Chapter Three

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Andrews POV

The lecture Hall was getting empty now as students left immediately the class ended, I still sat in class with Sue, we were catching up while she finished up her notes.

"So what do you have planned?" Sue asked and I shrugged and kept a straight face.
"I have a few places to check out, the cafe down the street by the park,

" That place looks boring" Sue interrupted.
"I'm not looking for fun Sue, I need a job" she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah whatever you're no fun anyway, you need to go out more, have fun and.."
"live your life" I finished for her.
"I know that Sue, you say it like everyday"

"It's great you know it Andy, it's also great you don't do anything about it", she started packing her books so I did the same.
"I do, I went to that party with you Friday night", I tried to defend myself which was pointless anyway,
"Oh you mean the one I literally dragged you to", she argued I should have known better.
"You need to move on from Miles and.."
"I have!"
I said raising my voice then I realized and calmed a little.
Miles was my ex boyfriend, who got a girl pregnant while we were dating and had to go off with her, I remember his last words.
"I love you Andy, but that baby is more important to me than anything, I'm really sorry"

Sue looked at me with pitiful eyes.
"I'm sorry" I said while getting up, Sue got up with me,
"No I'm sorry for bringing it up, I know how you hate the topic, you'll be fine honey".
"I'm fine Sue",
"And I believe you." she smiled.
"Get away from me I hate you"
I laughed as I playfully pushed her and she jumped on my back as we walked the halls,

"I love you Peaches" Sue said.
'Peaches', I don't know how, but Sue started calling me that sometime during high school, saying it suits me.

We were walking towards the parking lot with Sue's hand in mine. If you didn't know better, you'd think we were a couple.
"So, where are you going from here?", she asked,
"Well I will have to check S&E, the cafe down the street, the book shop up on Springler's Avenue, the fancy one we used to visit,
"Top bridge" Su put in.
"Exactly, then end the day with Jerry's".

" Yes! finally, something". Sue leaped for joy at this point which scared me a little.
"I hope you get hired at Jerry's dude that place is amazing"
"I know right" I smiled as I was on unlocking my car.
"Alright see you later fool, best of luck", she said as she kissed my cheek and walked away to her car.
"Thanks". I entered my car and drove off.

Damon's POV

I sat across from Mr Sinclair, we were rounding up and he kept looking at his watch I didn't blame him though, he had a flight to catch at 2p.m. There were three other representatives present in the meeting.
I looked over to Rosie as she never stopped typing on her laptop.

"Then I will have the board look into it and get back to you by Wednesday, if that is okay with you". He finished.
"Of course Mr Sinclair, it's fine, we will be expecting your feedback".
I said standing up and extending my hand to him.
"Alright then", he said standing and taking my hand.
"I have a plane to catch"
"Of course, I wish your wife a safe delivery and do let me know when you become a father". I said to him, smiling.

He was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes seemed to sparkle, his joy was obvious. "Thank you very much Damon, I will", he took off before I could say any other thing.

"I will be going out for lunch now Rosie, it's uhh.." I glanced at my watch, "12:15pm expect me at 1:30"
"Alright sir".

I left the building got in my car and headed straight to Jerry's, my uncle's restaurant, which happens to be my favorite around here.

It's nothing too big or fancy and it's not a small establishment either, just perfect for me as I tried avoiding any kind of attention whatsoever, and the booths are big enough to hide and give me the privacy I just needed, so why not...

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