Chapter Four

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Damon's POV

I was meeting Ry there, he texted that he was there already, somehow, Ryder was always early for food, I laughed at that, of course he would, standing at 6 foot 4 and built like a wrestler with tattoos covering his entire upper body, from his waist up to his neck including the entire length of his arms compared to the few tattoos I have scattered all over my body.
Ryder was also gay, you could say we had a lot in common.

I entered the restaurant and headed straight for our favorite booth, it was in the far left corner from the door, to meet Ry talking on the phone, he smiled more as soon as he saw me.

I sunk into the chair across from him and sighed tiredly, I looked over at Ry he was very masculine with jet black hair and well trimmed beard.
He laughed as he talked more on the phone, he's most likely talking with Kayden, he's not this relaxed with many people.
"Alright baby take care, I gotta go now, Day is about to bite my head off"

I rolled my eyes, of course it was Kayden.
"I'll be back earlier today okay.."
Ryder continued as I looked around and saw Alex approaching our table with his head down and flushed cheeks, he was a 5"8 blonde with brown eyes,
"See you later tonight baby, bye", he said as he dropped the call.

"About time", I said as I turned to him, he chuckled.
"Sorry man, you know how Kayden is, very clingy and demanding"
"Yeah and I don't see you complaining so.. , hey Alex", I looked up with a smile as Alex stood before us.
"Hello Damon, Ryder". he said, nodding at us respectfully and flashing his white pearls.
"Hello beautiful", Ry replied with a smirk, Alex face couldn't get any redder, I'm sure.

"Ry would you leave the kid alone", I said smiling, knowing Ry to always fool around.
"What?, I didn't do anything wrong now, did I?", he protested, feigning an innocent face, I couldn't hold the chuckle you that escaped my lips.
"Just get us the special Alex", he nodded and scurried away as I turned to face rider who still had his eyes on Alex.

"Okay just what do you think you are doing?, and you are scaring that kid, I know you are not planning anything funny, we don't want a repeat of…" I got interrupted by Ry.

"I know I know, come on man you know I wouldn't do anything to Kay, he is the only thing I want, he really is everything to me", he said sincerely.
"Good, let's keep it that way".

Our food arrived and I couldn't help but think back to what happened 6 months ago, as I dug into the food. Kayden had found out Ryder was seeing someone else and broke down completely, he left town and was totally unreachable.

It was when his mother called crying, that Kayden had come home half dead, that we rushed over and found him high on drugs with cuts on his left arm.
I have never seen Ryder that weak and sympathetic, he cried a lot, I guess it was then he realized just how much Kayden meant to him, and how much the boy loved him in return.

It's been a bed of roses for them ever since, Ry did and gave Kayden everything he wanted, was always available for him and they were so happy and in love.
I had that kind of happiness once, I thought as I remembered Philip, my face must have showed it as Ry asked with a concerned look on his face.

"You okay man, don't like the food?"
"No nothing like that, the food is perfect why?"
"I don't know, your face just dropped all of a sudden and you had this sour look"
"I'm alright", I assured him with a smile as we went back to our food, talking about little things here and there.

It was 15 minutes past 1pm, we were done eating and was just about to get going when the door to the restaurant opened and the most beautiful person I ever saw walked in, he was about 5"8, black skinny jeans, ripped a little on both knees, white sneakers and a blue t-shirt, safe to say I was hooked to this little Angel, and I wasn't even ready to fight it, he was a little skinny and had a tired expression as he walked straight to Alex, they talked a little then Alex motioned for him to wait, he sat at a table and played with his fingers, he looked nervous.

"Hey buddy, Damon!"
I shook, turning to Ry who was shouting by now and snapping his fingers in my face.
"Sorry man, uhm, I uhm… what were you saying?"
Ryder was still looking at me with a confused expression, he turned to look at the angel in the form of a boy, then at me, he suddenly broke into a wide smile, I was sweating by now.

"Oh my god Day, you were ogling that boy just now, you like him don't you?"
I let out a nervous chuckle.
"What??, no, I mean.. I don't even know what you are talking about"
Ryder laughed.
"Of course you do, he's gorgeous though". I looked over at the boy again he was talking on the phone now, god I was hooked, no scratch that, I was done for, just then Alex came back with our bill. Yes, I insisted we paid every time we visited, although my uncle still doesn't like the idea.

"That boy over there, do you know him?" I asked Alex as I nodded in the direction of angel boy, well, might as well call him what he looks like.
"No, he saw the signs we put up for hiring so he came to apply, Adam (the manager) will get back to him in a minute".

"Give him the job"
I said without thinking, "tell Adam to give him whatever he wants to do".
I spoke too soon, I knew it, but I didn't really care much at this point.
Ignoring the smug look on Ryder's face and Alex's shocked expression, I got up, collected my phone and keys from the table, stole one more glance at Angel boy then left the restaurant with Ry following closely behind laughing.

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