chapter 13

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The phone rings,  they all look to the sound of the phone, it's Derek's, Derek picks up the phone,
"What's wrong Stiles." He looks at lumin fear and concern covering his face,
"Okay, hey, Stiles, it will be okay, listen to me, we will help,  any way we can, lumin is still weak." He hangs up the phone and holds it in his fist, his hand up to his mouth,
"What?" Lumin asks,
"Noah, Melissa, and Chris was taken by Jessica." He looks at Lumin then to Peter.
Peter comes over,
"How will we get to them, I know Lumin will want to help, but he's still weak." Peter says,
Derek sighs, 
"Maybe I can trick Jessica to the old mill, Deucalian and Scott can be there waiting for her?" He seems to question himself.
Peter nods,
"If you can get her there in a week, the lunar eclipse is coming, on this Saturday!" Peter suggested,
"But that means we will all be powerless." Lumin says, he then looks down at his hands,
"I mean, you will be powerless." Lumin corrected himself, he just sighs and covers his face,
"In a week I should be able to help fight." Peter looks at lumin,
"No, not never in a million years!" Peter says gripping lumins arm, Derek looks at lumin and peter,
"He's right, I will go to Scott's, make a plan, you stay out of it!" Derek stands up and points at Lumin.
Lumin just leans back in the bed, and sighing.
Peter looks at Lumin,
"Nephew, I know you want to help, but you were almost killed by a psychotic bitch who blamed you for her boyfriends death." Peter says, he takes Lumins hand,
"Hey, look at me." He says softly,
Lumin looks into his uncles eyes, Peter looks like he's been crying, his eyes red and puffy.
He pulls lumin into a hug,
"I can help, I know I can, if I can get rid of Jessica maybe, just maybe the nightmares will stop." A knock is heard at the loft door, Peter stands up and opens it up,
"Deucalian is here." Peter says walking back, Deucalian uses his cane to walk over, he reaches out and sits down on a chair,
"How are you my boy?" Deucalian asks, Lumin just nods, Deucalian nods looking at the ground. Lumin just sighs and looks at Deucalian,
"We need to get to Jessica,  I have an idea, but Peter will kill me." He says looking back at his uncle, Peter's arms across his chest he glares at Deucalian, Peter just sighs,
"Just say it."
Lumin nods,
"Okay, so we know Jessica's weakness is wolves bane mixed with mountain ash, what if we set a trap for her, on the lunar eclipse," he starts to explain, Deucalian listens intently, so does Peter,
"But the werewolves will lose their abilities, so a human will have to set it up, aka, i will, I will be sure to stay out of the way, just until,  Jessica thinks she can beat Deucalian." Lumin Continues to explain the plan, Deucalian nods in agreement, 
"Yes, I do think that it will work, but why you?" Deucalian asks,
"I'm quiet, and I can set things up."
He says,
"Peter give me a pen and paper!" Lumin says, Peter grabs him the things,
"So, if I get a bag, I can fill it with moutian ash and wolvesbane," he draws the inside of the mill,
"If Derek can get her to stand in a specific spot, I can throw the bag, cut it open, and stop her from doing anything." He explained,
"But Derek can know nothing!" Lumin says looking directly at Peter, Peter just sighs,
"Okay, fine, but we will have to get you ready." Peter walks over to some bags,
"These will be perfect for the dust." Deucalian nods and looks at Peter,
"I can help him, he will need to learn more skills, on staying quiet when waking." Lumin nods and smiles at his uncle and Deucalian.

Derek has come back, looking Mad, Deucalian has left and Peter has gone to Deaton for the special weapon.
Lumin is sitting in the bed reading a book about survival skills, most of it was how to hunt animals and to keep yourself quiet when tracking.
Derek gets himself some water and leans on the counter,
"Have you gotten any sleep?" Derek asks, Lumin nods,
"A nap here and there, uncle pete threatened to knock me out if I didn't at least have a nap." Lumin chuckled,  Derek sighs and shakes his head,
"Well, I'll be upstairs,  I need to make a plan." Derek says walking up the stairs.

Lumin goes under his bed and grabs the papers of the plan he's made,
He will go to the hayloft of the mill, tie the bags to some rope, lift the bags to where they are hanging, once Jessica enters and starts talking to Deucalian and Scott, he will cut one of the bags it will fall open and spill the dust all over her. The others will then have to make sure not to breath in the dust.
Lumin will then jump down and run to the second bag he has that will swing and hit her into the wall.

He smiles at the plan, it was fool proof, once she's weak, Deucalian can take Jessica out for good, and they will save Chris, Melissa,  and Noah.

He hides the plan back under his bed and lays down, he turns out his bedside lamp, he turns to his side, he grips the blanket tight, he sighs and closes his eyes, hoping the nightmares won't return.

He seems to open his eyes in the forest,  he sits up,
"Hello?" He calls out, his voice echos,
He stands up, he's in his leather jacket, he starts to walk through the forest, he looks at the ground, he has no shoes on, he walks deeper into the forest, when he can see himself as a small kid, running around with a younger version of Derek, they are running around playing tag, younger lumin trips on a large root and falls, Lumin laughs and remembers this.

Young Derek runs over and hugs little lumin, they then walk off, lumin is left alone, he then recognized the root,
"Wait a moment." He starts to follow the root, he then finds a huge tree stunp, his heart seems to stop,
"No, it's the nematon..." his dream starts to fade around him.

Lumin sits up in his bed covered in sweat,
"I think I know where they are!" He says, it's late, around three am, he just sighs and lays back down,
"I'll tell them in the morning." He whispers and curls back up, his hands crossed and up to his chin, his knees tucked.

A week from now, lumin will have a fight for his life.

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