meet again

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your P.O.V
After I got to know the whole story, I slowly started to remember more and more again. When we already knew each other before that would at least make sense for my feelings and why I was crushing on him so quickly. I wondered myself how that could happen so fast and so quickly but now it made  perfectly sense. After all, we all had been in the same class since years. The whole thing was really nerve wracking but I was just relieved this wasn't real right now. And I couldn't wait until the time, when all of the others woke up, including of course Mondo. 
But I was also really interesting to see, what the others would do and how it would end. And especially, who the mastermind was in that story. I mean, the situation may had been scripted but Tsumugi couldn't know what we were going to do anyways. 
And so all of the ones that died up to now was just able to sit there and watch what happened in the world they were in. 

And eventually, this was the end of the social experiment. I don't think that I would have gotten to the clue, that one of the died ones were actually an imposter and covered up the mastermind. But it was pretty interesting to see. Of course, Junko and Mukuro were the only ones that really knew what was going on and acted. Their actions were actually scripted, at least mostly apparently. 

Right now, I was sitting in my seat, fiddling with my fingers, somehow excited to see Mondo, who was one of the surviving again. We were called into the main room, where the things were in that we laid in when we were in that social experiment. 
All of them woke up eventually again, sitting up and getting out of the coffin-like things. I almost had to contain a smile as I saw Mondo standing tall in front of all of us along with all the other survivers. Tsumugi explained to them exactly the same as she did to us, making the others go through a lot of confusion. But in the end, all of us understood what was going on. 
I was somehow glad that I could see him again but that also meant that it was possible that we lost contact. so even if it was awkward, I had to ask for his number. 

After we got back our personal stuff, I scrolled through my phone to see something. I already had his number which made sense  since we had been in a class since a few years. So I really was glad I didn't have to go through that awkwardness and I think it was better for him as well, considering how easily he started to yell or how quickly he started to get nervous or embarrassed.  
I put away my phone again, stuffing it into my pockets of my pants and looked forward to see Mondo coming up to Taka and me. I greeted him as I smiled at him. This was the last thing that I expected after I escaped this hell. I sure as hell wouldn't forget the feeling of being in a class trial, knowing exactly I could die any minute. And I will never forget the atmosphere as I died in his literal arms and how bad I felt by the way he reacted. This may be over now but it still hurt what happened- 
But that was the wrong time to think about something like this. This was just really unmotivating right now. All that mattered right now was that I saw my two best friends again. We got caught up in a conversation while the first ones already left this place. "This is still feeling unreal as shit", Mondo let out, scratching the back of his head. "I know right? It really feels weird to be in a place like this after a killing game-", I replied. "Yea- this was nerve wracking as hell. But at least we are out of this shithole and it wasn't real", Mondo replied. "I don't mean to interrupt your conversation but maybe we should get going back home- apart from some others, we are the only ones still here", Taka let out. "Oh yea, you're right-", I let out in response. 
We all made our way out and as Mondo had to walk into another direction, I looked back, waving at him, smiling before concentrating back on Taka while the two of us headed back home again. 

I entered my home and went straight up to my room. I really missed this room and at the same time, it still felt so unreal, especially when you were still used to the life or death situation you were in recently. Though I was glad I wasn't in that ugly ass room anymore. I mean- even with posters and all that stuff, the rooms weren't really a lot prettier, it just made it look like the person living in it a lot more. But I was glad I was home again. 
I eventually headed towards the kitchen, getting some instant noodles out and waiting for the water to boil. I really missed the instant noodles and the times when I basically only ate this. I eventually poured the hot water into the cup, setting it down on my kitchen table while I sat down myself, pulling out my phone to check a few things like messages or social media as I waited for the noodles to get soft so that I could eat them. 
As I waited, I saw a notification on the top of my screen and so I opened up the message which came from Mondo. I wanted to write him as well, though I didn't really know what to write- I caught a smile sneaking into my face as I saw that he wrote me. Resting my head on one hand, I used the other hand to hold my phone and to answer him.
I don't really know what I have gotten myself into but it surely would get really complicated. I didn't really know HOW it happened and why, but I somehow managed to catch feelings for the muscular biker. I was somehow scared that I would destroy our friendship or something like that but there wasn't really a way around confronting him which kind of scared me. But now, I didn't really have to think about that too much anyways. I just had to hope that I would find the best moment to tell him. 

1107 words 

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