Chapter 11 - The Crossbow

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Chapter 11

Zahir regarded the man across from him soberly.  “I don’t know what to do, she drives me crazy.”  He gestured with his hands.  “Yesterday she baked cookies for the whole palace.”

The other man burst out laughing.  “I love a good cookie, were they good?”

“That’s hardly the point!  She does not behave rationally at all.  She has the spirit of a wild stallion,” Zahir raked his hands over his face, “I don’t know if I did the right thing.  How can I rule a state if my own wife behaves like a wild thing?”

They were sitting in a private lounge of the Burj Al Arab, with a fantastic view over the ocean.  The plush vividly coloured couches were grouped closely together and lunch had just been served.

The other man regarded Zahir for a long moment before reaching over to refill his plate. 

“I don’t know if I will be of any help Zahir, I like a spirited woman as you well know.  Surely you cannot be too surprised; you knew what kind of a life she led when you met her.  You are asking her to give up everything she is or was and become a meek subordinate.  Hell, you didn’t even ask her, you just married her!” 

He tilted his head to the side, “why did you marry her?  You could have just taken her home with you.”

Zahir looked at his best friend.  “You know why…”  He looked positively miserable, had not even touched the food.

“What am I going to do Leo?  You should have seen her face when we got back to the palace.  I was ready to put her on the next plane back to London myself.  Only, Asim had already met her, and Shiran is on her way back.  How will it look if I send my newly-wed wife away?”

“Brother,” Leo used the term affectionately “have you treated her as a wife?  Or have you placed her in a cage like a bird?  Show her the benefits of being a Prince’s wife.  Maybe she will not be so hell-bent on running away.  Though, if it was me I would enjoy the chase more!”  Leo laughed at this own expense.

Zahir pondered this.  It has only been a week, perhaps Aimee will settle down.  He was no longer angry and maybe she no longer wanted to run away.  He had only been away for a few days and already he was aching to be back.  Even though she had made him furious he missed seeing her face. 

Part of the reason he could not send her back was that it would’ve killed him to let her go.  Even before she left the palace that first time to travel to Oman he was obsessed.  Images of Aimee had been invading his dreams and thoughts of her drove him to distraction.  He had been planning a trip back to England when he received word of her arrest.

“You are married to her, but do you really know her?  I think not.”   Leo interrupted Zahir’s thoughts, almost reading his mind.

“You are right my friend, as always the voice of reason.”  Zahir finally reached for the food.  “I married a bird and instantly put her in a cage.” 

He felt shame for cutting her off from the outside world.  He will make it up to her he decided.

“Come finish your food, we have things to do and I want to get home before she burns down the palace.” He told Leo and grabbed a few things to eat on the way out of the hotel.

Leo grinned, “When will you let me meet this girl?  She sounds like tons of fun and I predict we will get along famously!”

Zahir winced.  “Asim has already begun corrupting her.  He brought champagne to the palace and she had almost an entire bottle while sitting in the bath.  It is something I would rather forget and not encourage.”

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