Bapa's love 3

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Bose pov

It was morning,the sun was blasting through my window lighting my room up. I did not sleep one bit during the night I tried but could not. That feeling of a piece of me missing keeped me worried for chapa, I missed her. When i got up I felt weak but at the same time. I got dressed seeing my phone screen flash, I ran to it seeing if it was a message from the hospital, It wasn't. It was a message from ray demanding us to meet him as there was a fight that the police were not able to handle down at city hall. I grabbed my gum holding the container in my hands was just another reminder of the dangers and of the incidents that got my hand shaking . I Popped a gum ball in my mouth slowly chewing it. In the uniform, i didn't have the same feeling as before, but I didn't look as I jumped out the window running to City hall. As I was running I thought about Chapa. I really wanted to see her and be by her side but I also didn't want my other friends to get hurt. I finally made it and saw the team staring at me weirdly. I walked up to Ray, "I'm here to help." he looked at me almost pausing, "uh kid do you think you're missing something? ". I looked at Mika and Miles as they tried to hint something to me. It took a second before I looked down and realized I wasn't in my uniform. I was stunned that the gum didn't work but grabbed my gum quickly popping a piece in my mouth before running into a nearby alley. When I came back to the team I could see MIka and Miles trying to hold back laughter, "What?". Ray looked at me in shock, "Uh do you have the right gum? This isn't  good time to Be pranking us, son." He tried to make it sound as he was talking to a fan to be safe. I looked at Ray before slowly looking down, seeing I was in Chapa's uniform, Really pushing a mixed emotion for schwoz's gum making and my wanting to be by Chapa. I grabbed my container grabbing a piece of gum with my logo on it before blowing a bubble. When we were all ready, Ray brought us to where the fight was located. I saw a group of people circling the fighters not paying any attention to us.

Mika came in and shouted at a few of the people pushing them into a wall knocking them unconscious. The fighter immediately stopped and turned to look at us with fury in their eyes. One of the fighters broke the silence, "LEAVE us alone NOW!" Ray looked him in the eyes with a death stare responding, "I don't think so buddy." The group that was circling the fight ran off not wanting anymore trouble but the fighters stood there waiting for either side to make the first move. I watched as Mika and Miles got ready to fight but I stood there frozen as my brain forgot what to do. Ray looked at me, "brainstorm what you doing?" i keeped staring into space. When Ray got worried for me the fighters took that as a moment and went for a punch on ray. Mika saw it coming and used her shout knocking him into the wall on top of the other people. When that happened the other fighter started to question if fighting was a good choice. Miles made a quick fake punch making the fighter run away. I don't know why but I didn't want to be with the others, as Ray was about to say something I pushed them away and went running. I was running to the one place I wanted to be, The hospital. As I was navigating the alley ways to blow a bubble transforming back to my normal clothing before sprinting into the hospital lobby. I saw the same doctor checking the lobby, notice me and call for me to follow him. I didn't ask any questions as to why but he seemed to be in a hurry.

*thanks for reading Part 3 of this story. 

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