chaper 1

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Lumin sits up in bed in Derek's loft, he had another nightmare about the hale house fire, his face covered in sweat, he leans back, he turns on his phone, it reads 4am Lumin sighs and sits back up, he goes to the kitchen and pours himself a water,

"These nightmares are just getting worse and worse, even after all these years. " he says to himself as he drinks the water, he goes back to his bed, his phone buzzed, he sighs and picks it up, the screen flashing, a text reading,

'Lumin, meet up at Your old house.' From Scott

Lumin sighs, he gets up puts on some light blue jeans,  taking off his Grey short sleeved shirt and putting on a black short sleeved undershirt and putting on his leather jacket his older brother Derek got for him,

'On my way, gotta tell Derek or uncle pete.'

Lumin texted back he doesn't put on any boots, he shoots a text to Derek's phone telling him where he's headed,  he puts on his boots and walks out the loft trying to be quiet.

He gets on his motorcycle and puts on his helmet,  he drives around 25 minutes to get back to his old house, he gets to the house and outside of it is Scott and Stiles,  he props up his bike, taking off his helmet he looks at the beta Scott mcall, he's slighly taller than lumin, he has brown eyes, tan skin, and short brown Hair, he's a werewolf.
Then there's Stiles,  the sarcastic human boy who Derek has the hots for, he has hazel eyes brown Hair and two specific moles on his face.

Lumin rushes up to Scott,
"What's up." He asks as he hugs Scott, 
Scott looks at the house, "we could've found something important about why you keep having the nightmares." Scott says, the three walk in, Stiles goes a head of them,

"we've found a symbol similar to your and Derek's pack symbol,  but it's a lot more scary."
Stiles says, they go to the old living room, lumin sees a symbol,  it was definitely a pack symbol, not his, but of an enemy pack.
Lumin stops in his tracks, his eyes wide, Scott notices this,
"Hey, lumin, what is this?" He asks, Stiles takes a photo of it, the sun starting to rise,
"I need to get back to the loft!" Lumin said walking away, Stiles quickly grabs lumins arm,
"Woah, buddy, what's the symbol?!" He asks looking into lumins fear stricken eyes,
"A pack has targeted me and Derek...." lumin responds taking a shaky breath in, "we all need to go, It looks recent!" Lumin says rushing quickly to his bike shooting a quick text to Derek,
'Derek, the pack is back...'
Scott and Stiles rush to Stiles jeep,

"Call me when you guys get home safe!" Lumin says before putting back on his helmet, Scott and Stiles both tear out of there, Lumin sits a minute, he looks at the house,  "shit...I need to go now." He says turning his bike around, he hears a distant howl, fear consumes him, he tears out of the forest, he gets to the road, his heart beating fast.

He dives at a fast pace, suddenly a shape is coming at him, a deer, no, an elk, lumin screams as he turns his bike to the side quickly as he does his werewolf senses kick in, his eyes glow a gold color then suddenly his eyes fade to an electric blue, his bike and him slide the elk seems to jump Over him, lumin rolls and ends up in a ditch, he hits his head and blacks out.

The sound of birds is heard,  he takes a big breath in he coughs and grips his chest,  he got the breath knocked out of him, he realized he was knocked out, he searches his pockets for his phone,
"Shit." He curses under his breath,  he stands up, he takes off his helmet, dried blood dried on his face he also had a bloody nose.

He pulls himself from the ditch, the sun blinding his eyes for a few seconds,  he sees his bike on its side, near a tree around 3oo feet away from the ditch he was in, a sheriff car by it, It's Noah, Stiles's dad, Mr Stilinski looks over at lumin, rushing over,

"Kid are you alright?" Noah asks, lumin nods, "Stiles called me told me you didnt answer his call when he tried to call you, he called derek, said you didnt answer." Mr Stilinski explained,  "i need to call Uncle Pete....Derek...." lumin says, he's getting dizzy, "we already called them, when we couldn't find you." Noah says looking at lumin like a scared father, Lumin nods,

"I, I was knocked out, an elk ran me off the road I, i wasn't able to correct myself." Lumin says, he rubs his head,

"Your bike is totaled, looks like it was torn up pretty bad." Mr Stilinski says he walks lumin over to his cruiser and sets him in the front, Lumin holds his head, he pulls down the mirror, he sees blood still coming from his face and head,
"Why am I not healing..." he mutters to himself
Mr Stilinski just sighs and puts lumins bike in the back of another bigger cruiser before he does, lumin catches a glance of the same symbol from the house but his eyesight were blurry.

Lumins eyesight gets blurry, Noah notices this,
"Hey, I'm going to get you to the hospital,  I'll call Melissa." He says through the window, he gets into the driver's seat,
"Mr Stilinski can, I use your phone, I need to call Derek." Lumin pleaded with Noah, he nods and hands Lumin his phone.

"Derek..." lumin asks in the receiver,
"LUMIN, thank God, Stiles told me you didnt call back and when I got that text from you I thought-" Derek sounded worried then Peter's voice is heard,
"Lumin, we will be having a talk when you get back, both about the pack and you not waking us up!"peter sounded more mad, but he's bad at hiding when he sounds worried,  lumin chuckled,  "Good to hear your voice uncle pete, I'll be at the hospital,  I need to desperately talk to you as well." He says, groaning,  his head killing him, he whispers into the phone,

"I'm not healing,  and my eyes can't glow..." he whispers, faking his voice to sound like he's in pain so Noah doesn't think anything is up,
Derek answered this time,

"Are you sure, I'll be on my way to the hospital now, if your not being able to heal that is a problem." He says before hanging up, lumin hands Noah back his phone, they pull up to the hospital,  lumin steps up, he falls to the ground his vision going blurry, the world going black,
"KID, OH SHIT MELISSA!" is all he can hear before nothing.

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