Chapter Twelve

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Damon's POV

This is it, it's now or never, I was going to tell him everything now, I thought as I sat alone on a park bench waiting for him, I'm not sure how he's going to react but at least I...

"Hello Damon"
I heard the most beautiful voice from behind, I stood up and turned around, already knowing who it was.
He was smiling at me, I smiled back.
"Uhh hi", I stretched my hand out to him and he took it.
Of course, he hand is even softer than I expected it to be.

He withdrew it as I didn't seem to want to let go.
Get a grip of yourself Day, you're practically drooling.
He was clad in black shorts, a simple grey t-shirt and converse, so casual, yet looked so good.

We sat in silence for a while admiring the scene before us, I chose this place specially cause of the serenity, and I wanted something outdoor and relaxing. Looking at him from the corner of my eyes, he seemed relaxed.

"I'll try and go straight to the point Angel"
Again, but this time, I didn't care, that seemed to get him as he turned towards me with a surprised look, which changed into a confused one.

"I'm your secret admirer, I've been the one sending you those packages, the flowers, I handpicked them according to how they represented your beauty, every word in those cards are true, since the first day I saw you at Jerry's searching for a job, I've been deeply drawn to you, I think about you every minute, and when I'm not doing that, I'm watching you from afar, you don't know the lengths I go just to see your face, what I'd give to have you smile at me everyday, and every night, I dream about making you mine, you're an Angel, my Angel.
I think I'm in love with you, no scratch that, actually, I'm in love with you Angel, funny as it may seem, it's just the plain truth, and I really hope you don't take this the wrong way".

I finished, looking into his eyes, his mouth was slightly open as he was still in shock, before I could say something else, he leaned in and kissed me, ever so lightly, his lips just brushing against mine.

I didn't realize my eyes were open and I wasn't moving, I think I froze.
Just then he pulled away quickly seeming to be back to himself again

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..."
Screw that, I thought as I grabbed his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
This time, precise, his lips were so soft, he seemed to relax into the kiss as he leaned in more, placing a hand on my chest and kissing me back.

Sparks flew all over, my heart stopped beating, the surroundings faded away and I didn't hear a sound, it's like we were teleported to another universe, where we were completely alone.
His lips worked in harmony with mine, and I could've stayed like that forever, untill he pulled away, slightly gasping for air and looking deep into my eyes.

We were like that for a few moments, our hands still on each other, then as slowly as ever, we pulled away from each other as he tore his gaze away from me and started to look away.
I slowly and carefully grabbed his chin, turning him to face me again.

"I'm not sorry for kissing you Angel, I totally meant to do it and I don't regret it, I just need you to understand, you're my source of life now, previously I needed a large cup of coffee to start my day with, but now after seeing you each morning, I barely need any coffee as I'm awoken anew and fully energized to do whatever.

It's like you're that drug I never knew I needed, and now that I have, I can't do without anymore. I want to love you in every way Angel , I never want to see a frown resting on this beautiful face"
I said as I slowly caressed his face, he closed his eyes, feeling every bit of my touch.

"I want to make you happy, I want to take care of you and...."
I paused, not knowing how to put that last sentence.
"And I want you to want me too".

He opened his eyes and looked brightly at me, god, this boy was truly breathtaking, blue eyes that seemed to draw me in more and more, with two piercings in his left ear and one in his right, he wore a dropping earring today, normally, it's a stud.

"Truth be told", he spoke, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you also, wishing you were my secret admirer, wishes do come true after all". He smiled that Angelic smile at me as I still didn't believe what I just heard..
"Really?" I asked to be sure.
"Yes really" He was still smiling.
Just what did I do right??

"I think we should take things easy, get to know each other and you know, just see where this leads"

"Yeah about that", his face fell as he took on a sad look.

"As much as I really want to do this with you, I don't think I can survive another heartbreak, don't take this the wrong way, but you pass off as the player type, you're wealthy, good looking, you must have men and women flocking around you, and___ look at me baby, I would die before I break your heart, and I'm not just bluffing, how could I ever hurt someone so pure and angelic?.
Rough relationship in the past??, yeah, been there, I understand, but please just give me the chance to try"

He didn't say anything, only looked me, so I continued..
"And you can tell me all about the heartbreak on our next date"
I finished, feeling proud of my myself.

"What, who said, I didn't", he said in between laughs
"Okay fine, you sly"
I laughed a little at that, "whatever you call me"

We sat still in silence for a few more minutes, just soaking in everything.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to your car"
I said as I stood up, offering him my hand, which he didn't hesitate to take as we begin walking the distance to the parking lot.
'I could get used to this', I thought as I relished the moment.

Just as he was about to enter his car, I held his waist and kissed him on the cheek.
"Goodnight Angel"
"Goodnight", he said weakly, got in and drove off.

As I drove home that day, I thought about how my life was changing right before my very eyes, I wasn't skeptical about Angel, I wasn't unsure, I wasn't trying to be safe, I just knew this was truly it, and I wasn't going to let that boy out of my sight, not for anything in this world.

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