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Mondo's P.O.V
I pulled the blanket over Y/N's body, leaning back against the back of my chair. Now I needed to wait, hoping it wouldn't be too long until they woke up again. I mean I knew that they often skipped breakfast but I always thought that they ate after that- Like I don't usually eat breakfast as well but fuck I didn't know it was that bad?! How the fuck couldn't I notice that?! I could have done something but shit this was so fucking bad- I leaned myself back against the chair, taking a deep breath while I tried to calm the shit down and now I just needed to wait. 
But some time later, around half an hour, they finally woke up again. 

Your P.O.V
After some time, I opened up my eyes up again, completely confused. I was in a room and didn't really remember what had happened. The only thing that I really remembered was that I was in the dining hall and now I was in a room. I sat up, stretching myself, seeing Mondo sitting next to me. "What happened?", I asked him, extremely confused. "Oh god fucking damn don't you dare to worry me like that again. You collapsed in the dining hall", he replied. "Wait really? oh damn- Sorry that I worried you so much-", I let out, scratching the back of my head. The biker let out a sigh as he stood up, stretching himself. "It's fine, at least you're okay again", he let out. "Now let's go and grab something to eat, you'll feel better then and it won't happen again", he added. "But I'm not really hungry-", I let out.
 "Are you fucking kidding me? I get that you don't have any appetite after seeing all those corpses because same here but that doesn't mean that you can just skip every fucking meal! Didn't you just see how that turned out? This is a life or death situation and I  promised you I would be taking care of you and I won't let you just fucking starve so get your ass here, we're going to get something to eat, even if it's not that much", Mondo let out, raising his voice. I couldn't really describe the way I felt in this moment. I mean I knew that he was right and it's not like I wanted to do this anyways- "I mean- it's not like I want to skip eating but you're right-", I replied, getting up and stretching myself, letting my back crack. I wasn't quite sure how to react since I was somehow surprised by this kind of response. But not really in a negative way. "Listen I'm- I'm sorry that I yelled again okay? But still, I won't let you fucking starve", he replied to me. 

I didn't know why but that just made my mood so god damn better. Even though collapsing wasn't really a good thing, The things that Mondo told me just were somehow calming. It just felt to me like he really cared about me. Even though he was sometimes a riddle to me and even though he was sometimes a bit rude or violent, I could tell that he was a good guy. 
"Don't worry, it's fine", I replied to him, slightly smiling at him. 

Eventually, the two of us left his dorm, heading towards the dining hall again after I agreed on eating something eventually. I didn't really know how this could go so far that that had to happen. 
I just grabbed something small from the kitchen which I liked to eat and sat down in the dining hall, leaning back against the back of the chair, Mondo sitting down next to me. It didn't take me that long to finish my food as the screens in the dining hall and kitchen lit up, playing the nighttime announcement of Monokuma. I was glad that it was played now because then I had an excuse to go to bed. I was extremely tired and somehow exhausted which wasn't really a surprise after what had happened. Now I just wanted to go to bed again and to head back to one of our dorms, which the two of us did eventually. I was just glad to have someone that took care of me like that. I didn't really know if I was still alive if he wasn't there for me- But I decided not to think about it too much. 

The two of us entered his dorm again, letting ourselves fall down onto his bed next to each other. I stretched myself a bit, letting out a yawn. I quickly kicked off my shoes and laid them down next to his bed ordinary. The two of us laid down in his bed eventually, crawling under the warm and comfortable sheets. I didn't know why but right now, I had to remember the one scene when he was asleep, laying his arms around my waist from behind and it made my heart speed up slightly. I tried not to think about it too much as the two of us tried to sleep after he put off the desk lamp. I stretched myself, turning myself towards him. 
After some time, he was asleep and for some reason, I had a few troubles even though I was hella tired after collapsing. I felt a strong pair of arms snickering around my waist, pulling me closer towards the biker. While my face was buried in his chest, his head laid on top of mine. I didn't know why he was so cuddly when he was asleep but I didn't mind it at all. It rather was extremely comfortable. 
I laid my arms around his waist, pulling him a bit closer than before while closing my eyes again. I knew EXACTLY that I had something for him and I knew exactly that I had feelings though I never really wanted it to be true. But at this point, I couldn't really hide it from myself anymore. Drama which was all about love wouldn't have been necessary in a killing game where we all had different kind of worries. Also, even though I knew that he at least cared about me which was proofed today, I doubted that he would like me back in a romantic way. I was just so god damn scared what might happen to one of us or that I would regret not telling him. I was just so overwhelmed with this thing with feelings and stuff but right now, we all had other worries than a drama about feelings, so I just decided to enjoy this moment for now. 
I took a deep breath before eventually calming down again and closing my eyes once again, quickly falling asleep in his arms eventually.

1140 words 

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