he wasn't about to fight him on that, "You don't need to thank me. Plus, my Mum loves you. You're practically family."

"God, I hope not." He scoffed, "If we're family then that makes what we're doing pretty fucked up, don't you think?"

Scott should have let the conversation die there, but he couldn't resist; "And what are we doing?" He asked bashfully, "I know you're not one for labels but-"

"Scott." Danny grinned, sitting upright, and waiting for Scott to do the same. They sat opposite each other now, cross legged, and eyes full of stars, "Scott." Danny said again, softly this time.

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