chapter 4

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The two packs, Scott's and Derek's are at his loft, it's even four days since lumins attackers were at the school,
Peter is sitting by lumins bed, lumins sitting on the bed, his eyes red from crying, he looks tired he hasn't been able to sleep, Deaton, is at his left as well, he's making sure nothing else will affect lumin. In Derek's pack we have Issac, Erica and Boyd, Peter and Lumin. And on Scott's, we have Stiles, Lydia, Allison and a new member Kira, they all are at a large table, Deaton lays Lumin down.

"I see, this was caused by an alpha, perhaps one of Deucalians pack, but it seems likely." He says, looking at Peter, Lumins face is covered in sweat, he regains his strength only to lose it a day later its like they are draining his wolf abilities.

"Whoever did this must have some sort of magic doing, or be strong enough to drain a beta of their wolf." Deaton says Derek growls his eyes glowing red, Issac goes up to lumin, him and lumin have been best friends ever since Derek turned him, Issac comes over and sits down,

"Need water? Food?" He asks, Peter looks over at Derek,
"Nephew calm down we will find a way to help Lumin."
"And if we dont!?" Derek almost yells back, Scott's pack have papers everywhere,
"Lydia, you can tell when people will die, do you feel as if lumin is dead?!" Stiles asks,
Lydia shakes her head,
"No, I, don't, but I feel like someone else will lose something." She looks around, scott sighs, Erica and Boyd look directly at lumin, his chest rising and falling, "we have to find a way." Derek says, Kira looks at Derek,

"I can try and get some help from my mother!" Kira said, she's Japanese, and she from what Scott told them was Kira is a kitsune and she uses electricity for her fox like abilities.

Derek nods,
"Any help would be appreciated."
Stiles pipes up,
"Well, about 2 more murders happened, we found out they were warriors." Stiles says, Scott looks off into the distance, "yeah, we think we know the next two, but it's hard to know for sure, healers!" Scott says, lumin tries to sit up, Issac helps him up,
"Well, if Deucalian ever comes over, you will be the first to know...stay safe you guys...please...." he groans again, Issac starts to take Lumins pain, Peter quickly shuts it down,
"Carefully Issac, don't take to much." He warns.

As the other pack leaves, all that are left is Erica, Boyd, Issac, Derek, and Peter, Derek and Peter switchs every now and again, Issac holds lumins hand no matter what, Derek looks at lumin with tears In his eyes.
Lumin seems to doze off and finally fall asleep Derek looks at Issac,
"I can tell lumin is thankful that you are making sure hes okay." Derek says smiling at Issac, the curly blonde haired boy just nods, lumin coughs slighly,
Issac quickly grabs some water,
"Lumin, you alright." Issac asks his eyes flashing yellow and sitting lumin up,
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Lumin says, he drinks the water, Lumins phone buzzes, lumin slowly grabs it, his face seems to darken,

"What?" Derek asks taking the phone, there is a photo of Lumins bike it has the alpha pack symbol scratched into the side, Derek growls his eyes glowing. Derek stands up and grabs his leather jacket. Issac stands up, "Derek, what is it?" He asks,

"The alpha pack targeted lumin, and now he's dying, I'm going to talk, you and Peter stay here, I'm taking Erica and Boyd with me." Derek says Erica and Boyd stand up and walk out with Derek leaving Peter and Issac, peter comes downstairs,
"Tsk, tsk, he's much more than a brother to lumin." Peter hale says walking up to lumin, Lumins eyes are closed, black blood running from his nose again, Peter gently whipes Lumims nose.

Lumins eyes flutter open every now and again, more blood coming from his nose, Issac watches lumin closely.

Derek, Boyd, and Erica make their way to the forest the dark forest smells of dirt and sap, Derek is the first one to show himself he goes to a big pine tree, he scans the forest.

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