chapter 6

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Lumin is back at school again, he's taking it slow, a lacross game is today, Scott, Issac, and Stiles are playing, Lumin and Issac are now officially dating in a way. Lumins strength has finally disappeared but his hearing is still as sharp as ever, him and Allison are lab partners.

They have started to talk more, Kira and Lydia are behind them, their teacher has disappeared leaving a substitute with them, Allison and him are more than just working him and her are talking about the past few days,
"Kahli and Elias came and attacked you?" She says surprised, she is quite making sure to stay quiet enough so the rest of the class didn't hear, 
"Yeah, they beat us all up pretty badly,  Peter was pissed when he found out." Lumin says, he makes an angry Peter face, Allison laughs,

Lydia taps lumin on his shoulder,
"Did anything happen?" She asks,
"All that happened we all got beat up and that was about it, Kira, has your mom said anything?" He asks, she shakes her head,
"All I know is that she and my dad are trying to help Scott with the killings." She responds,

"Class no working with separate teams!" The substitute says looking directly at lumin and Allison, 
"I was asking them for a new pencil." Lumin snarks, Kira chuckled, the substitute just sighs and goes back to reading,

The bell rings signaling its time for lunch, The group leaves to go outside,  not hungry enough to eat, they go to the lacross field, Stiles sits there looking on his phone eating at his fingers, a thing he does when concerned and concentrating, Kira and Allison are talking amongst themselves,  Isaac and lumin are sitting on the benchers, Lydia is still inside she's in the library finding books for them, Scott comes over, "Alright, so, have we found anymore information on anything?" He asks, Stiles shows his phone,
"Dad found the other healer, dead..." he says, he then scrolls,
"And those plants that helped healed lumin, very rare, they shouldn't even exist." He says looking at lumin, Kira pipes up,

"Mom found somthing that might help us with the killings, somthing about sacrifices having to be made." She says, Allison goes into deep thought,
Scott growls,
"Someone's here." He says looking into the forest, Lumin sits up, so does Issac, he seemed to have sense the person,

In the tree line, is Deucalian, he waves at the group, Lumin stands up, and getting off the beachers,  he takes issacs hand to walk over, Scott tells the others to stay put.

When they reach Deucalian his head is down a sign of respect,
"Hello Lumin, Scott, And Issac." He says, calling them by their first name, Scott nods,
"What Deucalian?" Scott says a growl deep in his throat, Lumin holds his hand up,
"Scott, don't, he's probably here with information." Lumin warns, Deucalian nods,
"Yes, Hale, come with me." He says looking at Lumin, Issac grips lumins hand tight,  Scott gets infront of the two,
"Not without us." Scott says, his eyes glowing yellow, Deucalian seems to chuckle,
"Yes, but I feel it will be a tad bit overwhelming if all three of you come." He says, looking at Issac and Lumin,
"They can come, Scott, the bell is about to ring, get your friends inside,  make sure Eathan and Aiden are there,  I want you to tell them," Deucalian stops,
"Tell them I told them to make sure Kahli and Elias don't try and come for Lumin and Issac while my back is turned."
Deucalian finishes his sentence, Scott looks behind him at Issac and Lumin, he just nods, with a defeated sigh.

The three walk into the forest, Isaac's hand still intertwined with Lumins, Lumins breathing is fast, as if he knows exactly where they are walking, Deucalian walks ahead of them, using his cane to kick things aside, they get to an outcropping no trees, but in the middle, a spiral, and in the middle of the spiral blood, werewolves blood.

"Do you know where we are hale?" Deucalian asks, Lumin shakes slighly,  "no, I can't be here." Lumin says, his breathing getting faster, Issac turns to look at Lumin, with his messy brown wavy hair, short almost buzzed,  his hazel eyes, covered and glazed over with fear, Issac takes his hands,
"Hey, what is this place slow, calm, think of Derek."
Issac says, Deucalian puts a hand on Lumins shoulder,
"I'm sorry for the memories I'm about to bring back, but that blood, it's yours," Deucalian says

"I have a feeling Elias brought you here to do a sort of ritual." He warns,
Lumin looks at the blood,
"He's taking my wolf, to over throw you isn't he?" Lumin says looking up at Deucalian,  his blind eyes covered by sunglasses, Deucalian nods, lumin falls to his knees, his breathing fast, and all he can do is scream, the sound of pained howling faint but it's there, Issacs responds by dropping to his side, and putting a hand on his back.

Deucalian drops down as well, and rubs his back, like a fatherly touch, Lumin stands up tears falling, he glares at the spiral,
"This is where my mother would go to transform new wolves." He says,

He remembered himself young at the time he was just a child, but when people humans married a hale, they would all take the last name, but he remembered a time where peter married a human woman, and the ritual that they would do, is Talia, Lumins and Derek's mother, the Alpha of the pack, she would bite the human and they would all hold festivities and parties, but one occasion it all went wrong, he doesn't remember much all that a hunter found their location,  and fired at the human marrying a family member, killing her, they never used the area again, they would use the house from then on.
But the blood is what scared lumin the most. The hunter had shot her, in the stomach, and once in the neck, an arrow, lodged itself, the blood and panic, he wasn't no older than 5 at the time a year or two before the hale fire, he remembered his uncle Peter picking him up and rushing back to the house, they lost 4 members that day, they couldn't even retrieve the bodies. One of them Peter's wife.

Issac stands, so does Deucalian, he has the look of anger,

"Coming into your mother's territory to slowly kill her youngest son." Deucalian says, a growl escaping his throat,
"I believe we found our traitor." He says turning to go back to the school,
"Go back to school boys, we will meet again." He says, leading the boys back they get back to the field, lumin turns around right before Deucalian  turns to leave, he wraps his arms around Deucalian,
"Thank you...." he says in barely a whisper, but knows Deucalian can hear it, Deucalian seems to smile, 
Isaac pats Deucalian on the shoulder before leaving to go back to school with Lumin.

It's late night, the lacrosse game is going on, Lumin, Allison, and Lydia stand on the bleachers cheering for Scott, Issac, and Stiles, even though Stiles is on the bench, they still cheer for him.

After the game it was close, but the group goes out for a small party, just the group, they go to the loft, they all eat dinner, but Lumin can feel the sense of someone watching them, he looks around, but shrugs it off, they all disperse and all go home, other than Issac and Lumin, they stay at the loft, Derek and Peter are out, they just sit on the bed talking at watching cute videos, lumin filmed the game,

"You got that winning point!" He says looking at Issac, his face filled with happiness and excitement, Issac laughs,
"I mean it was a team effort." Issac responds,
"A pack effort." He says, Isaac takes lumins phone,
"Lumin, look." Lumin sits up to look at the phone,  they watch the screen, at the forest, they see people running not people, Elias and Kahli, followed by two other shapes, lumin pauses it.

"No." Lumin says, he looks at the shape in the front, "that's Derek and uncle Pete..." he gets the look of terror, Lumin stands up, typing away at his phone, the sound of a ringer is heard,
"He didn't take his phone.." lumin says, he calls Peter's phone, nothing, he calls again,
"Come on!" He says stress building,
"PETER!" He yells at the phone,  he calls it one more time,  nothing, lumin stands in the room, looking at the loft door, the phone limp in his hand.

Issac quickly goes to lumins side, taking his hand,
"Hey, hey, look at me." Issac says lifting lumins head,
"It's okay, they will be okay..." Issac reassures lumin, Lumin takes a shaky breath in, and nods, he wraps his arms around Issac.

Then, the loft door opens

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