chapter 8

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As the school bus drives down the road, Scott, Stiles, Issac, Boyd and Lumin are silent, Derek's gone, he's really gone.

Scott is hurt, Issac is staying by lumins side, Peter isn't answering his phone, and everything is seeming to become quieter and quieter, Lumims losing his hearing as well.

On the bus, Issac and Lumin are sitting near the back, Ethan and Danny are 4 seats ahead of them, Stiles and Scott are behind them, Allison and Lydia are behind the bus following in Lydia's car.

Lumin and Issac are listening to music together holding each other's hands, Ethan and Issac continue to growl at each other, lumin looks at his own phone typing away, he's sent 100 messages to Peter's phone, and even more to Derek's.

"Lumin, hey, it will be okay." Issac whispers, Lumin just nods nuzzling into Isaacs chest, coach is yelling at kids for being to loud, to anything, he's coach what do they expect, Danny looks back every now and again at Lumin,

"Hey Ethan?" He asks Ethan,
Ethan looks at his lover,
"Yeah?" He asks,
"What's lumins phone number I wanna ask what's wrong." Danny says, looking back at the teary eyed eye bags under his eyes from not being able to sleep.
Ethan sighs and gives Danny the number, Danny kisses Ethan in return, a ping sound happens off of lumins phone.

He opens his phone,
The text says,
'Hey, everything okay, I see your upset?'
Lumin smiles and texts back,
'My uncle and brother went missing they are the only family i have left.' He texts back, Danny looks back at the boy and mouths, "I'm sorry." Lumin nods, he begins to slowly fall asleep, but all he sees is the fire, the dreams are getting worse and more active, but Issac being there helps In a way, gripping tight on his hand, Scott is looking bad, pinging sounds are heard from dannys phone, lumin looks up and looks behind him seeing Stiles spaming Dannys phone, Lumin sighs, and looks back at Scott,

"Hey, Scott. You don't look good, we should stop." Lumin says, Scott shakes his head,
"No." Scott says,
"No he says as his side bleeds black!" Stiles says back in his snarky sarcastic attitude, Ethan whispers something and both Boyd and Issac growls, lumin looks at Issac,
"What?" He asks,
"He said, your going to be Human any second and he's going to kill you when you do." Isaac says growling,
"Issac, calm down, you don't wanna get walk back home do you?" Lumin sarcastically says, Issac chuckled, he shakes his head.

Scott got worse, and Stiles went over to a kid named Jared, and well, Jared gets car sick, and you can guess what happens, the whole bus evacuated Scott, Allison, Stiles, and Lydia run to the restroom, leaving lumin and Issac alone with Boyd and Ethan.

Ethan comes over to Lumin grabbing his arm,
"Listen Hale, the alpha pack will come for you, with or without Derek or Deucalian, he sees somthing in you we don't, that's why I haven't ripped your throat out." Issac grabs Ethans arm,
"Don't touch him." He says, his eyes glowing yellow, Ethan laughs,
"Don't fuck with me beta." He says, Issac loses his cool and all he sees is red, he starts to punch and attack Ethan, a group gathers around,

"ISSAC!" Lumin yells, trying to pull Issac off of Ethan Issac shoves lumin away. Lumin hits the bus his head hitting the bus making a lound bang sound he falls to the ground holding his head, Boyd tries the same no success, Scott comes out with Allison,

"ISSAC!" He yells, Issac stops, he looks at what he was doing, coach comes out looking pissed,
"This is your last warning no punching other classmates!" Coach yells, after the bus is all cleaned.

It's early night they pull up to a motel, they all get off the bus with their bags, coach gives classmates to bunk up but no funny business, Scott and Stiles bunk up, Boyd and another classmate bunk up, Ethan and Damny bunk up and last but not least Lumin and Issac bunk up, they get room 217, they all get to their rooms Lumin sets his things down he flops onto the bed groaning,

"Damn, this bed is so good." He sprals out, there are two beds, but lumin and Issac get into the same one, lumin goes to take a shower, bringing his phone,
"Imma take a shower I deserve it." Lumin says taking some extra clothes into the bathroom as well, he puts on some music, Issac was left on the bed on his phone, suddenly somthing begins to happen to the werewolves, its like they are newly formed betas, and it's their first full moon, they all begin to shift, other than Ethan and Scott, but the other two werewolves they are gonna go on a rampage.

But unbeknownst to lumin his music and the echo of the bathroom makes the sounds coming from outside muted, he Stops the shower the music still playing, he comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, before he gets dressed he brushes his teeth and then gets dressed the clothing slowly getting damp with the water that's still on his skin, he goes out of the bathroom.

He hears growling,
"Isaac?" He asks turning around he whipes some water from his eyes, he sees a fully transformed Issac, his fangs, teeth, and eyes all out,
"Isaac..." he says shakily, he backs up against the wall Isaac rushes at him holding him against the wall by the shoulders,

"Issac, snap out of it!" He yells, Issac growls, lumin goes into fight or flight and he kicks Issac in the stomach, he goes into the closet closing and locking the closet door, he then realized he left his phone in the bathroom,
"Shit, maybe if I yell for Scott, or...maybe even Ethan..." he says quickly and quietly, he hears Issac leave.

Lumin holds his breath, he slowly opens the door, he doesn't see Issac, he rushed to the bathroom and grabs his phone, he calls Scott,
"Scott?!" He almost yells,
"Lumin what's wrong?"
"Issac somthing is wrong with him, it's like he's back to being a new beta, he' out of control!" He says, he rushed out of the room, he sees Issac running down the stairs,
"Wait what!?" Scott says,
Lumin just hangs up, and takes chase of Issac, he bumps into Ethan,
"What's wrong?!" He says, taking lumin by the shoulders,
"OH thank God, another normal wolf..." he says relieved,
Ethan looks confused,
"What?" He says, lumin just shakes him off,
"Find Boyd, I think something is happening to them!" He yells running off to find Issac, Ethan doesn't move until a loud howl is heard, Lumin finds Issac back on the bus.

Lumin walks on,
"Issac?" He calls out, Isaac turns around a murderous look on his face, he roars, lumin stands his ground,
"I hope this still works." Lumin gets into a stance to roar, he yells instead, a slight roar coming through, but very quiet,
Issac rushes at lumin, lumin gets ready for Issac to attack, he remembered somthing Derek taught him,

"New betas attacks are sporadic and uncoordinated, find the best point to attack."

Lumin smiles,
"Thanks big brother." He says, Issac starts to swing, he dodges them until the last one, he scratched his chest, not deep but still enough to draw blood, he quickly grabs issacs arm and preys this works, his last ability, his fangs, he plunges his fangs into issacs arm, Issac pulls back falling onto his butt, he seems to wake up from the trance,

"L-Lumin?" He stutters, Lumin sighs and smiles,
"Hey princess." He whipes the blood off his face, the bite heals, Issac stands up,
"What happened?" He asks genuinely confused, lumin just smiles, "come on, we gotta find boyd." He says holding out his hand for Issac to take, they nod and rush out, on the outside there is three werewolves fighing, Boyd, Scott and Ethan, Boyd is winning,
"Guys!" Lumin yells to try and get one of their attentions, Scott looks over,
"Bite him!" He yells, Issac rushes to go help.

Ethan gets the jump on Boyd and bites his shoulder, Boyd wakes up right away, confused like Issac, lumin sighs, he then gets a pain in his mouth, he looks at his reflection on the bus, his fangs slowly start to disappear, into normal human teeth, his abilities are all gone he's human now, all Elias has to do now is kill him, Lumin takes a breath in, making a fist with his hand,

"No...." he says he closes his eyes, he takes his phone out of the pants he had on and texts Chris,

'My abilities they're all gone now, you have to show me how to fight, with more than knives maybe that crossbow.' It sent, he sighs, Issac comes up from behind lumin kissing his neck slighly,
"You okay?" He asks, lumin turns around to face him, lumin smiles,
"Never better princess." He kisses Issac back deeply.

The stressful night Is finally over, they all ended up sleeping on the bus, other than Ethan who went back to Danny, but Scott, Boyd, Issac, and Lumin passed out in the bus, the track meet ended up getting canceled so they drove back to school, back home.

Back to where Derek, and Peter are gone. And lumin is alone.

Well, almost alone.

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