Chapter 9 - The Escape

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Chapter 9

Aimee had not actually checked the title of the book so she went out on a limb, “there are no English books, and I got lost in my thoughts.  You are back early, I expected you to return tonight.”  

She tried to act casually and leaned over to place the book on a small table.  She did not make eye-contact with him; technically she was still mad.

A knock on the door drew her attention and Sheena entered carrying a tray of mint tea.  She placed the tray between them and poured them each a glass before she quickly retreated.  Aimee stared at the gold rimmed glass and the amber coloured liquid inside.  What she wouldn’t do for a glass of fine whiskey right about now.  Tea does not have the same effect.

Prince Zahir picked up the delicate glass with long brown fingers, and stared at her until she picked up her glass as well.  “You look very lovely today, I am glad the clothing is to your liking.”

She knew he meant it as a compliment, but the betrayal was still fresh in her mind. 

“Where are my own clothes?  The ones I was wearing when I first arrived?”  She looked straight at him waiting for his answer.

To his credit, only a small frown appeared before he answered. 

“Are the new ones not adequate in variety or quantity?”

“Where are they?”  She would not be deterred; she needed to hear him say it.

He studied her face for a long moment, “they were damaged and irredeemable, so they were discarded.”

“By whose judgement? Yours?  They were my property; if anyone was going to throw them away it should have been me.” Her voice sounded cold even to her own ears.

“I don’t know why you are upset.  I am responsible for your wellbeing, your clothes were unfit for service so I replaced them and I don’t see the problem.  If you are unhappy with the new clothing I will buy you different ones.”  Zahir stated in a tone that made it clear that it was the end of the argument.

But the truth was, that right there, at that moment, he admitted to stripping her of everything of she had.  She did not own a single thing here. Not a book, not a pair of shoes, not even her underwear belonged to her.

“You will never understand.”  She stated as she rose to her feet, replaced the untouched glass and abruptly turned on her heel to leave.  At the last second something occurred to her.

“May I have a phone?  My cell phone got confiscated and I would like to let my friends and family know that I am o-… not in jail.”  She stopped herself before she said ‘okay’ because even though she was, she did not find the word appropriate to her current situation.

“The authorities were informed of your release.  But you are welcome to use the telephone in my office.”  Zahir said, effectively dismissing the option of her having her own phone.

A battle for another day, it seemed she was going to have to fight for every last thing.

I just want to go home.

She set off to go and find his office so that she could tell her dad… something, but he delayed her exit.

“We are not done talking Aimee, please come back.  You have a habit of running out on our conversations.”

That’s because I am not a part of the conversation.

“What else is left to say?”  She asked, standing by the door.

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