Ashley's P.O.V. (going home)

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"Ashley! so I heard you're heading out of here today? Are you excited?" Nurse Sharon asks me as she walks into the room i had been staying in for the past couple of days for testing. I just nod my head in response and she turns and starts talking to my mother. None of my memories are back; i still don't remember Paul as much as i did three days ago. But he's still trying; he came every day and talked to me but i can tell it hurt him... I hate hurting him.

Andrew visited me everyday too he usually came around lunchtime because neither my mom nor Paul could be at the hospital during that time and they hated leaving me alone. The nurses were lovely and i met some really nice friends whenever i went on my "walks" just 'cause i wanted to stretch my legs... well... leg; my left one is still in a huge cast. Despite all that can you believe that i still want to get out of this place. I want to see what 2015 looks like... actually no i don't; i'm so scared but i only told Andrew that... i feel like i can trust him.

"Okay, Ashley let me just go get you a wheelchair and you are outta here." Sharon says and walks out smiling; stepping out of the way as Paul comes in.

"hey Ashley." he says and smiles but stays near the door frame. He knows that i still feel uncomfortable around him. But i have the right to... right? i don't know this man for all i know he could be lieing to me about us being in love and he could be some creeper stalker. I told my mom this theory she says it isn't true but i have my doubts.

"Hey Paul" i smile slightly back.

"You excited to leave?" I nod to him. Why do people keep asking me this? Who wouldn't want to leave the hospital?

We all stand in uncomfortable silence until Sharon comes back in "okay Ashley go ahead and sit in here then ill send you off" she says with a smile.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late. My alarm didn't go off." Andrew says sounding like he just ran over here as he walks into the door.

"Andrew!" I say "i'm so glad you came." He smiles at me. I glance at Paul and his eyebrows are scrunched together in confusion as he looks at the both of us but I ignore it as my mom helps me get into the wheelchair.

Paul takes the chair from my mom and starts pushing me out of the room. My mom walks on one side of me and Andrew walks on the other. Before we walk outside I make Paul stop in front of the door. "You ready?" Andrew asks as he bends down so he is level with my face. He doesn't ask me if I'm excited.... He knows I'm not. But I nod anyways and he nods to Paul who starts moving the wheel chair toward again.

When we finally make it outside I let out a big breathe. Everything still looks the same. Just like its 2011 the only thing is we aren't in the same city. The last thing I remember was I was going to a community school right by my house. This was definitely not in my neighborhood. How could I never have asked them where we were. "Mom. Where are we?"

"San Diego." She answers quietly.


"You went to point Lima university."

"You mean Trisha finally convinced me?" I ask with a laugh.

She laughs too. "Yea you decided to change majors so you changed schools too."

I bite my lip. "I don't want to be a beautician anymore?" That had been my dream since like sophomore year of high school.

"Oh no you still do. But you decided you wanted it to be more of a side job. You wanted to become a history teacher instead."

"Oh..." I reply. History teacher? I had thought about it before but I never knew I... I can't do this. This is too much to handle... I think to myself as tears start to drip down my face.

"You okay?" I hear Andrew ask next to me." I smile at him but I'm sure it looks more like a grimace or something and nod. I try to wipe my tears away when none of them are looking but I'm sure all three of them notice. When we stop we are behind my mothers car. She still has the same old silver van I remember. Paul helps me up and into the passenger seat.

I turn to him before he can close the door. "No hover cars then?"

He chuckles "no hover cars." His smile is beautiful. I could really see myself falling for this man but it's just so scary. I'm so young I'm not ready for love yet... Well my mind isn't I guess I'm really not that young. I'm already twenty two... I can legally drink. I don't want to but still.

I stop him again "Paul? I question without looking at him out of embarrassment.

"Yea?" He asks sort of hopefully. I don't know why he sounds hopeful but to each his own I guess.

"I need help with my seat belt." Since I had broken my ribs it hurt to turn so I couldn't grab it.

"Oh.." I hear him sort of mutter. He grabs the seat belt and pulls it around me and buckles me in. It's sort of awkward but what choice did I have. I guess I could have suffered through the pain. I hear him chuckle but somehow it sounds sad.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing it's just this reminds me of..." He starts but then stops himself abruptly.

"Reminds you of what?" I ask quietly even though I'm not sure if I really want to know the answer.

"Nothing it doesn't matter."

"Just tell me Paul. How am I supposed to remember anything if you don't tell me anything?"

"It's just that this reminds me..." He hesitates then clears his throat before continuing. "This reminds me of the day I proposed to you." He says this so quietly I can barely hear him but the words bring a sick feeling to my stomach. I was right I didn't want to know. I hate this I really hate this. But I hate seeing Paul like this even more.

He is looking down so I softly lift up his face with my hand. "That does matter." I say then quickly pull my hand back and place it on my lap. Its quiet as I just feel him stare at me. "Just because I don't remember doesn't mean that it doesn't matter." I sort of mumble.

"Thank you." He replies and closes the door. I glance back at him in the rear view mirror. It's then that I realize the back windows are open so I can hear them. He's back there with my mom and Andrew and he's crying. "She's just... It's just... She's so... She's so Ashley. She doesn't even know me but she's so nice and caring and it hurts like hell because... Because I know she doesn't love me and that literally kills me inside." His words hurt me. I know I'm hurting him but I can't help it. I'm trying to be as nice as possible but he's right I don't love him. But I can't help that. It's not my fault. I'm so sorry Paul.

"I know..." I hear my mom reply.

"No." Paul replies and steps back from her. "No you don't. You dont know. Because she didn't forget you. You still have her! She still loves you." He practically yells at her. My mom just stands there and takes it. He starts sobbing even harder if that was even possible. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should go." My mom nods and hugs him and he walks away with Andrew. I pretend to be asleep when my mom gets in the car. I took some pain medication,that usually makes me sleepy, before we left so I know she believes me. Soon though the fake slumber becomes real.

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