chapter 15 the end

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Lumins body was unmoving,
Derek looked at lumins somber face,
Deucalian sat back, looking at Derek,

"He's not in pain any longer...." Deucalian says,
Derek looks over to him, tears falling,
"He's dead, I tried to protect take care of him, he was my little brother...." he says taking lumins hand, it has already begun to grow cold.

Scott stood up, whiping away the tears,
"We couldn't save him..." is all he says,
The sound of running is heard,
"SCOTT WE FOUND THEM!" Issac is heard yelling, the group runs in,
Issac is the first to run in, to see lumin, his smile fades,
"" Issac walks a few steps over but falls to his knees,

Stiles, Melissa, Noah, Chris, they all walk in slowly at first, but seeing lumin on the ground, Melissa rushes over to the three,
"No...what happened?" She asks placing a hand to Derek's shoulder,
"He...he tried to protect Deucalian, by attacking Jessica." He sobs,
Stiles slowly walks over,
"Oh Derek...I'm sorry-"
"No, you don't get to say sorry, none of you do, it's not your's mine!" Derek exclaimed standing up.

Deucalian stayed near lumins body,
Lowering his head, even he began to cry,
The others kept their distance.

Then the sound of a heartbeat is heard, weak, slow, almost slow enough to not be heard,
Deucalian raises his head and looks at lumin,
Slow breaths are seen,
"Hale." He looked to Derek,
Derek looked over, he saw the slow inhales that Lumin was taking,
Derek went back over,
"Lumin, brother?" He asks taking lumins hand again and holding it.
Lumins wounds begin to heal, slowly at first, but his wounds begin to heal faster,
Deucalion looked into Derek's eyes,
"My bite saved him." He says smiling,
Melissa looked at lumin,
"He's going to be okay Derek." She smiles at Derek.

Deucalion watched carefully seeing Lumins wounds heal, after a few moments his eyes open and he looked up to the people around him, his eyes shining a beta yellow color,
"Hey, what's going on?" He looked around at all the surprised faces, "what seen a ghost or something?" He groans as he sits up. Derek quickly wrapped his arms around Lumin and hugged his little brother tightly.

Lumin was okay, and he will still have hardships, but he healed, and deucalion is his new alpha. But no matter what happens, he learned, no matter the evil, there is always a light within them, deucalion changed he witnessed the Argents change, he saw his uncle Peter change. Some can't be saved, but many can be.

For now, the end of lumin is just that.

The End.

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