Chapter two

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        Tomorrow... the word kept jumping back into my head over and over again. And every time it did I couldn't help the large grin that showed up on my face. Tomorrow I would be Mrs. Flynn. I squeal, it even sounded good in my head.

         I turn on the radio to help drive out the silence of my empty car. My bridesmaids gave me the address to where we were going tonight but wouldn't tell me the name. It took all my will to not look up exactly what the address was. When I told them I couldn't find the place if I didn't know the name they just replied saying I would know it when I saw it. "I hate surprises." I mumble to myself. I don't know why people keep trying to do it.

        I can't believe that after three years of dating Paul and I are finally getting married. It would have been for less than three years but we wanted to wait until we were both graduated from college, which had just happened earlier this year. I can still remember the first day we met, it was my sophomore year of college but I had just transferred schools after changing from beauty school to a history major. I was going to Point University my friend Trisha had begged me to go to the same school as her so after changing majors I decided I would.

        I walked into my first class which was a math for one of my general education classes and found there was only two spots left I took the one closer to the door and as I did I realized the guy sitting next to me was really attractive. I knew I had done good with my seating choice. He had blonde hair and green eyes and an easy-going smile which he flashed at me as I sat down. "Hey, I'm Tristan." he had said after I had settled in. I turned to him with what I had hoped was a flirty smile. "Hi, I'm Ashley." just as I reply a guy runs late into the classroom and I completely forgot about the person sitting beside me. This guy was definitely the cutest with shaggy light brown hair and bright baby blue eyes, he made my heart melt by just looking at him. It was the closest I ever felt to love at first sight.

        "Sorry professor."

        "Just sit down, Mr..."


        "Mr. Flynn, just don't make a habit out of this tardiness. I'm usually not so lenient."

        "Yes, sir." he saluted. I giggled unable to help myself, I was star struck, and the tardy guy looked over at me and smirked. I smiled sheepishly and looked down as I blushed. After class I feel a hand grab my shoulder as I'm walking out. I turn around expecting to see Tristin but instead I see the tardy class clown. "Hey, I'm Paul." he smiles at me and I automatically smile back.

        "My name is Ashley."

                                                                             HONK! HONK!

        I turn my head to the sound and see two lights barreling towards me; the last thought in my head is Paul's smiling face.

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