Bose's problem

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Thanks for the suggestion: stanateen2 (Thanks for getting me addicted to this song, AGAIN.) I tried to keep with everything you asked for but took the list and ran, Thanks! credits of song: All Time Low: Monsters

*TW: strong language YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Bose POV

I woke up in pain on the cold damp floor the only thing on my mind was how how cruel this world is. On the side of me was some ripped clothing and  cold food that has been there for maybe a week. I have forgotten how long. Get up from the floor I tossed my hoodie on grabbing my backpack. I stopped looking up the stair case leading out of the basement as noises flowed from the door. I saw my step-father coming down the creaky old stair, each step getting louder shaking my bones more and more as he gets closer.

"Hi there brat, come here NOW!" my step-father demanded I know I can't hide from him. Life has been hard every sense my father left me, I really miss him. As I slowly walk over to him, I can see his hands reaching for his belt . I don't remember doing anything bad over the few days but he grabbed me with the belt around my arms, painting my skins red with an imprint. With my screams of pain in the air he grabbed his pocket knife slowly carving my arms. I could feel a rush of pain, as I held back the urge to scream more. After he finished cutting my arms up he dragged me up the flight of stairs and threw me out the door. I barely felt like going to school being bullied there but I had no choice. As I slowly got up I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie down to cover up the marks and cuts. I had to go to school. As I approached the entrance to school, I saw Miles, Mika, And Chapa standing around. As I got closer try to avoid any social contact I heard Miles try to get my attention. I Stopped, slowly turn to see Miles and Mika smiling towards me as they get closer. As they got closer I began to focus on Chapa standing away in her own world so beautifully, when I see her I felt weak but safe and comfortable around her. After a while the twins got me out of my day dream, they said they would meet me and chapa after school to go to swag as they left. I Was left to just my thoughts about how it might actually be a better day but maybe I spoke too soon. When suddenly one of the school bullies, John, snapped in front of me, "Earth to bose brat! You awake? Anyone home?" I hate his nicknames he would give me, I wanted to hit him but I dont have the courage to stand up for myself. "What do you want, John?" Is all I can say, Revan got closer shoving me to the ground just saying, "LOSER! like we would want anything to do with you. You are an idiot, we cant even have you do our homework correctly or we would lose more points then if we just wrote random stuff down. You are a useless human being, Bose. " Each word felt like a bullet just slamming into me, I don't know why but It just hurt hearing anyone talk bad about me. On the ground in pain, John and Revan both kick me in the chest as they walk off to class. When they were gone I felt like crying, but I had to hold it in and show that I was strong. My mind started playing one of my favorite songs, Monsters by all time low. In my mind on repeat was this phrase

I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night?

Why do we sleep where we want to hide?

Why do I run back to you

Like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?

Why am I a sucker for all your lies?

Strung out like laundry on every line

Why do I come back to you

Like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?

listening to the music in my mind, I started feeling safer I felt My fathers presence giving me support telling, "be strong be the best person I can be and everything will be okay" my eyes began to blur as I tried to reach out "Dad I miss you please come back" but he didn't respond. A hole in me opened up with pain. As soon as I opened my eyes I realized I was not in the same place, It looked to be the Man's nest infirmary. As I tried to get up from the bed I felt someone push me back on the bed, I looked to see who it was that helped me and saw Chapa with tears rolling down her eyes. "Chapa why are you c-crying" My throat hurt as I heard my raspy voice, "Bose what happened to you? You are underweight, Bruised and cut everywhere, Please Bose." I felt sad and regretful that I was hurting chapa. I didn't know what to tell her, whether to tell about my abusive stepfather, Bullying everywhere which I think she knew, the fact that I am a little suicidal, Or the fact that I have feelings for her. I felt like this whole problem was my fault. I felt her arms wrap around me as her worried face slowly turned to a concerned look more and more. As she lets go of me the same feeling of safety slowly burned to chars. I stare at chapas beautiful tear-filled eyes not knowing what to tell her as I glaze in her eyes my vision starts to get blurry. I can hear a mix of chapa screaming for help and for me to stay alive well my head fills with music slowly fading away as my hearing fades with it.

I'm wondering why do all the monsters come out at night?

Why do we sleep where we want to hide?

Why do I run back to you

Like I don't mind if you fuck up my life?

Why am I a sucker for all your lies?.

I can feel the pain in her voice as she falls onto me crying, the music stops in my head. Im slowly see my father appear in front of me with open arms as everything around me disappears.

Thanks for reading, please be patient there isn't a lot of time and I'm working as fast as I can.  Have a good day, Peace!

Credits of song: All Time Low: Monsters

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