chapter 17

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Telling Andrew I was leaving the next morning went a lot easier than I thought it would. He's always so strong- headed but after a little bit of trying to convince me to stay he gave up as well. He even agreed to give me a ride to the airport. Which is what we're doing now.

"So you think Edward is going to be like an evil step-father."

I laugh, "I hope not. Eleanor told me he was really nice and I trust her so... yeah."

"yeah. And your Mom is a great woman i'm sure she wouldn't marry a jerk."

"True." I laugh again. I was putting on a happy face for Andrew but honestly all of this is killing me. I know that me leaving is for the best. Paul will finally be able to have a life again but I know that I'll miss both of them. 

Andrew can't go past the security with me so we say our goodbyes in the front of the airport.

"I know we already talked about this. But is there really nothing I can do to make you stay?"

I shake my head no, "I'm sorry Andrew. I have to go."

"Okay." He pauses. "I'm really going to miss you. I'm so happy we were able to get so close. You're amazing."

"I'm going to miss you too. Thanks for always being there for me and making me laugh when I needed it the most."

"If it's okay with you, I'd really like to stay in touch."

I smile, "I'd like that."

"good." He smiles back and leans forward. His lips are touching mine before I can even realize what he was doing.

I push him back hard and yell, "What the heck do you think you're doing? I'm in love with Paul."

"I'm sorry Ashley. I just thought we were having a moment and...."

He rambles on but I ignore him and start laughing, laughing in disbelief. "I'm in with love Paul?" I take a step back from Andrew and it's like I'm in my own little world. "I'm in love with Paul." I'm laughing so hard and tears are falling down my cheeks, i'm not even sure if anyone can understand me right now.

"Ashley are you okay?"

I push my hair back from my face, "I'm great. I'm fantastic. I'm in love with Paul."

"What? Do you remember?"

"No... but its like, i don't know. It's like my heart knows but my brain is just having trouble catching up. But not only that through out this month... I think I fell in love with him again. I need to go back."

"I'll drive you back, besides he's at work." Andrews words bring me back down to earth again.

"We'll go to his work. Wait... you just kissed me. While you know you're best friend is in love with me. You don't get any part in this. I'll get a taxi." I turn away but stop. "Better yet. Give me the keys."


"Give me the keys! to the car." I say it so urgently that he hands them to me instantly.

I start running away with them and yell back "Get your own taxi!"

I get in the car and turn it on but just sit there for a moment. This will be my first time driving since my accident. I take a deep breath. "I can do this. I can do this for Paul." With that I reverse the car and start on my way to his office building. I can do this for the man that pushed his feelings away to make me feel comfortable, who slept in an office for a month so I could have a bed, who told me his favorite candy was something he didn't like to make me feel good, for a man who loved me unconditionally.

It feels like the drive takes forever especially since I stopped to pick something up from the store but nerves pile up as soon as I get to his building. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if i hurt him so much that he really wants me to leave? I decide that its worth the risk and I walk confidently into the building.

"Miss. Jones!" the receptionist greets me right away. "I haven't seen you here in a while. I heard you were in an accident. How are you?"

The receptionist knows me here? I guess i've been here before. "Hello. I'm good thank you. I'm looking for a Paul Flynn."

"Of course you are silly. Who else would you want to see. Mr. Burbank?" She asks with a laugh.

I give her a confused look and she stops laughing, "The man who owns the building..." I don't respond and she continues, "never mind. So did you guys postpone the wedding?"

"Postpone? um... "I laugh to myself, "Yes. It's postponed."

"Well I hope you guys getting married soon. You're a lovely couple. You can go on up. I'm sure Mr. Flynn will be happy to see you."

"Great... uh.. how do i get to his office?"

This time she's the one who looks confused but she doesn't question it, "Fourth floor. Go straight and then make the second right you should see his name on a plaque on the door."

"Thank you so much..." I look at her own name plaque. "Ruth." I smile and make my way quickly to the elevator. I pace around the small pace and try to think over what I'm going to say.

As soon as I open the door i'm greeted with a room full of desks and people. They all look at me and smile some even greet me with a wave and even more greet me with my name. I awkwardly say hi back as i try to follow Ruth's instructions to Paul's office. I make it to his door and realize he has a real office. How did he get a job like this? He's only twenty-five. Why does he have an office and all these people out here have cubicles? I decide to save my questions for later as I knock on the door.

"Come in." I hear his voice say through the door. When i open the door I see Paul sitting in a chair but he's faced away from the door.


He looks up seemingly shocked and when he sees its me he stands up quickly and moves to the front of his desk. "Ashley? What are you doing here?"

"I have something for you?"


I walk toward him. "I thought you might be mad at me. You know, for leaving, so I got you this." I hold out a bag of candy for him.

"Sour skittles." he says with a laugh as he takes them from my hand. 

"You're true favorite candy."

He smiles, "Thank you."

"you're welcome." I reply smiling back. 

"Wait Ashley. Don't you have a plane to catch? You're going to miss it. Do you want me to drive you over to the airport?" he suddenly gets hectic and tries to find his car keys.

"Paul. Stop. I'm not going to Texas."

He looks at me confused, "Why not?"

I take another step towards him, "I love you Paul."

"You remember?"

I smile and shrug, "enough."

"I love you Ashley." He says before pulling me into a kiss. He pulls away and caresses my face with his hand. "thank you."

"for what?" I ask as I let our foreheads rest against each other.

"For coming back to me." 

*Authors note*

Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed my story. If you did I would really appreciate it if you would share it with other people; friends, family, strangers, anyone really. There is a little bit of unfinished business so if you would like me to make a second story about Paul and Ashley let me know in the comments. This is my first finished chapter book and I know it's not perfect but I'm still really proud of it. Thanks for taking the journey of Paul and Ashley together with me. 

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