Chapter Twenty Seven

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Damon's POV

He brought back water along with a snickers bar, which took me by surprise.

"I thought you might want it, you used to love it then, you always had it and ate it whenever you were stressed, I don't know if you still do that".

"Uhmm, yeah, kinda, Angel likes it too so.."

"Do you love him??"

Again, with this question
"Yes I do, a lot, more than anything".

He seemed to be analyzing my response.
"Do you still love me

Taking another drink of the water, I answered.
" Despite what you did, I still care about you a lot, but I don't love you anymore, not even a little, Angel is my whole world now"

"If you hadn't met Angel.. Wait, I just realized I don't even know his real name".
"Andrew".I said.

"Oh okay, if you hadn't met him, do you think we could've gotten back together??"
"Don't say that"
"I just did"

Before I knew it, Phil stood up, walked over and sat beside me.
"What are you doing?"

"I just want to see you face better", he said as he brushed my hair a little.
He kept looking deeply at my face, like he was studying it, then his hand came up and cupped my face, this had gone far enough, I thought as I shook my face from his hand.

"Can I kiss you?"
"What?, of course n...."

I was cut short by Philip's lips on mine, my eyes grew wide as I pushed him off me.

"What the hell is wro..." Again, cut short, as the door was flung open and to my greatest surprise.
There stood Angel, with Suzy behind him.

"What the hell.. Angel??" I was beyond dumbfounded, how did he??
I started moving towards him, but before I had taken 3 steps..

"It'll be in your best interest to keep your distance for now".
I stopped immediately.

He was so calm and collected, it made me scared cause that wasn't exactly Andrew.
He stepped off the doorway and into the house, followed by Suzy who shut the door behind her.

All the while, Philip didn't say anything, he just looked kinda sad and regretful, wait..

"Philip did you..?"
"What??, no!, how can you even think that?"

"Daddy errands huh?"

Angel said suddenly, walking slowly into the living room, never taking his eyes off me. He looked so different, it was a side of him I never saw before, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless.

"Look baby, whatever it is you're thinking, I promise you, it's not"
"What am I thinking, or better still, tell me what I'm supposed to think, given that I just walked in on you kissing your ex"

He came and stood in front of me, looking me directly in the eye, he was so close yet so far away, I wanted to reach out and hug him but I dared not make a move.

Worse still, I didn't know how to answer him..
"It's all a misunderstanding, it's not..."

"Do you know how much it hurt to see you hide it all from me, what happened to 'no secrets', doesn't apply on affairs with your ex??
Were you ever planning to tell me about this?"

"I promise you it's not like that, I was going to tell you tonight as soon as I got home, I swear I was going to tell you, but how did you get to know??"

"I knew from the beginning.

Last night when we were leaving the park, you saw Philip. when I noticed you froze looking at something behind, I checked the side mirror and saw him in the shadows, just barely, I wasn't sure it was him, but your reactions afterwards proved me right, you looked me in the face and lied to me.

Then I texted Sue, right then, on our way home, and told her.
You didn't even say anything to me the who ride home, because you were thinking about Philip"

He paused a little, so he did know after all, I'm such a fool, why didn't I tell him about it?
"You couldn't sleep last night, after working a little, you still kept awake.

I came into your office a little after midnight when I woke up and didn't find you on the bed, you had your back to the door, facing the window with a glass in hand and deep in thought, you didn't even hear the door open.
I turned back and went back to bed cause I knew if I had confronted you then, you would have cooked up something immediately, probably work keeping you up and making you down a bottle of whiskey at midnight.

This morning, Sue and I agreed to keep an eye on your movements, that's how I knew you got back from the office at 2pm, and when you drove out at 5:30pm, guess who was behind you?, yeah.. We've been sitting outside in the car, while you were here tongue-deep into your ex"

"That's not true"
Philip spoke.
"Really, what part of all I just said is not true??"
"The uhh tongue part..... There was no tongue".

"Look baby I'm so sorry I...."

"Sorry for what?"
He looked like he was about to cry.
"Sorry for what exactly Damon??"

Oh god please no, not the name, Angel never called me Damon.

"Are you sorry that you've been lying to me since yesterday, or god knows how long, and how many more lies there are.

Or are you sorry that you've been deceiving me, that you left me to come meet up with your ex in secret, and if I didn't know about this, I would be home now, just sitting and waiting for you to return so we could have dinner, because I would've waited for you, you know I would've waited"

Tears fell from his eyes now and I just couldn't take it anymore, I walked towards him and was about to take his hand before he smacked my hand away.

"Don't you fucking touch me"
He said as he wiped the tears from his face.

"You know what, I'm sorry for interrupting you, my bad, nice to meet you Philip, Sue and I will be on our way now".

"No wait, you can't possibly drive back now, it's late, I'll drive both of you, you can leave your car here, I'll send someone to get it in the morning"

"You've got to be more delusional than I thought if you really think I'll ride back with you, let's go Sue"

He said turning towards the door as I rushed forward and blocked the door.
"Look Angel, you just have to let me drive you home please, I can't let you go on your own, I'll tie you up if I have to"

"Then I hope you have the ropes already, cause even if you tie me, I'm not entering your car, what do you even take me for? you couldn't tell me you were meeting your ex, but you wanna force me to ride with you?? How dare you?"

"Andy please calm down" Sue came up and held him from behind.
"It's alright Damon, I understand you but we can definitely go back, I'll drive, so you have nothing to worry about, please, just let us go, Andy needs to rest".

Before I could say anything, Philip spoke.
"Uhm Andrew, I just want to say sorry, for all I put you through, I really didn't mean you any harm, I'm really sorry"

"Let's go Andy"
Sue said as she held his hand and pulled him. I moved from the door just as they went past it and out, into the night.

I took one more look at Philip as he mouthed a little 'I'm sorry'

"It's alright" I said and was able to smile a little at him as I went to out, closing the door behind me.

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