Chapter 8

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I wake up to find myself in a bed and room I don't recognize. All I can remember from before is the pain in my head. But it's gone now and as I think about it I realize this must be Paul's... I mean our condo. Suddenly Paul walks through the door. When he sees I'm awake he smiles.
"Hey beautiful..." He stops himself. "Ashley. Feeling better?"
I smile back "yea. Much thank you." I reply ignoring his earlier term of endearment. It made butterflies spring up in my stomach but I ignored them as well.
"Do you need anything?"
"Ill be right back."
"No I'd actually like to get it myself. If that's alright."
"Are you sure you feel up to it?"
I nod and start to stand up. He runs to my side and stands there to help me if I fall. He holds out his hand and I grab it, even though it's more for his sake than my own. We pass through the living room to find Andrew lying on the couch with his eyes closed he opens them though and sits up when he heard us walk in.
"Hey sleepyhead. You look much better." He says with a big smile like he's genuinely happy to see me look good.
"I feel better too." I reply with a small laugh.
Paul clears his throat and I look back at him. "The kitchen is this way." He says with a nod of his head to the left.
"Right." I say and follow him again. He goes to the cupboard and grabs a cup before passing it to me.
"Water dispenser is in the fridge to the left." I nod and open the fridge filling up my cup. I'm glad that he didn't insist on getting me the water. It's moment like these that I know he truly does know me. Even when I'm not feeling well I like to do things by myself even if it's little things. I just don't understand that if we knew each other so well, how I could forget all about him just like that. I look out the window and see that it's dark already.
"What time is it?" I ask turning around but Paul isn't behind me anymore. I bite my lip, a nervous habit, and take a seat at the table drinking my water.
"How are you feeling?" A voice behind me says making me jump. I hear a chuckle in reaction. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Andrew says as he sits across the table from me.
"It's fine." I reply with a nervous laugh. "I already told you I feel better."
"I'm not talking about the head ache."
"Oh..." I hesitate.
"He's in the shower if that's what your worried about." I know he doesn't mean anything bad with his words but for some reason they feel that way. Like I'm keeping a secret from Paul that I shouldn't be. I mean he was my fiancé that should mean something even if I don't remember it.
I decide to keep my answer to a minimum. "I'm good. It's just different. Ya know."
He laughs "i don't know actually. Never had amnesia before sorry." I give him a small smile in return. It's actually nice that he can joke about it now, before he was very serious about the whole subject. He turns serious again. "Ashley. You know you can tell me anything right?"
"Yea. Of course. Thanks." It's silent for a long time. Usually I'm so comfortable with Andrew but this feels like the awkward silences that we used to have when I first woke up. I'm just so confused about everything and everyone, I'm not trying to push him away.
"Well I'm gonna go watch tv if you wanna join me." He says quickly and gets up heading back into the living room.
I nod even though I know he can't see me anymore but remain in my spot looking around the small kitchen. The kitchen is beautiful actually. The walls are white and the cupboards are such a dark wood they almost look black. You can definitely tell it's all new. I recall Paul telling me that I loved the condo, I can see why I did. If I liked it then and like it now I guess I didn't change too much, that's good I think. I walk back into the living room after putting my cup in the dishwasher.
Andrew looks up at me as I walk in "how do I get back to my room again?"
"Uh... Down that hall. Yours is the last one to the right."
"No problem." I hear him say quietly as I make my way down the hall. Making it into my room I find that all my stuff is already in there. I feel so gross. I haven't really gotten I chance to settle down after leaving the hospital. Maybe I'll take a shower after Paul gets out. I grab some pajamas from my suitcase and start to walk out. The door opens and I find myself about to run into a half naked Paul, but we both stop before we do. I feel my face flush as I subconsciously check him out before quickly looking back at his eyes.
"Woah. Sorry I didn't know you were in here." He says with a blush forming on his cheeks as well.
"Uh.. No I'm sorry. Andrew told me this was my room."
"Oh it is. Well it was supposed to be our room and I haven't gotten a chance to take my stuff out of here yet. I just wasn't thinking sorry, again."
I find myself biting my lip again, Paul notices and smiles. "What?" I ask suddenly feeling self-conscious.
He looks flustered and chuckles a bit "oh it's... It's nothing." He replies shaking his head while rubbing his neck nervously.
I clear my throat "I'll just get out of your way then."
"Right. thank you." He says and moves to the side so I can get through. I give him a slight nod and make my way out of the room quickly.
"Oh Paul?" I say turning again.
He pokes his head out the door quickly. "Yes, beautif.... Ashley." He says making me blush again.
"Is it alright if I take a shower?"
"Oh yea. Of course. You're right next to the bathroom actually. There's clean towels on a rack in there. The shower is pretty easy to figure out. Just lift up on the knob and twist."
I smile "thanks."
"You're welcome." He replies with a lopsided smile before closing the bedroom door behind him. I walk into the bathroom closing the door quickly behind me leaning against it. I sigh. I just saw Paul half naked... That was interesting. I mean I know guys go swimming with their shirts off but there was nothing underneath that towel. I mean I guess that's the way it is with clothes too...Even just getting out of the shower he looks good. His hair looked all messy as of he just dried it with a towel, which he probably did but still... He looked really good. Oh gosh... Ashley you may be going crazy. I say to myself as I make my way into the shower.

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