Chapter Six

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Suzanne's POV

It was already 5pm and time for me to leave as my shift ended, I picked bottle of wine from the store, paid for it and left, I stopped to get pizza before heading over to Andy's place. I got out of my car outside Andy's apartment, struggling with the pizza, the bottle of wine and my purse, I locked the door just at my phone rang in my purse, retrieving it, I sighed and muttered 'of course' as I saw 'Peaches' across the screen.

"Dude I'm in your apartment, calm your tits", I said and hung up without even allowing him to speak. I rode the elevator alone which I was grateful for anyway, stepping out and walking towards Andy's door, I stopped dead in my tracks for a few seconds, just a few steps from his door, something caught my eye, a banquet of the most beautiful white roses I ever saw laid carefully on his door mat.

Dropping the bottle of wine next to it, I fished for Andy's spare key in my bag, unlocking the door and opening it a little I heard music, but more loudly, I heard Andy trying to sing along but ending up remixing it, he sounded so happy. I walked in, dropping the pizza on the table, I went back out, he didn't see me as he had his back to me. Picking up the bottle of wine and the flowers, I inhaled, gosh they smelled heavenly too, I thought as I entered and locked the door.

I picked the remote and turned the music off, Andy's neck snapped back really quick, I thought it broke.
"Do you mind?, my ears are hurting", I said dramatically.
"Suueee", he screamed, rushed over and wrapped me in a bear hug.
"Uhh, suffocating down here" we both laughed as he released me.

"I'm just so happy Sue, honestly I didn't really expect to be hired at Jerry's, I didn't even get interviewed, they only asked if I could cook, so I would choose between working in the kitchen or serving tables, and you know I can't make scrambled eggs even if my life depended on it"

He finished with a little chuckle.
"Really?", I asked a little surprised as he nodded.
"Your charms Peaches, it's your charms", I finished as I ruffled his hair.

"But did you sneak in cause I didn't hear you come in"
"Really", I asked as I raised my eyebrows.
"I wish I could say the same for you, cause I heard every part of your awful singing, and no I didn't sneak in, you were just too loud".
He laughed as he moved to the table
"I smell pizza, god I'm starving"

"Oh my god, you got me flowers", he squealed, "they're gorgeous Sue, but you didn't have to".
He said as he smelled them and seemed to be in dreamland, his beautiful smile never leaving his face.

"I didn't get you those", I said and it brought him back as his face took on a confused look, then to a fake sad one immediately.
"Ohh, who are the for then?, or you got them from someone?", he was dropping them back on the table and moving closer to me now with a mischievous smile.

"C'mon tell me, it it Zach?"
"pfft, of course not", I rolled my eyes. Zach was a regular at the store, he came by often, a little too often I might add, he's told me he likes me a few times before but I always turned him down before he could finish, but he kept coming back anyway, saying time works magic.

"They're not from Zach, I mean.…they're not for me, they're for you", he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I picked them up on your doorstep on my way in, someone must've left them for you.
"Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about Sue", he let out a little laugh, he was speaking honestly, I noticed.

"Really?, you don't know who sent them, or haven't received something similar before?"
I was getting curious now as I moved closer and observed the flowers.
"Well, not that I know of, and if I did, I would have told you".
"Yeah that's true", I said as my eyes caught a little pink card in between the flowers, I plucked it out.
"I found something, it's a card" I said and handed it to him, he opened it and read out loud:

                    Wasn't really sure what an Angel looked like,
                   till I saw you, you're so beautiful, the roses
                   pale in comparison, permit me to admire
                  from afar, and let the roses remind you just how
                  breathtaking you are.
                                                              Secret Admirer

"Oh my god Andy, that's the cutest thing ever", I said as I grabbed the card from a very confused Andy only to confirm the words he read were actually true.

He let out a little laugh,.
"That definitely isn't me Sue, could be for anyone, are you sure you didn't pick it up at someone else's door", he asked pointing at the flowers. I put up a serious face.

"Really", he laughed, "I'm sorry Sue, I'm just saying, it could be for anyone, and I don't think…, just eat the damn pizza, it's getting cold", I interrupted him.

Of course, and you got a bottle of wine, honestly Sue, you're the best", he said, dashing into the kitchen.

"I know right", I said, more to myself as I grabbed a slice of pizza, taking a bite, I couldn't help but think about the flowers, Andy had an Admirer, it's either he chose to ignore the fact or he's just oblivious to it all, I couldn't help but wonder, Andy is gay, so there shouldn't be a problem as the flowers were obviously from a man… or were they not??.

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