6: Feelings Bloom

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3rd person pov:

While holding hands. Shinsou leads izuku to the dorm room. When the door opens. Izuku is surprised by all of the Gothic cat art. On shinsou's couch is a huge black cat dumpling looking plush.

"H...here's my room. Sorry if it's a mess. I wasn't expecting company tonight."

Izuku doesn't respond but his eyes light up at the sight of the plush.

"Izuku? You like the cat?"

Shinsou picks it up to give to izuku for a cuddle.

"He's a good calming nubby. Hopefully he'll treat you well too."

Izuku pushes the plush away and hugs shinsou instead.

"A plush can't do what you can."

With a blushing smile. Shinsou runs his fingers through izuku's hair.

"Let's rest up. Tomorrow we'll tell a teacher about what happened."


Both crawl into bed, and with the plush between them. It's a smooth drift into slumber.

First thing in the morning is coffee before finding a teacher. That's when they find present mic.

"HEY THERE STUDENT! Do you need something?"

Izuku is nervous and shy. So he hides behind shinsou.

"Csn you tell him please? I...... I'm scared."

"Mic is a nice guy. There's nothing to fear but his hair gell bill."

"OUCH OOF You kids these days are quick with roasting."

"Sir it's important. Izuku is quirkless, and yet he's the best support gear student at ua. He needs our help. You see, he has a stalker that's threatened him."

"Was he the kid that has the missing dorm door?"

"Wait what?"

All three walk to the room and sure enough. Izuku's room had been broken into. With the door removed and his room a mess. It looked to be a thief. However the only things missing were the two letters, the door, an all might hoodie, and izuku's hero notes.

Mic:"Shinsou you aren't allowed to leave his side until we find the colpret behind this."

"Right, understood sir. So izuku. Wanna go out on another date? Since only teachers and students can get on campus. We know it's someone in house. So going out might be safer."

Izuku looks up at mic for reassurance. With a nod yes from mic. Shinsou grabs Izuku's hand and runs out.

"Where are we going Hitoshi?"

"Somewhere we'll have some fun."

Mic:"Stay safe you two lovebirds! Aww young love-"

Mic is surprised when he notices someone behind him.

"No one gets between me and my love. Not even a teacher."

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