Chapter Twenty Nine

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Damon's POV

"I'll uhm, leave you guys to sort things out"

Suzy said as she wore her jacket and hung her bag on her shoulder. Walking over to Angel she kissed his cheek.

"Love you peaches, and call me."
"Bye Damon" She said as she walked past me and shut the door after her.

After she left, Angel and I only managed to stand there and stare at each other, as I wasn't sure how to start.

"You didn't go home" He said quietly.
"I couldn't.
Look Angel I..."

He cut me short with his right hand up.
"I know you need to use the bathroom, so go on, and while you're at it, brush that kiss off your mouth before you talk to me"

He said as he moved into the kitchen.
Oh god how I loved this boy, I thought as I hurried to the bathroom.
Happy to have relieved myself, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and felt a lot better.

Coming out of the bathroom, I found him sitting in the kitchen, phone in hand, typing away. Even with the tired outlook, he looked so fucking beautiful, god, how could I ever do anything to jeopardize this..
Again, that would be the biggest mistake of my life.

Walking towards him, he looked up from his phone at me.
He had on an expressionless face so it was hard to know what he was thinking.

"Hi" I said before I knew it.
A little pause.
"Hi" he said too.
"How are you doing?" I asked, really wanting to know.
"Could be better" He shrugged.

"You?, how do you feel after cheating on me??"
I was shattered, hearing him say it like that just hurt too much.
"I wouldn't call it that baby"
"Attempted cheating then" He said even more calmly. I didn't know how to respond, cause if that wasn't the truth, then I don't know what is.

"For goodness sake Dee, what were you thinking, lying and sneaking off to meet your ex at his place, at that time??, what the hell am I supposed to think?, I'm hurt, you really hurt me Dee.
Just imagine the reverse were the case, you'd have lost your mind.

We agreed not to keep secrets, your ex got back into town and wants to see you, why tell me all the little things then hide something as deep as that from me?, something that could easily affect our relationship"

He moved forward till he was right in front of me.
"All you had to do was tell me Dee"
He said, as he raised his right palm to his chest.
"You promised to tell me everything, so it's either you had ulterior motives or you already got used to not keeping that promise".
He finished looking me in the eyes.

"I promise you Angel, it's none of that, I had no other motive from this than to gain closure, and I never lied or kept anything from you in the past.
I promise I was going to tell you as soon as I returned from his place, okay..I was going to tell you everything, even how he kissed me.

Now I can't really say why I held it from the beginning, maybe I didn't want to give you any reason to worry, but I'm really sorry for keeping it from you and lying to you"
I took his hand in mine.

"I'm really sorry Angel, I assure you that nothing of this sort will happen again.
Please just forgive me this time, I really can't do anything if you don't.

Since the very first day I saw you at Jerry's, I knew I was done for, I knew you were going to be the death of me, and when you agreed to be with me, I thought, well I must've done so much good in my past life cause what did I do to deserve this..

I know it looked like I cheated on you, but I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. This, means everything to me, you mean everything to me, if I lose you, I've really lost it all.
I love you so much Angel, so much it hurts when we're apart" a tear fell from my eye before I knew it.

Still looking at me, Angel raised his free hand to my face, wiping the tears, he held my face as I leaned into his hand. Then he hugged me, hands around my neck as I held him so tight, I thought he would snap.

" I love you too Dee, and I already forgave you" he said against my neck.
"I missed you so much Angel, I said hugging him even tighter as he withdrew himself from me laughing.
"Are you trying to kill me now?" he asked still laughing which made me smile, it felt so good to see him laugh again.

My eyes followed his body as he moved around the kitchen.
All I wanted now was to have that body in my hands and just do magic with it.
"You must be hungry, would you like pancakes??"
I looked up to his face, letting my desires show as he watched my face.

"No, not pancakes."

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