chapter 12

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Issac had taken up carrying lumin to the hospital, as soon as they enter, chaos had erupted,  doctors,  nurses, and patients were running around,

"Hey I need a doctor!" Issac screams,  as soon as he yells that, a tree limb busts through a window, Issac jumps, Melissa sees them, she gets the look of fear,
"GURNEY STAT!" She yells when she can see no one is bringing her a gurney she grabs her own, and lays him down, that's when lumin can finally scream, Issac takes his hand,  to take Lumims pain, Melissa rolls him into a vacant room,

"What's happening?!" Issac asks,
"This storm is making the hospital evacuate, I don't know how long I can keep you two here, but you need to stitch him up." Melissa says, Issac nods and grabs the medical supplies he will need, Melissa had run off, Derek and Deucalian rush in, Deucalian had to grab his cane, Derek looks at his younger brother.

Issac has started stitching lumin up,
"We need to do something!" Issac yells, Then a familiar voice is heard,
"What happened to my Nephew?!" Peter is heard yelling. Deucalian has sat himself by Lumims side,  taking his pain,
"Kahli happened." Derek says, Peter rushes over,
"He's dying!"
"Yeah we can see that!" Derek responded, Deucalian growls,
"He can't die, not yet, is there a way we can help?" He asks, Issac has finished stitching Lumin, Derek sighs and shakes his head,
"I know a way, but someone will have to give up their alpha wolf." He says looking to Derek and Deucalian,  Derek looks at his uncle,
"How?!" He asks, lumin then screams out in pain again,
"It hurts!" He yells, Derek takes lumins hand,
"You have to take his pain and then more, it works with humans and werewolves," Peter explained,
"But it doesn't always work, and how weak lumin is, it might as well kill him." Peter says looking at his Nephews, fear fills those cold dark blue eyes of his, Derek just nods,
"I'll do it, he's my baby brother after all." Deucalian looks up,
"We have a visitor." Jessica walks in,
"Derek, I thought you got hurt!" She says, Isaac just growls,
"Get out of here!" His eyes glow red,
Deucalian gets up,
"Leave now." He says, Jessica smiled, 
"You found me out, how unfortunate." She just turns to leave,
"Fine, you'll know where to find me." She disappeared in the flurry of chaos,  Derek and Peter just stay by Lumims side.

Derek started to take Lumins pain, black veins running up Derek's arm,
"Not so fast, so it doesn't stop his heart." Peter warns, Derek nods, Issac and Deucalian stand there watching,  Derek's eyes glow red he lifts his head to the sky and howls, his eyes dim into their old electric blue color, lumins wounds start to heal, like he's wolf is back, Lumins back arches and he screams, Derek passes out, Peter lifts lumins head, 
"Your Okay Nephew..." he kisses lumins fourhead, another boom happens, they all jump, Ethan and Aiden rush in,
"We gotta go, the storm is worse than we thought,  we gotta get them out." Ethan rushes over to Derek and lifts him up, while Peter takes his nephew he lifts him bridal style, lumins sill to weak to walk on his own, Issac and Deucalian follow behind, Aiden, Issac, Derek, Peter and lumin all go into the car, Issac, peter and lumin in the back, the other two in the front, Ethan and Deucalian will meet back up at Derek's loft.

Aiden gets to the loft, they all rush in, Peter still holding onto Lumin, Peter lays lumin on his bed, he's cold to the touch,
"We need to warm him up, the Holly's Still in his system, we need to sweat it out." Peter says, Derek is sat in a chair, near lumin, Issac and Aiden start up the heaters, and Peter covers his Nephew with blankets.

Lumins eyes open,
"Is, is kahli still coming for me?" He asks weakly, Peter takes his Nephews hand,
"No, and she won't hurt you anymore." He kisses his Nephews head, and holds him close.
With the heaters running and the blankets, lumin sits up and coughs up black blood with Holly buds mixed in with it, Peter rubs Lumins back,
"Shhh, shh, your okay, it's alright, uncle Peter's here, shh..." lumin grips on tight to his uncles shirt, breathing heavy, the holly is finally out of his system and he can sleep, not without sitting up looking around with panic. Everytime tears running down his face, Peter is up at all times.
Derek has regained strength, Issac paces around the room, Lumin and the others can tell he's angry.

Every now and again, lumin lurches forward a trash can in his hands he pukes up the last of the holly, Peter's hand on his back, everytime Derek wakes up from his sleep, to comfort his brother, Issac had left to talk with Scott.

Lumin sobs everytime, the light had finally come throughout the window,  lumins still up, he cant sleep, he keeps seeing kahlis eyes, the knives, the pain. Just like the fire, he can't erase it from his mind, Peter had fallen asleep, so had Derek, Lumin looks at his uncle and brother, he quietly sobs, this is his fault, getting hurt, getting kidnapped,  almost dying twice, he leans back looking at the ceiling, tears streaming down his face,

"This is all my fault." He whispers, then he hears kahli,
"Yes, it is, and you know what else is your fault,  your uncles death, and your brothers." Lumin sits up, and before him is his uncle and Brother on their knees, their faces full of fear, Peter is heard saying,
"It's all your fault Lumin, now you've forsaken us to die, because it's your fault." Lumin covers his face,
"No, please, Uncle Peter!" He goes to get out of the bed, but he's frozen in fear. Kahli then takes Peter by the throat and rips her claws along his throat, he falls to the ground gurgling,
"Say it was your fault!" Kahli yells, lumin screams,
"No, it, no!" He yells,
Derek looks into lumins eyes,
"It's all your fault, you shouldn't have been my brother, you should've died in the fire." Derek says, Lumin screams,
"No!" Then Kahli rips Derek throat open. Before the body falls.

lumin wakes up, screaming,
"NO, NO, DEREK, UNCLE PETER!" Peter who was awake, rushes to lumins side, do does Derek,
"Hey, lumin, hey!" Derek says, Derek wraps his arms around his smaller brother, lumin thrashes around,
"No, your dead, she killed you, no!" He fights as hard as he can,
Peter then wraps his arms around lumin, 
"No, lumin, it was a dream, it was a dream, shhh..." lumin grips on tight to Derek's shirt,
"It's my fault, it's my fault!" Lumin yells over and over.

All Derek and Peter do is hold their family member tight, making sure not to hurt him, telling him he's okay,  telling him he's safe.
Lumin stopped thrashing around, his breathing still uneven, Derek still holding his brother tight, 
"Lumin, breath with me." Lumin just shakes his head, 
"No...i...your not real." He covers his head,
"Hey, this isn't a dream, look, look!" Derek hold up his hands, lifting his brothers head,
"Count my fingers, Stiles told me in dreams you have more fingers." He takes lumins other hand with his own,
"Count my fingers." Lumin takes his brothers hand,
"One, two, three, four, five...." he Counts his brothers hand many times before gripping it tight and pulling it close.

Lumin was able to calm down and finally drink water and eat a little bit, Peter stayed in the kitchen, Derek can tell his uncle had finally cried, seeing his Nephew on the bed, having night terrors, and there was nothing he could do.
Derek has stuck by his brother for so long, this is just another hurdle to cross.
Lumin was just sitting in bed, looking at his phone, counting his fingers every now and again.

Then a phone rings

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