Chapter 10

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       I settle myself into a criss cross seated position on the bed and continuing eating. Was I being unfair to Paul? Yea Andrew and I do get along a bit better right now but it's just because he didn't know me before... it's just easier for me. Maybe I need to explain that Paul. I don't want to be the reason for a strain on their relationship. I mean they were obviously close, with Andrew being Paul's best man and all.  After I finish eating I hear hushed whispers outside my door and sigh. 

"I'm going in there and talking to her."

"Are you sure thats a good idea? I mean what if she was crying because of you?"

"Man, you're really getting on my nerves right now. She's my fiancé..."

"I'm just trying to help. She's..."

I swing the door open "I can hear everything you're saying and she... would really like to talk to Paul, if that's alright."

Paul gives Andrew a smug smile before walking in and I roll my eyes. Andrew closes the door and a few moments later I hear another door close. I sit on my bed and watch Paul pace the floor.

Finally he turns to face me "Andrew told me you were crying earlier? Was it my fault? Because I walked into the wrong room? or because I call you beautiful? Because I'm really sorry whatever it was." He looks so distressed, it's almost adorable. 

"Paul... stop. It's fine. You're fine. It wasn't your fault. It's just the situation." I reply and go to give him a hug because he really looks like he needs it even though it still makes me feel pretty uncomfortable. 

I let him hold me for a few moments before pulling away. "so obviously, you called me beautiful... but what did i call you?" I try to ask non-chalantly as I sit back down on my bed. 

He smiles and sits down beside me "You called me a lot of different things. Sweetie, babe, cutie pie, sweet cheeks you tried to be as demeaning as possible because you knew it bothered me. But you really couldn't do anything to make me stay mad at you. Though your favorite pet name and mine, was handsome."

"So you called me beautiful and I called you handsome?" I ask and he nods in return. "Just like I dreamed about when I was younger."

"You did?"

"Yea... you didn't know that?"

"No." he replies quietly, "I still don't know everything about you but I was excited to learn during... well yea. Ya' know..."

"Yea. I know."

"So was there something that you wanted to say as well?"

"Yea," I'm going to tell him about Andrew and not to worry but for some reason I can't get the words out. "I just wanted to say I really like it here. So far I mean."

He smiles, "good. I'm glad." I nod awkwardly. "Any memory jogging going on?"

I shake my head "not yet."

"Any questions for me?"

I think for a second and decide that i could probably handle a little more information. "How did we meet?"

"Oh um... it was a class we had together. I was always running late so obviously I was late for this class. Tardiness is something we've had plenty of conversations about by the way." we laugh together and he continues "I'm pretty sure I even saluted the teacher I don't know you laughed for some reason and..."

"OW! wait stop... hold on." I exclaim. The pain in my head was coming back. But this time it was joined by something else like a flash of a memory. 

"Ashley? Are you okay?" he asks sounding very scared.  

I nod "just give me a second." he nods as well and leans back on his hands staring at me, he still looks scared. I place my head in my hands and try to concentrate through the pain. "you were wearing red and...your hair was much longer." I turn to Paul and he looks shocked. 

"You remember?" his voice is laced with hope but I can tell he's still trying to hold his excitement back. 

"not really. I remember visually you. I can see you running in... and the salute." I add with a smirk.

"I'm ashamed of my nineteen year old self." he says with a groan. "I thought I was so cool."

"You still seem pretty cool to me." I add and laugh as he groans again. I sober up and look at him "I want to hear the rest of the story, but it hurts really bad when I think about it." I also can't help but think my mind is making up the memory because I've heard the story. 

"That's okay..." he responds with a smile, "we'll try again some other time. and maybe we should call the doctor about the headaches." I end up yawning but try to nod my head in response and Paul chuckles. "You seem tired. I'll let you get some rest."

"Okay" I say with another yawn lying down as he stands up. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. 

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