A Desert Rose

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Hello fellow scribblers!  Thank you for deciding to read my story.  This is my first real attempt and any notes will be greatly appreciated as I'm not objective at all when it comes to my own stories!  Leave me a comment, and  I will happily return the favour!



Cover art by: SpinningMyselfDizzy - Thank you! 


His other senses were reeling with the assault of being blinded while being tossed violently back and forth in the back of the truck. It was speeding over rough terrain and he tried but failed to release his hands from the bonds behind his back.  Half of his body had gone numb from the tight constraints.  He muttered something in Arabic before the truck swerved and he landed on his shoulder once again.  His entire back was cramping from the strain of his bound hands and feet and the tumble dryer effect of the truck.

Only few hours ago he had been standing on a platform addressing the public at the opening of the new hospital in Buraydah.  Masses of people had been cheering his name and he was photographed by every camera in a mile radius.  Afterwards he was en-route to the formal dinner to celebrate with the board-members and other guests when the limousine experienced engine trouble.  They pulled over and examined the limo but could find no fault.  The luxury car simply wouldn't start again so they waited for the back-up car.  Suddenly armed and masked men appeared everywhere and his bodyguards' commendable attempt to protect him was futile.  They were grossly outnumbered.

He was immediately taken, blindfolded and bound, then tossed onto a truck like a sack of flour. They'd been traveling for quite a while now; probably at least three hours.  He wondered where they were taking him.  Another bump and turn sent him ramming into the opposite side.  Another cuss in Arabic followed.  It must be twilight by now...  How much longer?  Almost on cue, the truck skidded to a stop sending him head first into the back.  It felt like his head had been split open and seconds later he felt a warm liquid across his forehead.  Outside men's voices shouted orders as the flap was opened and he was pulled to the ground.  It was painful and his limbs protested vehemently, but he stood up slowly. 

Someone kicked his knees from the back and with a thud he landed in a praying position.  Ironic since he had just thought of praying.  Some more shouts in Arabic followed and then he was startled by the ringing sound of a woman's voice.  Dead silence followed and at first he thought he imagined it, and then he heard it again, clearly.  "What is your business here?" 

A Desert RoseWhere stories live. Discover now