32: Fighting For Him

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3rd person pov :

With battle stances taken. Bakugou charges at shinsou with a blast ready in hand. His clothes burned to ribbons and body sindged from his escape. Shinsou smirks like he's won already.

"Think you've won already have you? You forget who was top in class for  mobility!"

Bakugou blasts up in the air and goes down on top of shinsou with a kick.  Hitoshi predict this.

"I know all of your moves though Bakugou."

Just as shinsou looks up. Bakugou isn't there. A voice calls from behind him in a whisper.

"I never showed my true potential in class."

Before he can react. Bakugou grabs a hand full of shinsou's hair, blasts them up in the air, adjusts their positions by spinning them with tiny blasts, and with a palm to the sky. Bakugou shoots shinsou down head first. As hitoshi's hand twitches like he wants to get up. Bakugou blasts his head, and shinsou goes limp.

"Heh you couldn't have stopped us anyway. So long as deku comes back to me of his own will. The law won't see it as abuse, but just us being kinky. "

As bakugou turns his back to shinsou. He feels a sharp pain in his right cafe muscle of his leg. He turns to see that during the fight. Shinsou snached the knife from bakugou and stabbed him. So as bakugou reaches for it. Bakugou sees movement of the scarf. Bakugou jumps high to avoid it and makes eye contact again with hitoshi. Unfortunately because of how the scarf was moving like a whip on the deck of the ship, plus exostion from over use of his quirk. Bakugou falls into the ocean. Shinsou stumbles to his feet and walks to the ledge. Where he doesn't catch sight of bakugou. Deep in the water a current sweeps bakugou away. Where he soon loses contiiusness.

^damnit...... I lost....... deku I'm sorry...... but I won't be able to keep my promis-^

Days turn into weeks as izuku watches the news while training under Toga.

"Izuwu he's not coming back. All water searching heroes can't find him. Use the skills i taught you to find another lover."

"You're wrong, he's alive. I won't have anyone but him no matter how long it takes."

Izuku walks away from the table he was working at to head down to the bar that he's employed at. Toga looks concerned before looking back at izuku's progress.

"That's a shame. What a talent to waste away."

As Toga walks behind izuku. It's reveals that izuku was working on a body that Toga killed. It's tied with shibari and cut carefully for bloodplay. While also dripping in his own blood to resemble training a pup with treats.

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