chapter 9

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The night Derek died, they were at an old shopping mall, they had gotten word that Deucalian was gonna be there, so Issac, Boyd, Erica, Scott, lumin and Derek all went expecting Deucalian, but the ones who showed their faces were Kahli, Elias, and the twins. Derek asked where Deucalian was, and all hell broke lose,

Derek and Boyd fought off the twins while the others fought off the other two, Lumin had his knives, Derek, Boyd and the twins were seeming not to be fighing but almost acting like they were, like a plan was happening, the twins break off and start to fight Issac, Erica and Boyd, while Derek, Scott, Kahli, and Elias were fighting, Lumin staying a fair bit away, making sure he got a few knives thrown in people's backs, but, that's when it happened.

Derek was fighing Elias, Kahli had almost torn open Scott, giving him three great big scratches on his side, Scott fell to the ground, Derek was by and edge of a great big fall, Elias slashing Derek, moving closer and closer, kahli had moved to Issac, Boyd, and Erica, lumin had run out of knives so he was fighing one of the twins, or both of them because they were able to fuse together, he was able to get a few good punches before the twins grabbed him and whispered,

"Don't fight as much, make it seem like we are winning, Deucalian has a plan." He says before tossing lumin to the side, Lumin understood, but continued to fight like he was, just not as harshly, Scott was on the ground Elias had grabbed Derek, they were fighting to stay off the edge, Scott was able to crawl towards them in his hurt state, he then was able to slash Elias's Achilles tendon.

They fell, Lumin watches in horror as Elias his hands still gripped tight on Derek's shoulders, they fall off the edge, lumin breaks away, running towards the edge, even the twins watch in horror, The other three fought off kahli so she retreated, so the others watch as Derek his face full of fear, the same fear Lumin saw the night of the fire.

Lumin get to the edge, his hand out, his face frozen in a silent scream, he's to late, he sees his brother at the bottom of a pit, on an old broken escalator, Elias right by him, they weren't moving, lumin looks down, his hand still out, Issac had rushed to lumins side.

Lumin tries to pull away screaming,

"NO, NO DEREK, LET ME GO HES, HES DOWN THERE I HAVE TO HELP!" Scott's face covered with guilt, Issac holds onto lumin tight, not letting go, lumin screams and screams, even Erica and Boyd are quiet, lumin is able to pull away but he can't bare to move, his eyes focused on his hands, and the floor beneath him, tears running down his face.

All he can scream is,

"FUCK NO, MY BROTHER, DEREK!!!!" He screams up at nothing he crumbles, so does Scott, Isaac comforts him and Lumin, Erica then finally breaks down and screams falling to her knees, a pain filled howl echos through the mall, the twins have unfused, looking at the broken boy before them, Aiden quickly goes to comfort lumin, while Ethan goes out to find kahli.

He's alone, Derek's dead, but that means so is Elias, why doesn't he feel human, but that Doesn't matter to him. All he can do is scream and cry.

Lumin sits up in bed, breathing fast, his face covered in sweat, Issac is still asleep beside him, they are back at the loft, but he can smell blood, no, it's just sweat, he lays back down, his breathing slowing down, a hand wraps around his waist, Issac pulls lumin in closer,

"Psst...." lumin says laying down and facing the sleeping boys face,
Issac grumbles,
"'s thrusday we still have school, it's in thirty minutes." Two pings are heard, Isaac groans and pulls lumin in closer, Lumin sighs and looks at issacs face, he leans in and bites down on issacs nose, lumin then covered issacs mouth, Issac wakes up, lumin let's go of his mouth and nose,
"Awake now." Lumin laughs, Issac holds his nose,
"Now I am, you play dirty don't you lumin." Issac laughs, another two pings, it sounds like it's coming from their phones, Lumin groans and grabs his phone, he sits up, it's a text, from Peter, Lumin jumps out of bed.

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