chapter 2

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The buzzing of those long lights that schools and hospitals use, start to fill lumins brain, his hearing intensified, he started to hear heart beats, one, two, three, four, five, five heartbeats all around him.

He slowly opens his eyes, he takes a big breath in as if he hasn't been breathing, his head hurting the buzzing starting to drift off to the back of his mind, the light hits his eyes, he groans, he looks Over to his left, there is Derek, he looks tired and concerned,  his hands intertwined together. His hands under his chin.

He's the first one up and looking directly at lumin, he sighs in relief, to the right, Stiles,  Scott and uncle Peter are there on a couch, Stiles and Scott are passed out. Papers everywhere including many books, Peter looks at some papers, he seems to look up and almost smile at lumin.

Derek scoots his chair closer,
"You okay?" He asks right away,
"Other than the loud heartbeats and the hospital equipment, yeah I'm gold." Lumin smiles, Derek wraps his arms around lumin,

"Derek,  I have to do a check up on him dont hug him to hard."
A female voice says sternly, it's Melissa Mcall, Scott's mother, Derek nods,
"Can I ask him somthing real quick?" Peter asks, Melissa nods and walks out,
"Show me your eyes?" Peter says, Derek glares at him, "He just woke up peter!" Derek growls, his eyes flashing a bright red, the color of an alpha, Peter backs down, 

"Derek, it's okay." Lumin says, calming his older brother down, he looks at Peter, he closes his eyes, concentrating on showing the color of his eyes, but he feels off somehow, he grips his left eye, after opening it for a few seconds,  Peter looks stunned,
"Derek,  I need to talk to you outside." Peter stands up, Derek grabs lumins hand and pats it before following Peter out.

Lumin looks at Scott and Stiles,  "oi, sleeping beauties!" He yells, Scott wakes up and falls out of the chair, and Stiles who was on the ground wakes up with a paper stuck to his face, Lumin chuckled,  Scott comes up right away and hugs lumin,
"You alright?" Scott asks, lumin nods,  Stiles is whiping drool off of his face comes up about a minute later, "well, I'm guessing you found something?" Lumin asks, he sits up in bed, feeling a new pain, in his Lowder back, he doesn't mind.

"Well, Peter and Derek told us its from a pack, a pack of-" Scott starts but lumin cuts him off,
"A pack of alphas, yeah, I know." Stiles looks at the papers, "so we also found out that,  there are deaths happening around Beacon Hills, killings if you wanna call them that." Stiles pulls out a police file, lumin looks at him,
"You Stiles,  stealing from your father, man lowest of the low." Lumin, Scott and Stiles all laugh,  suddenly he can hear Peter yell,

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT LUMIN ISNT DYING!" Lumin, Scott, and even Stiles jump,

"Call me later, we will chat about this later Stiles." Lumin says looking down at his hands, lumin looks to Scott, as if asking, 'did you hear what they were saying?' Scott nods his head yes, lumin sighs, "Stiles Scott, go to school...." lumin says trying to play off the akward silence when Peter and Derek walk back in, Peter's eyes glowing an electric blue, Derek covers his eyes.

After a few more minutes Stiles and Scott leave and lumin is left with Derek and Peter.
"What happened out there?" Derek asks,
"What?" Lumin asks,
"At the carnival, what do you mean what!?" Peter asks, lumin looks down,
"Scott texted me, I've been having more and more nightmares about the fire...and I asked Scott and Stiles for help." Lumin explained,  "after we saw the alpha pack symbol we all left, and then an elk ran straight at me." He says, shifing again his lower back in pain, Derek seems to notice this.

Peter nods, "we were talking about why you weren't healing, and, why only one or your eyes glowed." Lumins mouth goes agape,
"Only, one?" He seems to ask, Derek nods, "we also think why you can't heal, is because,  you lost half of your wolf side in the crash, do you remember any specific details?" Peter asks, Derek takes lumins hand and his back pain seems to disappear, 
"Derek, stop, I'm okay, and no, uncle pete, all i-" he stops, sitting up, "no, wait, Sheriff Stilinski Said my bike was all torn up, I only slid about maybe 100 feet behind it." He said he looks at his hands.

Derek looks at lumin, "what?" Derek asks, "before I blacked out I remember seeing how far it slid, it was almost thrown two times farther than where I slid into the forest." Lumin says, Peter gets the look of terror, he tries to hide it by looking interested in something else, Derek looks at lumin.

"The pack was out there with me...." lumin says fear taking over he starts to breath faster, his heart racing, his eyes start to close, Derek quickly goes into protective brother mode and takes lumins shoulders.
He looks at lumins face,
"Hey, lumin, it's okay, hey, count with me." Lumin looks at Derek,
"One." They count together,
"Two..." lumins breathing slows down,
"Three...." lumin is able to close his eyes and take a deep breath in,
Derek bumps fourheads with lumin, a thing they've done since they were kids, Peter seems to have disappeared.

Lumin looks at Derek, "you have to look on my bike, maybe it has something to do with the pack being back!" He says looking into Derek's green almost hazel like eyes, lumin grabs his left eye again, Derek backs  up, lumin feels something run down his nose, he shakily moves his hand to his nose, he looks at his now wet fingers and

Black blood

Black blood is coming from his nose.

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