Chapter 11 (Paul's POV)

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         The next morning Ashley walks in the kitchen as I'm making breakfast. 

         "Good morning Ash!" Andrew says from the kitchen table. 

        I give him a look before saying my own greeting. Andrew says not to worry but i can't help be jealous that Ashley seems to get along better with him. "You must be hungry, going to sleep before dinner. Breakfast will be done soon. I'm making chocolate chip pancakes." I say. 

      A huge smile appears on Ashley's face "My favorite!" she announces sounding like an adorable kid. 

     I laugh happily, "I know!" The smile leaves ashley's face and awkwardness fills the room. Why do I keep doing stuff like this? Why can't I just keep my mouth shut.  "Um... and I made bacon too." I continue trying to get over the uncomfortableness. 

         "Paul makes the best bacon!" Andrew says and stands walking towards me. 

        He grabs a piece off of the plate beside me and I smack his hand away. "Dude!"

       "I can't help myself. Bacon is my weakness." Andrew says dramatically, drawing a laugh out of Ashley. Jealousy bubbles up inside of me again. 

        When I'm done cooking I bring the plates full of food over to the table, "enjoy." 

        "Ladies first." Andrew says and pushes the plates towards Ashley. She grabs one pancake and a few pieces of bacon before Andrew grabs three pancakes and a lot more bacon. 

     I fill my own plate before sitting down. "You have your first therapy appointment today at 2. I was able to get today off so I can take you. But I'll have to go back to work tomorrow. I hope you don't mind being alone for some time."

         Ashley starts to say something but Andrew interrupts her response. "I can be here. Yea I just got switched to night shifts so I'll pretty much be home all day. So you won't have to be alone Ashley."

       I catch myself glaring at Andrew but stop when I see Ashley looking at me. After making eye contact she looks away from me. "Thank you, Andrew."

        I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. Ashley and Andrew here alone all day. He's my best friend I should trust him but I just can't help feeling this way. And Ashley... I mean I should be able to trust her but it's like she's a whole other person now. I don't understand her anymore. 

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