Hospital time (with andrew)pt1

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Authors note: so this is just a snippet of the time Ashley spent in the hospital. Since I skip it in the story. Obviously her and Andrew become friends so this is basically how it happens. I might make some more. Probably more awkward moments with Paul. Or even her mom. Anyways enjoy! :)

I was alone. Usually Paul or my Mom stayed but because they had stayed so long while I was in my coma they needed to go back to work. I don't mind it really. I mean i understand life can't stop just because I got hurt... because I lost my memory. Besides being alone gives me time to think.
About... um... i don't know. I mean the last thing I remember is it was the summer of my sophomore year of college. What else am I supposed to think about. There's nothing else. I could think about the fact that I'm hurting Paul every time he sees me or that I feel like my mom is hiding something from me, or about when I asked about my dad she completely ignored me then left moments later. I shouldn't be thinking about this stuff.
"Ashley?" I hear a voice question quietly from the door. I turn sharply in surprise. "Oh good I thought you were asleep." Its Andrew Paul's best friend, his best man. I smile and grab the remote to move my bed into a sitting position.
"Nah, the drugs haven't set in yet. Sometimes its slow, sometimes fast." I shrug.
"I see" he replies with a slight nod as he awkwardly takes the seat next to my bed. His head is downcast and i stare at the top of it. Suddenly he looks up and i quickly look away. Like a stupid elementary girl with a crush.
We both start talking at the same time making things even more awkward than before. I laugh, "sorry about that." He says.
"Its alright... you first."
"No, you first. Its always ladies first."
I laugh again, "I was just gonna ask... no offense" I quickly add making him chuckle, " but uh, what are you doing here?"
"I was just going to explain what i was doing here. so ya know, no offense taken." he replies with a smirk. "Anyways Paul asked me to come. Since he knew no one could be here. He had to go back to work and you're mom..." he pauses. "Has um work too."
"Is there something wrong with my mom? I just I don't know i feel like theres something she's not telling me." i ask quietly.
"No she's fine. I just don't know her very well." He says adding a reassuring smile at the end.
"Did you know me? very well, i mean?"
"Uh... not really no sorry."
I sigh "Thats good i guess."
"It is?"
"Yea... its like you know about as much as i do about what i forgot. its nice i guess."
"Well i mean i probably could answer some of your questions."
I shake my head. "I don't want to know anything new right now." its silent again and i look away. But i can feel Andrews eyes studying me so i turn back to him. He seems to break out of some sort of trance and smiles at me.
"I brought some uh..." he reaches into his back pocket "I brought some cards. I thought you might want to play something."
I smile at him mischievously "Have you ever played speed?"
His smile grows as well "I love that game! I am the bomb dot com at that game."
"That is so lame." i remark with a laugh.
"Hey i only speak the truth."
"I only speak the truth. I only speak the truth." i chant with a weird accent and Andrews eyes seem to glow.
"Moulin Rouge."
"You know that movie?!" i practically squeal making him laugh.
"Yes!" he exclaims. "My sister loves that movie."
"Are you guys close?"
"Yea, she's my little sister I'm really protective over her."
"Thats nice. I wish i had siblings."
"Yea Paul always wished he did too. Thats why i was really glad when he found you. You made him not feel alone anymore. You're his family." I don't say anything in reply. "Oh I'm sorry ashley. I didn't mean to... i just i don't know. Im sorry."
"No its fine. Why don't we just play? Yea?"
"Yea! yes, lets play." He says and pulls the cards out of the box setting them up to play speed on the table that patients would use for food.
"Oh and by the way. you might be the bomb dot com... but I'm that queen." i say with a wink.
Andrew smirks "Ready? Go!" we turn over the first cards and start our game.
We end up playing five full rounds with andrew winning with three wins.
"I though you said you were the queen?"
"I am... Im just a little handicapped right now."
"Your broken leg doesn't effect your speed game."
"Well... technically it does. it makes me walk incredibly slow. Besides my ribs are broken too."
"Oh! poor baby." he teases.
"I am! i am a poor baby. you should not be teasing me in this time of need and hurting." i say with an overdramatic effect making us both burst up laughing.
"I'm sorry you're right. " he says when he's finally able to catch his breath. "I'll let you believe you could have beat me... because you're in a time of need and hurting."
I scoff, "Yea. thanks. Lam-O"
He laughs again "Who even uses that word anymore?"
"Who uses bomb dot com? and besides I'm three years behind you remember?" i say with a laugh but stop when i realize andrew is silent.
"Yea, no i forgot. I'm sorry."
"I meant that as joke."
"Well I'm still sorry i forgot."
"Well thats what i want you to do."
"Forget. just treat me normal. like a new friend. thats what i need."
"Okay. I'm..."
i interrupt him "And stop saying sorry."
"Okay." he replies with a slight chuckle.
"Good... now lets watch some tv." i grab the remote from beside me and it turns on to disney channel.
"Really?" andrew inquires with a laugh.
"Hey! i like disney channel leave me alone!" i pause. "Besides all the other channels are crappy." i grumble making andrew laugh again. We watch disney channel together and discuss how the old disney was so much better than this generations. i mean honestly what could beat Kim Possible. Which at the thought of Kim Possible we then broke out into her theme song.
Finally though Andrew looks down at his clock announcing its almost time for him to go "Paul should be here soon I have to work as well." he explains.
"Before you go..." i stop him.
"you said you might be able to answer some things for me, right?"
"Yea..." he answers hesitantly.
"Well i was just wondering. I mean maybe you could tell me." spit it out ashley. He'll be here any moment. "Did Paul really love me?"
Andrew seems a little taken back but a small smile follows. "with all his heart." we just stare at each other for a moment.
"Thanks." i say. He nods just as we hear a knock on the door before Paul walks in.
"Hey Andrew thanks so much for coming. I really appreciate it."
"No problem man. I was just leaving."
"Oh no need."
"I have to get some work done actually."
"Will you be back tomorrow?" i blurt out.
Andrew is already at the door when i ask. He nods. "Same time."
I smile "Bye." he nods again before completely walkingf out the door.
"So you and andrew seem to be getting on well." Paul points out as he sits in the seat andrew occupied not minutes before.
"Yea... is that weird?"
"No. well i mean kind of. you guys just didn't talk much before. its nice though I've always wanted you guys to be friends."
"Well now we are." I say with a smile.

and cue the uncomfortable silence.

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