Pain (without love- okay I'mma stop with references)

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A/N: I'm so sorry Kiyotaka simps this hurt me as well TwT 

Your P.O.V
After we got the motive, my motivation to continue the drawing was practically gone. So I just decided to head to bed straight up after since after all, it was pretty late by now. 
the next morning, I headed towards the dining hall like every day but something felt off. Taka wasn't here and he was usually so strong willed to be the first one after the morning announcement. 

Of course this felt totally weird and not only that, Hifumi and Celeste both weren't there as well and  Alter Ego was apparently stolen as well. this felt so weird and I tried to tell myself that Taka was probably just getting Hifumi or searching Alter Ego for Kyoko- But something was worrying me so god damn much and I couldn't get the bad feeling out of my stomach. Probably because missing people - and laptops - after a motive people definitely would kill for was never a good sign. But we would find Taka searching for Hifumi- right? 
I somehow calmed myself down before we all went off and searched for the others. We ignored the fact that alter ego was missing as well since the students that gone missing were more important right now. 
I searched the third floor with some other students and the first room I entered was the rec room. I mean obviously since it was directly facing the stairs which led down to the second floor of Hope's peak. I opened up the door to see Celeste unconcious on the floor with a hammer next to her. I quickly got all the others and we eventually got to know what was going on. Apparently, she was attacked by some kind of robot and it also took Hifumi with it. Now at least, we found one of the 3 missing students. Now only Taka and Hifumi were still missing. Hina took celeste with her into the nurses office while we others searched for the other people. 

I continued my search in the art room and nothing was there. before I left the artroom, I remembered that there was still a storage room of the art room and so I opened the door. I slightly pushed it open which was a little hard since something heavy was before the door but I eventually managed it. 
I thought my heart stopped beating for a short moment while I saw what was inside the storage room. It was Taka- another so called "Justice Hammer", next to him on the floor, both the hammer and his head covered in the dark red liquid. I fell down to my knees in surprise as I laid my  hands on his wrist, checking if he had pulse. Of course he didn't and his skin was ice cold and pale. I let go of his wrist and held the hand before my mouth while I struggled to hold back some tears. 

I heard some footsteps behind me. "Y/N? did you find anything?", I heard a familiar, deep voice asking me. I wasn't able to let out a word while I stared at my best friend's corpse. I noticed Mondo walk up behind me. "WHAT THE FUCK", he yelled out in a mixture of surprise, anger and sadness. I knew he was sad even though he didn't show it. Well, I knew how close they both were. I wiped off some small tears and suppressed some more as I stood up again. "I'MMA MAKE THIS BASTARD WHO KILLED HIM PAY", Mondo yelled out again. In the meanwhile, everyone was gathered in this room while the body discovery announcement started to play on the screen in the art storage room. I felt like crying but I didn't want to in front of everyone. And besides that, now it was important to search for clues that we would find the culprit. Or else everyone died as well. 

This was always a situation I tried to avoid having thoughts off. I never wanted to think about the situation that one of my friends might die and seeing this hurts. Badly. I just hoped this was a sick joke at that point and that I would wake up again, seeing Taka was alive. But this sadly, was reality. 
We all decided that some of the others should investigate the crime scene while the ones that usually barely had any evidence to add in the class trials would look for Hifumi. Since I usually barely found any clues, I just headed on with some of the others to head for searching the Fanfic creator. At some point, we heard some screams from the direction of the nurses office. 

We all hurried down, except the ones that investigated the crime scene and looked inside the nurses office. Inside was another  body. The ones of Hifumi of course. For the first moment, I thought we had to investigate on 2 cases but luckily, Hifumi was only unconcious, though he was bleeding a lot. There was another justice hammer, the same next to Celeste or Taka. 
Some of the others took care of his wound and let him rest a little in the nurses office so we left him alone for some time. But as we just wanted to head back to Taka's corpse - at this point I didn't really have much of a chance here and there weren't any excuses left that I could use to not to be at the crime scene of my best friend - the corpse was gone. 

This caused surprise and we searched everywhere. Suddenly, we heard Celeste's voice from the physics lab. In the storage room next to the physics lab, we eventually found Taka's corpse and another body discovery announcement was played while we saw Hifumi was dead now as well. Of course, now we really had to clear 2 murders and I just hoped we would get more time for the investigation than the other trials- I mean, those were 2 cases after all. 
How the fuck did I get into this situation- 

1025 words 

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