Chapter Sixteen

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Andrew's POV

"You're fired"

I sat up straight, and looked at him, searching for a hint of amusement, finding none, I began to panic.

"You're joking right",  I let out a fearful chuckle.
"Oh no Angel, I'm far from joking, you're really fired, turn in your uniform tomorrow, I'll get across to Adam immediately to hire someone else"

"What? c'mon, you can't just fire me, I like working there, and I've made friends, besides I'm good at what I do".

I said as I reached across and grabbed his hands and held them in mine, "Please"
I put on the best pleading face I could conjure.
He looked at our enjoined hands and seemed to be considering it, then he looked back up at me.

"And that's final, you really think you'd be my boyfriend and keep working at Jerry's??, hell no.
Do you know how much it pained me to see you work there?, you barely had any rest, you get off your shift late and had to wake up early the next morning for school, I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, I really can't let you keep working at Jerry's, I'm sorry" he said as he caressed my face.

"Yeah, but I'm not complaining" I said, removing his hand from my face, you don't get to touch me now  Mr.
"Well I am"
He said flatly, refusing to give in.
"And I could do with that extra money", I took one last attempt at arguing.
"You know I'll give you anything you want"
I knew we were going to get to this, and I was ready.

"No you won't, and we're not going to do that"
I said, getting up and packing our stuff into the basket a little too hastily.

"Yes, I can, and I will." He said getting up too.

"Suit yourself", I said packing the last of the items.
"All I know is I want to work and have MY own money, and what you're not gonna do is throw all your money on me like I'm some pole dancer"
I turned to start walking towards the car"

He grabbed my arm before I even took two steps
"Listen Angel, let's not fight okay"
I said, and turned to continue walking.

"Hey hey, look at me", he held my hand and used his other hand to turn my face slowly towards him"

"I'm not trying to take anything from you, believe me,  I just want to take care of you, and you stressing out at Jerry's everyday just dosen't sit right with me, my money is yours, my house is your house, my heart and body is yours, you really own it all, you have no idea, I can give you anything you desire, and trust me, it dosen't make you feel less of a man, I  know you like to do things by yourself, but please let me take care of you, please Angel"

"Just let me try at least, who knows, I might fail woefully and you'd use it yo come back at me, but please just turn in your uniform tomorrow, look we can find something else for you to do later, if you really want to, something less demanding.
But for now, I'd really like for you to just go to school okay, I don't need you stressing out over work and school at the same time,  please."

Looking into his eyes, I couldn't help but notice the sincerity, I knew this was gonna happen and I knew I couldn't fight it even if I tried. I sighed and cupped his face in my palms, and smiled..

"I totally understand, and I'm willing to do anything with you, know why?"
I said as I kissed his forehead, then the tip of his nose.
"Cause I love you Mr. Moore"
Then I kissed his lips, ever so softly, then pulled away.

He was looking into my eyes with a look of need, almost immediately, he pulled me in back and kissed me, sweet at first, but deepened as his hands grabbed my waist more firmly, and moved me even further into him, as I lost my hands in his hair, his hands moved up my back and down again, my mouth opened a little to let out a little whimper just in time for his tongue to slide in, I felt sparks fly as it met mine, in that moment, I felt it all, love, desire, happiness, and honestly, I couldn't ask for more.

I pulled away to breathe, and we just stood there, staring at each other, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"I love you more Angel."

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