Chapter 21 - The Truth

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Aimee stared at them both for endless seconds trying to make her fuzzy brain connect the dots that should be so very obvious.

“You are… you’re Leo?  Like, cross-bow Leo?  Zahir’s best friend?” Aimee asked.

They didn’t need to answer, the answer was obvious.  Once again she was the last one to find out. Zahir hadn’t just let her go; he put his friend up to spending time with her. This confused the hell out of Aimee.  How could she be angry when she had so willingly spent time with Lawre…Leo? At the same time, Zahir hadn’t just forgotten about her, he was keeping tabs on her.  And here she had thought Lawrence was genuinely interested in her as a person and Archaeologist.

“So tell me, when did you two cook this plan up?” Aimee finally managed to ask.

They hadn’t said a word and just waited for her to come to terms with everything.

Lawrence/Leo stepped forward.  “I’ve always been involved with the University, you know that.  Zahir and I became friends more than a decade ago while we attended Oxford together.  I was hell-bent on proving myself to my father and Zahir wanted to bring a new era to his country.  I got the nickname Leo partly for the lion on my family crest and because everyone said I attacked like a lion during our fencing matches.

Everything I’ve told you is the truth.  I spent a lot of time in Arabia with Zahir when I was younger.  Made a lot of money because of the people he introduced me to.  When he let me know what had happened between you two, I felt obligated to try and help.  Originally I was to try and befriend you, then attempt to lure you back to Arabia.”

Aimee gasped.  Zahir had once again interfered in her life without her knowing about it. He was still at the side of her bed holding her hand, though he stared at the floor and avoided eye contact.

Leo continued, “The only problem was, I had started to enjoy your company too much.  I kept thinking up excuses to delay the trip and have you to myself a little longer.”

A growl from Zahir had them both glance at him warily. 

“Not like that!” He rolled his eyes, “anyway, when you fell ill last night I had no choice but abandon all my plans and call him immediately.”  He stepped forward to take her other hand gently. “I did not mean to hurt you, but once I got to know you, you were like my sister in law.  I wanted to help Zahir but also take your happiness into consideration.”

That explained why he was the perfect gentleman every time.

“Who knows, if you hadn’t met this guy first, I might have tricked you into marrying me,” Leo said as he winked at Aimee.  He had to jump back quickly as Zahir made a grab for him across the bed.

“I think I’ll leave you two alone for a bit.  I need some coffee since I had such a busy night,” he said as he kissed Aimee’s other hand.

“If you kick this one to the curb, just remember I’m next in line!”  Leo had to duck as a water bottle came flying his way and he quickly retreated out of the room.

Aimee grinned at his cheeky expression while the door closed then looked at Zahir to find him staring at her.

“I’ve missed you so much.  I was extremely jealous, knowing Leo was spending time with you while I couldn’t.  I suspect he did it on purpose; sent me pictures and everything.”  Zahir’s expression was pained.  He clasped her hand in both of his.  

Aimee’s eyes widened when she heard the bit about the pictures.  She was going to strangle Leo the next time she saw him.  

Zahir continued.  “I just wanted him to keep an eye on you and make sure you were okay.  I didn’t want to run the risk of you seeing any security following you around.”

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