chapter 14

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After two days, lumin has stayed in his bed, but he gets up every now and again to practice his walking, Derek doesn't suspect a thing, Peter and Deucalian continue to get lumins strength up,
"Okay, show me, attack me." Deucalian says, setting down his cane,
Lumin nods, he rushes at Deucalian, he throws a punch, lumin ducks, he then sees kahlis eyes, he stops and gets struck by Deucalian,
"My god, are you okay?!" Deucalian stops and looks at lumin, he had fallen to the ground, he nods,
"Y-yeah, I'm good, I... I keep seeing Kahli, every time..." lumin says standing up and looking at Deucalian,
"I'm guessing your nightmares haven't stopped?" Deucalian asks,
Lumin can just nod.

Deucalian and Lumin stop training, they sit at the counter waiting for Derek to get back, Deucalian told Derek that he would be keeping Lumin safe until Saturday.
The loft door opens and Issac walks in with Scott and Stiles, Scott comes over,
"Okay, so Issac told us that you have a plan." Scott says,
Lumin nods he goes over to his bed and pulls out the plan he made, he hands it to Scott,
"You can't tell Derek, at all." Lumin warns, Issac and the others nod, Deucalian stands up,
"We will and can beat Jessica with this, it's almost fool proof, Lumin just has to make sure to get out once the lunar eclipse happens."

Scott looks over the plan,
"Okay, so, as soon as the eclipse happens you run out of there, and leave it to me, Derek, and Deucalian?" Scott asks,
Lumin nods,
"Yeah, but, I can stay if you really need me to." Lumin says,
Scott shakes his head,
"No you need to stay safe Lumin."

Lumin nodded,

The group leaves other than Deucalian and Peter.

In a few more days, it will be time.

After day 4 of training, its the lunar eclipse, Deucalian, lumin, and Scott got the trap ready.

Lumin set up the bags,
"Are you all good?" He asks Deucalian who was getting the last bag ready, even though he's blind he can definitely set up a good trap.

Scott looked around,
"Okay, so Jessica and Derek walk through here, and me and Deucalian wait here, once Derek and Jessica are right here, you cut the bags and run." Scott stated,
Lumin crawled down from one of the bags,
"Yep, if anything goes wrong, you both Have to run." Lumin states.

Deucalian and Scott nods,
"Now we wait." Deucalian states going to an old boiler and sits down,

Scott pulls out his phone, and texts Stiles and Issac,
"They are ready to start searching." Scott states,

Lumin nods, he walks around the mill, seeing a rod of metal sticking out from one of the old boilers dumped here, grimacing at anyone getting hurt from that.

Lumin finally sits down and closes his eyes for a small nap before the battle.

He seemed to lose a few hours because it was dark, and Scott was shaking him awake,
"It's go time." Lumin nods and crawls up to the first bag.

The doors suddenly bust open and Derek and Jessica walk in,
"Oh Scott, did you really think siding with Deucalian can help you now." Jessica laughs,
Scott takes a step forward,
"You kidnapped my mother!" He yells angrily, Deucalian takes a step forward, "Why don't you come a little closer and see who you're messing with." Deucalian then begins to transform to his alpha form, his skin becoming Grey almost black,
"I am the alpha of alphas, I AM THE DEMON WOLF!" He roars, his glasses crack as he takes them off his face, his bright red eyes glowing bright red,

Jessica laughs,
"You think that scares me!" She takes a few steps closer, right in the spot,
Lumin then cuts the bag, the bag hits her, garlic, and mountain ash begins to fly around the room, she screams in pain,

Lumin jumps down and runs to the other bag, cutting it, Deucalian, Scott, and Derek all cover their eyes and mouth, the second bag hits, bringing Jessica to her knees, lumin slides to the last bag, behind Deucalian and Scott, they both move out of the way.

When Jessica stands the last bag hits her backwards, she flies back past Derek, her true from was shown, she looked like a monster,
She stands up and screams,

Lumin Ran to hide behind some boxes,
"You bastards!" Jessica screams, running at Deucalian and Scott, Deucalian smiles and dodges Jessica's attacks, Scott and Deucalian begin to attack Jessica, but Derek fights alongside Jessica, trying to stop the two.

Then the light slowly begins to shine through,
Derek gets thrown and hits a wall, suddenly Jessica backs up and uses mountain ash to make a circle around herself,
"Try and get past this Wolfie." She says to Scott, she becomes her human form, Scott runs at the Force field and starts to push past it,

Deucalian watches closely,
"Now see Derek, why Scott is the truest of the true, and why we need to work together!" Deucalian holds out his hand to Derek, he takes it and stands up,

Lumik watches closely,
Scott pushes more and more, suddenly his eyes become bright red, he roars at Jessica, suddenly the mountain ash circle explodes in a blue beam.

Jessica is left confused, she tries to make a run for it,

But the light, the sun is crossing the moon,
Scott blocks her way and pushes her down, she then gets grabbed by Deucalian, but her strength is still to great, she lifts Deucalian up and slams him down,

Scott tries to stop her, but gets thrown to the side,
"WE CANT BEAT HER!" Scott yells feeling himself lose his wolf abilities, Derek can feel it as well,

Jessica then grabs Deucalians head and begins to smash his head into the ground,
"YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS!" Jessica screams at Deucalian, his eyes slowly go back to their blind state,
Lumin watches in horror, he bites his knuckles they start to bleed,

Derek runs over,
"Jessica stop!" She turns around and grabs him by the throat,
"Why! He did this to me!" She yells,
"Show him what he did to you." He says, he is above the air,
She smiles,
"Yes....exactly." She suddenly transforms to her true form, and goes over to Deucalian, she grabs him by the hair, and lowers her face by his hair,
"Now you'll see what you caused me to look like."

Deucalian begins to scream, in horror, and in pain, his eyes slowly healing,

Lumin can't handle it anymore and runs out,
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" lumin had grabbed a pipe and runs at Jessica, but she was to quick, he was thrown to the side.

The feeling of wet runs down lumins mid section, Derek looks in horror as his brother was thrown and impaled by a metal pole was going through his brothers mid section,

Scott looked over and drops to his knees,

Deucalian finally saw what happened, then the sun began to set, Deucalian grabs Jessica by the throat, and lifts her up, feeling his alpha power return,
"Now look what you've done." And his claws appear, and he slits her throat,

Derek runs over to lumin,
He's gasping for breath,
"D-der...." lumin gasps,
"No, no, no, no, don't talk." Derek grabs lumins face,

Scott looked broken,
"Deucalian!" Derek screams,
Deucalian stood over Jessica's body, he smells blood and rushes over,
"Lumin, no....we told you to run." Deucalian says, taking lumins hand, trying to take his pain, but no Black veins run up his arms,
"I'm not-" he tries to take in a breath,
"In pain doesn't hurt." He smiles, blood comes from lumins mouth,
Lumin looks up to the sky,
Derek has tears going down his dirty face,
"No you stay, you stay with me!" He suddenly pulls lumin from the pipe and lays him down,
"Deucalian! Bite him!" Derek yells,
Deucalian nods and bends down, grabbing lumins wrist, and biting down on it.

Nothing happened, lumin wasn't moving.

Lumin was Dead.

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