chapter 3

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After a few days of being in the hospital he's let go because his uncle Peter had a few choice words with the nurses and lumin was in good health, Melissa told him to take pain meds if his healing isn't working. Stiles has updated them on the certain killings that have happened,  lumin finally was able to go back go school.

But somthing the night before that scared All of them, they were in the loft, Peter was working on finding out more about lumins Condition, of being basically half a wolf, lumins back pain Is back and Derek hadn't left his side,
"Der, I'm fine, nothing hurts." Lumin says,
"Don't lie to me Lue, I can tell when your in pain." Derek uses and old nickname he uses when concerned for Lumin,  while they are getting ready for bed, a howl is heard, they all stop in their tracks,  Derek grabs a knife and gives it to Lumin,
"Hide go!" He growls,  his eyes glow red, they hear the sound of two heartbeats, one fast, the other slow and calm.

Lumin goes up into where Peter's room is up the stairs, he tries to make his claws come out, but its only leaving him with a nose bleed, Peter comes up to hide with him,
"If it's black blood, don't use your wolf side..." he whispers angerly. The loft door opens and a sigh of relief is heard, "come down lumin it's Boyd and Erica!" Derek yells up the stairs, lumin comes down and hugs Boyd, Peter sits on the stairs glaring at the two, lumin hugs the two, and that's when the scary part happened,  lumin started to back away.

Boyd looks at lumin rushes to his side, Derek looks at lumin, "hey, what's going on?" Boyd asks, then, lumin falls into Derek's arms, his left eye flashing blue, but black blood coming from his nose, lumin seems to almost yell in pain as he looks up at Derek. Derek brings lumin to the bed, he turns him over to lumins side, he sees more black blood coming from his back,  and what he sees chills him to the bone, claw indentations all over his Lower back, all bleeding a black blood. But after everything.

Lumin was surprised to be back at school,  him, Erica, and Boyd all go back to Beacon Hills high, coach welcomed him back, wasn't in his yelling type of mood.
Then he went to English, a new teacher, she had black long wavy hair, blue almost dark sea blue eyes, a porcelain face and she wore a black feminine blazer with a black button up underneath,  and a black cocktail skirt, with navy blue high heels on, her name was Jessica,  Marlin.

She was reading a book, but his hearing was going haywire,  he clutches his hand as the sound of heartbeats and the buzzing sounds persist,  he tries to keep at eye on the reading. But he stands up suddenly,
"May I go to the restroom!" He says his hand raised, the new teacher nods

"Yes of course." She responds,  lumin quickly rushes out, Scott is in the same class, he stands up as well,
"Miss, may I make sure they don't need to go to the nurses, I was with them in the hospital after their accident." The teacher nods, and Scott rushed out.

Lumin is in the men's rest room splashing water on his face, black blood still coming from his nose, Scott comes inside,  "you okay?" He ask coming up from behind lumin,
" not Scott, my hearing his fluctuating,  my healing isn't kicking in, I can't seem to shift anymore, and everytime I try i..I... I feel like I'm dying!" He says turning to look at Scott tears in his eyes.
Scott wraps his arms around lumin, "it will be okay." He says, "should I call Derek to pick you up, I'll get your homework for today." Scott suggested,  lumin nods, "that'd be nice." He says turning back to look in the mirror, "here take my phone I have an extra." Scott says taking out a phone it already had everyone's contacts so lumin thinks Scott bought it for him after losing his other one in the crash, lumin smiles as he walks out.

He calls Derek, but before lumin hangs up. He gets a text,

"Give me a second Derek I just got a text." He opens the text, his heart drops, its a picture of lumin in the empty hallway with his phone in hand, he looks around and sees four people down the hall, a taller man with a seeing stick, a set of twins, and a woman without any shoes, he recognized the man with the seeing cane, he waves to lumin, "derek..." he whispers,
"He's here..." he hangs up the phone before rushing to the exit door, but there is another alpha there, he's new, lumin backs up and the twins push lumin against the door,

"Now now, Ethan, Aidan,  don't hurt the little Hale." The blind man says, "bring them to me." The twins grab lumin and drags him to the blind man, "hello little Hale." The man says,

"Deucalian." Lumin growls, the twins hold lumins arms he can't fight even if he wanted go, Deucalian laughs,

"You remember me." He says, lumin stays quiet,  the woman without shoes grabs lumins throat, lumin gaspes for air, 
"Kahli." Deucalian growls, The woman Kahli let's go and growls,

"He smells different,  like he's half a wolf!" Kahli chuckled, Deucalian gets closer to lumin, "yes, you are different." The school bell cuts their thoughts off as kids start to flood from their classes, the twins let them go, lumin rushes down the hallway and runs into Lydia and Allison,

"I am so thankful to see you guys!" He says out of breath, Allison looks at lumin,
"Lumin,  your neck, it's bleeding!" Lydia says she quickly takes a tissue from her bag and starts to dab the blood off, "where's scott!?" Lumin says out of breath, Allison and Lydia shrug, lumin closes his eyes to try and get his scent, but all it does is make the buzzing worsen.

He groans and goes off to find him, "Call me if you find him first!" Lumin says before rushing off, he then remembered Derek could be outside,  he leaves the school, he's about to get to the front before the twins are back and holding him against the wall, Deucalian is back in front of him,

"Now, now, little Hale, you must tell me what happened to your wolf?" He asks, lumin just growls at him, trying to make both his eyes glow, but only his left one does, the buzzing is back and he groans,

"Listen, I was in an accident,  I have no idea what is happening to me, but all I know, is that one of your alphas, caused me to have the crash, and they used their claws on my back." Lumin growls, pulling his arm away to show his lower back the marks are still there,
"It's one of yours because only an alpha can do that." Lumin says, Ethan grabs lumins neck and shoves him against the wall, then a growling is heard,

"I suggest you release my Nephew." Peter says, his eyes glowing an electric blue, Ethan doesn't let go and squeezes tighter,

"He will die like a human, I can kill him for you." Ethan says, Aidan looks at his twin, Deucalian growls,

"Release the boy." He growls, Ethan let's lumin go, lumin quickly rushes to his uncles side,
"If you were smart you'd leave him alone." Peter threatened, The alphas leave and lumin is on the brick wall holding his throat trying to stop the burning.

Scott rushes out, "I smelt blood-" Scott stops seeing Lumin trying to stop his fast breathing,  Peter is by his side,
"The alphas are here Scott, you better get your Scooby-Doo gang ready, because Deucalian is here and he wants lumin, and derek." Peter says gripping lumins arm, taking his pain.

Lumin looks at Scott,

"And I'm dying scott..."

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