Chapter 9 (part 2)

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We sit down on the couch and Andrew starts scrolling through netflix asking my opinion on movies every once in a while.
"Where's Paul?" I ask.
"He went out to get dinner. Saying something about not being able to buy groceries lately." I nod.
"What time is it?"
He looks down at his wristwatch. "Eight"
I slowly stand up from the couch with a sigh. "It's time for my medicine again." I say and walk into the kitchen. I find a bag with my medicine in it on the table and grab a glass of water before opening the bottle. After taking my medicine I walk back to Andrew and find that he chose to watch Mythbusters. "I love this show." I smile and sit down again. After a few moments I find myself dozing off and let sleep take over me.

"What the heck man?"
"She's still my fiancé!"
"I know..."
"Then why are you always.... So close to her?"
"She needed someone.... I wasn't going to leave her crying in the bathroom."
"She was crying again? Because of me?"
"I dunno. Maybe. She just needs a friend right now." I feel Andrew start to move who I was currently cuddling with in my sleep. I was awake for the whole conversation but just kept my eyes closed not knowing what else to do. Andrew lifts me off of him and slowly lays me back down on the couch. I keep my eyes close so I don't know what he does next.
"That's what I'm trying to be." I hear Paul say dejectedly.
"Honestly man I think you're just making things worse."
"What? How dare you say that? Who do you think you are? You don't even know her!"
"I didn't know the old Ashley very well but I might know this one better than you."
"What are you talking about?" Paul asks. He sounds angry and I contemplate pretending to wake up.
"She tells me everything. She trusts me."
"She trusts me too!" Paul yells.
"Are you sure about that?" Andrew yells back. I take a deep breath and do my best to make it seem like I'm just waking up. Opening my eyes slowly I see both guys looking over at me. Andrew smiles but Paul still looks angry. Actually he looks like he's going to cry again and my heart aches for him.
"Morning sleepyhead." Andrew says and Paul gives him a death glare again.
Paul grabs a bag from behind him and walks over to me "come on I bought dinner." He says and grabs my hand pulling me toward the kitchen, I obediently follow.

The three of us eat dinner in silence with Paul and Andrew giving each other dirty looks. I finally announce that I need some time alone, grab my plate, and walk to my room leaving the two brutes alone.

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