chapter 7

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Peter walks in holding Derek up by the waist, Derek looks almost dead with how limp he looks, Issac breaks away from Lumins side to get the first aid kit, Lumins stuck in place looking at his older brother, the world seems to stop, or slow down around him, he sees the fire all over again, feeling helpless.

Memories start to return,
Him 6 years younger than Derek they were out in the forest they were just having fun, until they saw the smoke, Derek was the first to run off, Lumin followed,  his bother had always been faster than him.
When he saw Derek again, he was on the ground screaming, crying, holding his chest.
Lumin had stopped beside him, but lumin ran to the side of the house,  the fire had spread down to the basement, he saw his mother's hands reaching out for help, the screams, oh god the screams.
He was a child, him, reaching out for his mother, his father, his family,  all were in that basement screaming for help.

And he could do nothing, he touched his mother's burned hands one more time before they were engulfed in flames, he grabbed the bars from the windows, not caring how much it burned, no matter how much it hurt, he could hear screams,
The screams of pain,

His family were burning,
The screams of Issac,
"Lumin look at me!" 
He wakes up, or did he, he saw his brother on his bed bleeding, slashes all down his chest, they were healing slowly, Lumin hears one more scream, his brother,  in pain, he finally snaps out of the trance,  from the terrible memories,  he looks to the screaming of his name, Issac is holding a sewing needle and twine, he looks scared, 
"Lumin I need you to sew Derek up your the only one who can, me and peter need to hold him down." Issac says, shoving the items into his hands.

Lumin slowly nods, the screaming not leaving his head, he goes over to Derek, he unravels the twine and grabs the sewing needle, he tears the twine, his hands shaky his breathing uneven, he goes to put the twine into the hole, it missed.
"Come on!" He growls,  missed again, he then hears his mother's voice,
"Lumin, my baby lumin, calm your breathing, save derek."
She says, he takes a deep breath in looking at Derek, he's in pain,
"I cant!" He almost yells,
"My son, you can, calm your breathing think of your first shift, feel your body calm afterwards," She says he can feel a hand on his soulder,
"Breath son, you can do it."

Lumin takes a deep breath in, he does it, he tied the twine, and started to sew his brothers wounds, Peter and Isaac hold Derek down, he's not healing,
"Peter, you have to break his wrist, break the same one he broke as a kid, the left one, remember he fell out of a tree." Lumin almost yells, Derek has stopped fighting back as much, Peter nods grabs Derek's left wrist a sickening crack is heard, and Derek yells, howling in pain, the wounds on his stomach start to heal, Derek passes out from the pain.

Peter, Issac, and Lumin all sigh and sit down, Lumins head is spinning, Peter comes over to Lumin, 
"Nephew,  are you alright." He asks, taking lumins shoulder and sits down beside him,
"I saw the fire again..." he says leaning on his uncles shoulder,  Peter sighs, "I'm so glad you two weren't there, I couldn't have lived on knowing you two were gone, I've lost so much family." He says turning and looking at lumin, tears forming in his eyes, he pulls lumin close, kissing his Nephews head, and holding him close, Issac comes over and sits as well, taking lumins hand,

"We are all okay, we are a pack, and derek is our alpha, we will all be okay." Issac says, lumin just nods his breathing starting to slow down, they all sit at the end of Derek's bed, till morning came.

The three had fallen asleep,  or well, the two, lumin wakes up, Issac had Fallen down into his lap, Peter was up and moving making food, Derek was sitting on the edge of his bed, touching the twine, his wounds have not healed completely, but the group still knows his alpha wolf is still there, lumin smells bacon and pancakes, uncle Peter's specialty,  lumin smiles he lightly shakes Issac awake, 
"Hey sleeping beauty, I don't wanna have to kiss you to wake you up." He says chuckling to himself,  Issac stirs and turns around to where his head is still on Lumins lap, but he's looking up at him now,
"I'd like that, you'd be the prince to my princess." Issac says, his eyes glowing yellow, lumin loses his smile, but regains it as he lowers his face towards issacs kissing him,

"There happy now princess." Lumin says chuckling, the two stand up, lumin goes over to Derek,
"You should be resting." Lumin says sternly,  Derek looks up at Lumin,
"You sound like mom." Peter is heard letting out a laugh, "hey, I'm supposed to be the adult here. " they all chuckle, Lumin helps Derek over to the table covered in food, mostly just bacon and pancakes,  Issac is already stuffing his face, a ringer is heard, Isaac takes out his phone,

"Shit, it's wendsday, Scott is calling me." Issac answers, 
"Hey, what's up..." he loses his smile, 
"Woah, really..." he looks over at the other three,  "here I'm putting you on speaker,"
"Alright your all good."
"Guys, I found an interesting thing." Scott is heard through the phone,
"Well what?" Lumin says with a mouth full of bacon,
"There is a ritual that is preformed by alpha werewolves to gain two time more power by stealing a betas abilities,  but it has to be part of a strong family of natural born werewolves, " Scott replied,
"Like us." Derek says, taking a bite of bacon, Peter sighs,
"It's a thing yes, but it'd have to end with the beta getting killed by said alpha,  or if the alpha dies, the beta becomes fully human, or at least doesn't have any more wolf." Peter says,
Scott is heard shuffling papers,
"So in that case, if lumin loses everything,  Elias, has to kill lumin, or die and lumin has to be turned back into a werwolf." Scott says,
"Yes, but no, if said alpha turns the non wolf back into a werewolf the alpha will lose his alpha abilities,  and become a beta himself." Peter says his hands on the table, he has an old apron on.

The table goes quiet, 
"It depends on the alpha, if Deucalian would be willing to give up is alphaness, he could still be an alpha, with the amount of betas he killed right?"

Peter sighs,
"It could happen, yes but highly unlikely." He says taking off the apron, Derek and the others are quiet,   
"We will all talk In person later I'll bring the group, we need a meeting about this." Scott says before hanging up the phone, they all eat breakfast in peace before the meeting commences.

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