34 ulternate ending 1: Sweet Sweet Romantic Crazy

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3rd person pov:

Bakugou wakes up to find himself in chains. With face cage muzzle on. He realizes that he's being treated like a rabid dog.

"Oi deku! What the hell?!"

A crack of a whip is followed by the darkness fading to a light cutting on.

"Down boy. You've had your fun, but now it's my turn. If you really want us to be together like you said. We gotta work as a team and share the pleasure of pain."


With that sound. Bakugou falls onto his hands and knees. What caused it is two vibrators. One inside of him, and the other is strapped to his cock. The sensation catches him off guard.

"NAH~ AH! AH! AAAAGH!~ nnnnnmhmm~"

Izuku steps forward. With whip in hand. He places the top of the handle under Bakugou's chin and forces eye contact by lifting his gaze up.

"I am yours as you are mine. For today we start your training now puppy.~"

With a prick of his finger with a rac. Izuku starts to bleed. So using the blood. He places his finger out of Bakugou's reach outside of the muzzle. Lustful and now hirny. Bakugou sticks out his tongue wanting a taste. Only for izuku to pull it away just before a drop falls.

"Nah ah ah. That's a treat that you have to earn."

"Y......yes master~"

With hand signs. Izuku guides Bakugou with orders to come over, sit between his legs, and stay. As bakugou obeys. Izuku turns up the rate of vibration. With both hands between Bakugou's legs. He grinds on them wanting something more. So izuku pulls Bakugou's wrists up and on the bed.

"I need you to stay still and open your mouth. Think you can behave yourself?"

With a blushing nod. Izuku takes off the muzzle. That moment he charges to take a bite. Only to have his mouth plugged by a penis gag. Bakugou's first reaction is frustration but soon subsides when he starts to suck on it.

"Very good, now I'm gonna restrain you to me, and you won't be free until both of our cravings are satisfied. Only then will I reward you."

"I uher san maha"* I understand master.*

With chains removed. Izuku straps Bakugou's legs to the bed, but where he's topping Izuku. Midoriya pulls on the leash to force Bakugou onto to straddle. Izuku binds Bakugou's wrists together but keeps them free for balance. With wrists above Izuku's head. Their eyes lock and izuku teases Bakugou with a kiss to the gag before licking the drool off it.

In a soft but demanding tone izuku says with a smirk.

"That's a good slut. Now fuck me till we're dead."

With adjustments from izuku. Bakugou is in position to bounce on his master's cock.  The only thing izuku controls is how hard Bakugou cums and how desperate he wants his blood. With a light bite to his tongue like a scratch from his teeth. A bit of blood drips out. So izuku licks the back of the penis gag. With whimpering growns, bakugou picks up speed. Both begin to moan, growl, grown, and whine in pure sexual bliss. Non stop they keep going. Climax after climax until it hurts and nothing is left in the tanks. Dry and now painful to cum. They stop to breathe and bakugou collapses onto of izuku. With a chuckle, midoriya takes off the gag and offer a fresh cut to bakugou, but instead of taking it. Katsuki looks at izuku with the eyes of a hunter.

"So you want me to submit now? As you wish your majesty."

Izuku begins to put the same gag that was on bakugou on himself. Only for bakugou to stop him. Throwing it across the room in protest and kissing him passionately. During the kiss, izuku frees bakugou with a pull of a single rope end. Bakugou stop and backs away. Once off the bed. Izuku begins to worry if he had done something wrong. That's when Bakugou begins to speak.

"I love you with every fiber of my being. So I gotta know."

Bakugou searches threw his clothes and pulls out a box with a pet name charm for a collar as he gets on one knee.

"Will you be my extra?"

Izuku starts to cry tears of joy and puts it on.


(1 of 3 endings for this story. I couldn't decide so I'm putting them all in. Hope yall enjoy, and I'll see you either next chapter or next story❤)

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