29: Why Him

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3rd person pov:

Hawks sighs in frustration before giving chance behind dabi.

"I'm intrusting bakugou to you young heroes! See to it he's placed in tartarus prison!"

While sero and shinsou restrain bakugou. Jiro helps shoto get to a nearby medic for his wounds. Though not fatal, shoto wasn't unskaved by the fight. Jiro and the rest look for clues to see what happened, alongside the police.

Once bakugou was placed in a van. Shinsou hops in the back as support incase bakugou wakes up. Sure enough, thirty minutes into the ride, shinsou sees Bakugou's fingers twitch.

"So you're finally awake. Now it's my turn to ask you some questions."

"I see, so you survived. That's good to know, because now I can try to kill you all over again for kidnapping my deku."

Bakugou looks up from his slowched position with a determined glare straight into shinsou's gaze.

Elsewhere izuku wiggles around on Dabi's shoulder.

"Let me go. I have to see kacch- master again!"

Dabi keeps silent while walking forward. That's about the time Hawks Flys over to them.

"Dabi what the hell man."

"Take a look in his eyes and you'll see why I chose him instead of bakugou."

Hawks quickly darts over and sees only for a moment. Izuku's eyes seem lifeless and without spark of wonder. What was once jade green, now are grayish green like a nasty lake.


"The look i had before learning how to fight back. We both know so long as bakugou is alive. There's a chance he could come back. So who better to train this guy in self defense but us."

"Aww has your time being away from the league made you soft?"

"Shut it, you know i had to turn them in for survival. Plus I got dad's hero license revoked in the deal. So now I'm starting over on becoming a hero."

Izuku goes to punch dabi, but he's spotted beforehand. So dabi flair up in hopes izuku's natural fear of getting hurt stops him. Unfortunately dabi didn't realize that izuku fears bakugou more. Unexpecting it, dabi is pushes away by the attack. Causing him to let izuku go in order to stop himself from falling. Once on the ground, izuku makes a run for it.

Hawks rushes to Dabi's side.

"Wow he actually did some damage."

"Quit staring and go after him burdbrain."

"Oh right."

As izuku heads back. A red blur passes by. Only for it to be Hawks, who's now infront of izuku.

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