Chapter 4: Ashley

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            The constant beeping sound is really starting to get to me, and the fact that I can't seem to open my eyes is not helping. The feeling of not being able to control my body is not fun. I try harder; and I still can't move anything so I decide to put all my focus on moving just my finger. Suddenly I feel my fingers on my right hand start to wiggle, at this triumph a smile also makes it on to my face. Encouraged, I try to move my other hand but it's constrained in something; like someone is holding it.

        A voice says my name but the speaker doesn't sound familiar. I want to find out who it is so I focus on opening my eyes next. After a few moments I feel my eyes flutter open. I look to my left where the voice came from and I'm suddenly looking into a pair of beautiful eyes. They were a deep blue and they contradicted so well with his light brown hair. Realizing that he is the one holding my hand and I quickly pull it from his in fear. Who is this man and why is he holding my hand? He seems confused and slightly hurt by my reaction, but the look quickly washes away and he smiles, "Ashley, I'm so glad you're okay." he leans in and when I realize that he is trying to kiss me I turn my head quickly to the side. He stops, "What's wrong?"

        "Who are you?" I ask fear and confusion apparent in my tone.

        The confusion is apparent on his face as he asks "You don't know who I am?"

        I shake my head, "Should I?"

        A look of fear flashes on his face and he stands quickly, startling me, "I'll be right back. Stay right here." Where else would I go, idiot? I can barely move. I think to myself as he practically runs out of the room. A second later he comes in with two more men, one obviously a doctor, the other another stranger and a woman walks in after them; my mom.

        "Mom!" she sighs in relief and runs to the side of my bed to hug me. I hug her back eagerly, happy to see a familiar face; but when I do there's a sharp pain in my ribs and I lay back down quickly.

        The doctor seems a bit relieved too, "Hello Ashley, I'm Doctor Miller. You were in a car crash and hit your head pretty hard. Be careful though because you broke a few ribs and as you probably already know your leg." he says indicating at my huge cast. Now I know why my ribs hurt too, I think as he continues. "Could I ask you a few questions?" I nod; he smiles and steps closer to me with a clipboard and pen in his hand. "What is your full name?"

        "Ashley Leeann Jones."

        "Good, when is your birthday?"

        "January 7, 1993."

        "How old are you?"

        "18" I answer quickly getting tired of these really easy questions. But when I look around I see that something is wrong everyone looks shocked and sort of scared; besides the doctor who just continues with the questions.

        "Okay last question. What year is it?"

        "It's 2011."

        "Okay, thank you Ashley." he says and smiles at me then turns to the other people in my room, "may I speak to Ms. Jones and Mr. Flynn alone please? We'll be right back." he says to the last man in the room. The man nods. They leave the room and the guy goes to the farthest wall and leans against it. He has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He seems to be looking everywhere but at me; he also looks incredibly uncomfortable like he can sense my gaze.

        "Hello," I say to him. He doesn't respond; he doesn't even look my way so after a few moments I ask, "No offense but who are you?"

        He finally looks at me but his eyes are full of the same confusion and surprise on everyone else's faces. He opens his mouth about to speak but stops as the doctor, my mom, and the man that was first in here with me comes back in. The doctor looks at me and sighs before speaking, "Ashley, as I said before you hit your head very hard and it seems as though it has caused you to have amnesia. From my questions it sounds like you can't remember the past four years." I just stare at him in complete shock unable to speak or even breathe. He looks at his watch then says, "I'm very sorry but I have to go. A nurse should be in here shortly if you have any questions." He walks out of the room and I just stare at the door until I hear someone clear their throat. I look back at the three people left in my room.

        "Baby I'm so sorry." My mom says and runs towards me again her arms stretched out for a hug. I hug her back slightly, the information the doctor just told me still processing in my head. I lost my memory? The past four years? What did I miss? I probably went to college then... does that mean I have to do it over? Well I guess so, I don't remember any of it. Who are the other two men in my room? Most importantly why did this have to happen to me? this can't be true? Can it?

        My mom let's go and I start to ask the questions that just went through my mind. "So I lost my memory. What did I miss?" I turn to the guys again, "And not trying to be rude but who are you two?"

        The men look at each other, one has complete sadness in his eyes and the other has sympathy. The brown eyed one speaks first, "um... I'm Andrew. We're friends and we met in college, through this guy." he says indicating the blue eyed man next to him.

        He doesn't say anything so I ask, "And you are?" as I say the words he flinches like it hurts him to a point of physical pain. I don't know why but seeing his pain brings heartache into my own body; it hurt to see his hurt.

        "I'm... I'm..." he looks at my mom and she nods as if giving him the say-so but also encouragement. He steps to the side of my bed his eyes looking at his hands instead of me. "I'm Paul.... Your fiancé."

        I shake my head slowly at first but then in brisk motions so much so that it starts to hurt, "No... No you're not. You can't be!" he reaches for my hand but I harshly pull it away far from his grasp.

        He pulls his hand away quickly and his eyes have tears in them as he says, "look at your hand." He sounds defeated. I stare at him for a second. My body is torn; half of me wants to pull him into hug and tell him everything is okay and the other half is yelling stranger danger and wants to get away as quickly as possible. "Ashley, look at your hand." he says again. I bring my left hand up to my face and see a ring on my finger; it has one big diamond in the middle and four around it two on each side. They go from biggest to smallest like stair- steps; it's so simple but gorgeous all the same, it's perfect... for me. I put my hand over my mouth and start sobbing. The kind of tears that make you completely unattractive and you start gasping and hiccupping and your face is all red; and I couldn't stop.

        How could I forget my fiancé? No this can't be happening? This must be a dream, right? I wouldn't forget the one I love. I shut my eyes tightly hoping that when I opened them I'd wake up in my bed but no such luck. Instead I see Paul, his eyes red and puffy too he looks like he wants to hug me but he decides against it and walks out of the hospital room. The other guy gives me one more look then follows Paul out of the room. My mom comes towards me again about to envelope me in another hug; but I push her away. She looks hurt but I can't find the will to even care. I can't even express what I'm feeling; all I know is that it hurts and it hurts really badly. I turn my head away from her and try to ignore the almost unbearable pain in my ribs that the crying was causing. 

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