chapter 10

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"Jessica!" Issac exclaimed,  he grips onto lumins arm tight, Lumin looks to the ground,
"Alright, I'll tell, Chris, and Allison." A window above opens, it's Chris, looking down on the three crossbow in hand,

"Mr Argent, I'm not here to hurt the boy, but I will tell you, two other werewolves will be here, as extra protection!" He seemed to sense Chris's presence, not looking up at all,
"Please don't shoot them, they are only here on my orders, Aiden, and Ethan." He says, Chris grunts in response, with the window still open.

Lumin sighs, and goes to turn away, Deucalian grabs his arm,
"Lumin, I don't want to hurt you more by saying this but I am very sorry about your brother...but listen to me when I say this, of time comes where you need an alphas bite the most," Deucalian says,
"Call me, I'll be there." Deucalian walks off into the dark of the night, two pairs of red eyes glow and Ethan and Aiden walk into the light, Ethan just growls, Aiden seemed to care the most about lumin.

Aiden is the first to come up to lumin,
"We will do patrols, Argents will take care of you two during the night, while me and Ethan will during the day." Aiden explains a plan they had for if Kahli goes to find lumin and Issac, they will each stay with one person. Ethan with Issac, and Aiden with lumin. Chris heard the plan and changed a few ideas,

"If one of you could patrol around the house during the night it will serve as extra time for us if she attacks." Chris says, lumin barley heard him but the others did, the group nods in agreement, Aiden is the first to take night duty.

In the morning it's time for a full weekend of research, Stiles Scott, and the others of the group, other than Erica and Boyd, almost the entire pack were there at the Argents house, Ethan and Aiden stayed outside securing the premises.

Stiles looks at a bunch of papers,
"Alright so lumins human, he learning how to Handle weapons,  we have an idea for the next sacrifices, but we don't know for sure." Stiles pipes up, he picks up some papers,
"Protectors." He says,
"People who will protect others by giving their life for them." Scott says,
"But who would fulfill that?" Allison asks, Chris was out getting more Intel from his hunter buddies.
Lydia takes a step back,
"Everyone quiet...lumin Derek's jacket go get it!" She says, Lumin nods and rushes upstairs, and coming back down with it In hand.
Lydia grabs it and touches it,

"Somones looking for this jacket."

At the loft, Derek is looking for his jacket, he has looked almost everywhere, 
"Where is that damn thing." He says taking a step back his face full of concentration, Jessica comes up behind him and kisses him,
"You'll find it." She says, wrapping her arms around his waist, he nods and kisses her, feeling uncomfortable while doing so, like he's supposed to be with somone else.

Him and Jessica stay in the loft, Derek takes Jessica's phone to call lumin but everytime he does Jessica snatches it away from him, like she's got somthing to hide.

Back at the argents house its been 5 hours of research, its now about to be night.
Scott's group has left leaving Ethan, Aiden, Issac, Allison and Lumin. They all sit around the table, silent that's when they get a call, Aidens phone, he picks it up,

"Deucalian?" He asks, he just nods,
"Yeah, okay, do you want us to meet you?" He nods, he then shakes his head no,
"No, he's fine, but we found out the next targets for Jessica's sacrifices, protectors." He nods a few more times before hanging up, he puts his phone back into his pocket,
He puts his hands on the table,

"Okay, so Deucalian needs to have a meeting with me and Ethan, but, he also needs Isaac to come," Aiden explained,
"But he doesn't feel comfortable with leaving lumin alone with only Allison,  and with Chris not back yet, we don't know if that's when Kahli will strike." Aiden finishes his explanation,
Lumin stands up,
"You guys go, we will cover the house in moutian ash, Allison knows how to use a bow, and I know how to use knives, and that crossbow." Lumin says looking at Isaacs determination,
Issac stands up,
"If we can get a hold of Peter he can maybe come by and help us out." Issac calmly says, The others nod in agreement.

Ethan, Aiden, and Issac all leave, Allison and Lumin get to work on putting mountain ash all on the windows, doors, and any other areas of entry, they also have a small bag of mountain ash, just in case.

Issac walks behind the twins as they walk to the field of where the spiral is Lumins mothers territory to see what else that they can find, Deucalian is standing in the middle, his face grim, Issac is the first to speak,
"Alright, what did you find Deucalian." He walks up to Deucalian he sees a glowing flower, it's the same flower used to heal lumin, but it's color is now different,  like a blood red, he goes down to touch it,

"It'd be better if you don't touch it." He says, putting out his hand, burn marks over his palm,
"This flower is what kahli needs to finish lumin." Deucalian says, he looks Over to the twins,
"Both of you, did you happen to see Kahli by the Argent house?" He asks, the two shake their head,

"She must be in hiding, we haven't caught a scent of hers yet." Ethan responded, Deucalian growls,
"She's waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Then a ringing phone is heard, Isaacs,  he picks it up,

"Hello?" He asks into the receiver,
"Hello Issac, I don't smell you at the argents house would be a shame if I killed Allison's Dad, right outside now wouldn't it." It's kahlis voice, Deucalian growls, he hears the conversion from here, Isaacs face becomes a pale white,
"Call lumin tell him your outside, I won't kill your boy toy just yet I just wanna have a little fun." She says, Issac can see her devilish grin from the phone,

"You stay away-"
"Issac, please, call lumin." Chris is heard saying, Issac nods and hangs up.

Back at the house, lumin is sitting in front of the front door, his phone rings,

"Oh its Issac, they are back." He Says standing up, he answers the phone,

"Lumin, hey, we are outside, can you let us in?" He asks, Lumin is already unlocking the door,
"Yeah, already doing it, ill walk outside first, I'm human now so mountain ash doesn't prevent me from leaving." He chuckled, the phone hangs up, he doesn't question it, he unlocks the door and walks out,



Allison rushes out she sees her dad sitting by his car, he has blood going down his face, he was hit outside the head Allison looks frantically for Lumin, calling out to him, the realization hits her, lumin was taken by Kahli.

Issac and the others even Deucalian use their wolf abilities to get to the Argents house Allison is back outside,  her dad, braking the moutian ash seal so the group can come in Allison is freaking out,
"I went upstairs to grab somthing,  and when I came down, Dad was outside,  the door wide open,  it's, it's my fault!" He says hitting her hands on the table, Deucalian looks at Allison,
"It is no one's fault, your father would be dead if you came out instead of lumin, Kahli is going to use him in a way...." he says,
"She plays with her food before she kills it, like a killer whale." He says, Issac has been quiet ever since the phone call, his face white and full of anger, Ethan and Aiden, just growl, 

"That bitch!" Ethan yells, walking out, not before Aiden stops him,
"No, Ethan, if Kahli finds out your following her, she'll kill him." He calms his brother down and comes back to the table, Chris with a bandage on his head,
"Aiden is right, if we get anywhere near Kahli, she'll rip his throat out."

The table goes quiet,
"We have to find Derek." Issac finally says he takes out his phone and diles a number,  it's Derek's phone, it rings but no one answers, he sighs and puts his phone on the table,  another phone rings, it's coming from Derek's jacket,  Issac rushes to the jacket that was hanging on thr chair that was in front of the door.
Issac picks up the phone and answers it,


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