chapter 5

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After the whole lumin almost dying, lumin has seemed to almost get better,  he's up and walking, even jogging, Peter watches lumin closely to make sure he doesn't hurt himself,  Derek and Deucalian have been meeting every now and again, to talk about who it is that is taking lumins wolf abilities.

It's been about two or three days, lumin is up punching a punching bag, he is covered in sweat he continues to hit the bag, Peter on a couch pretending to read a book but he's really watching lumin to make sure he doesn't over work himself.
"Don't tire yourself Nephew." Peter warns, Lumin laughs, "I won't, I'm okay. I'm better than I have been." Lumin responds walking away from the bag and getting himself a glass of water.

Lumin hasn't returned to school, but Isaac has updated him on everything,  Ethan and Aiden has started to pick fights with the pack, including Issac, lumin growls at the thought of them getting Issac into trouble, but he keeps his cool, but somthing else has happened, he cant use his claws or even make his eyes glow anymore, all that is left is the hearing and strength,  but even his super strength is disappearing slowly.

The sound of the loft door opening echos, Derek, Issac, Stiles,  and Scott come in, it's Saturday after all, Derek was meeting with Deucalian, and the others were called by Derek to have a meeting.

"Alright,  Deucalian thinks he knows who's draining your abilities." Derek says starting off the meeting,  he looks at lumin, Issac and him seems to have a stronger bond after the mouth to mouth situation,  Issac lightly holds Lumins hand, Stiles takes out a file, lumins file, Scott looks at Stiles, 

"Really." Scott says,
"Yes really Scott, I had to get Lumims file to see what details we have!" He says laying it out, the group gathers, even Peter,  Stiles opens the file he pulls out the picture of Lumins bike,
"Alright, so that's the alpha pack symbol, I was looking at the picture, and I noticed this." He takes out another photo, on the other side of lumins bike was the symbol for revenge, a spiral.

The group looks at the pictures,  Derek speaks up,
"Deucalian says its a Rouge member, he says he has a feeling it's Elias,  and Kahli,  Elias has always wanted to be the top alpha, so Deucalian says he thinks that Elias is going to try and over throw him." Derek explained, Lumin looks at Derek,  "okay, so, Elias, attacked me, by sending a group of elk?" Lumin asks confused, 

"Not entirely,  the cats at the vet office started freaking out, and another deer situation happened,  with Lydia and Allison,  it ran its head through their windshield in Allison's car." Scott says, "like they were mad." Scott looks at lumin,
"Okay, so the animals are going mad, so it's just a coincidence that Elias saw me knocked out and did this to me?" Lumin says, Peter then pipes up,

"The lunar eclipse is coming in a month, so it could be that?" He suggested,  Derek looks at the table, his eyes full of focus, 
"Der, what you thinking?" Lumin asks,
"Elias has disappeared four different times, without Deucalian knowing," Derek says, "And those four times your abilities have almost disappeared." He finishes,  Issac takes lumins hand, "what other abilities has disappeared?" Issac asks, the group looks at him,
"So far, My healing, speed, my claws, and my eyes don't glow anymore." Lumin answers.

Derek growls,  "Four abilities,  four times Elias has disappeared." He says, Derek takes out his phone calling Deucalian,  a different voice is heard, "Deucalian is out right now, don't call again derek." It's Kahlis voice, "Give him the phone." Derek says almost growling, 
"If you need to talk to him, we will be at your loft soon, all of us." Kahli says before the phone is hung up, Derek growls gripping his phone tight,  his knuckles turning white, Stiles quickly goes to his side,

"Calm down Sourwolf." Derek looks at Stiles and nods, he looks at lumin, "you and Issac need to stick together,  me you and Issac will talk with Deucalian," Derek says, he then looks to the other three, "you three need to go and collect information from Deaton, and Lydia." He says, Scott, Stiles,  and Peter nod in agreement,  but lumin can hear Peter slighly groans in annoyance as the three walk out leaving the others.

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