Chapter 20 - The Revelation

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Chapter 20 - The Revelation

Outside a town car waited and ever the gentleman Lawrence opened the door for Aimee before he slid in next to her. 

“Evening Miss,” the driver greeted her.

Soon they were travelling through the city while Lawrence regaled her with anecdotes from his day and soon Aimee recognized the iconic The Shard high-rise as they crossed London Bridge.  This was Aimee’s first time to massive building and she was stunned by its impressive façade as the driver let them out in front of the tower.  An elevator whisked them skyward and as they sped to the 33rd floor Aimee was a little anxious about where they might be going. 

Once the doors slid open Lawrence had to guide her down the corridor as she was too distracted by the amazing view to focus much on walking in a straight line.  When she could finally tear her eyes away from the lights of the city a whole new vision consumed her.  Hundreds of red lanterns lit the intricately carved wooden panels that led the way into a dimly lit modern bar area.  As they entered a perfectly dressed Maître D’ approached Lawrence and inquired as to their reservation. 

“Of course Mr Dawson, right this way.” 

He led them towards a partitioned area with a round wooden table perfectly laid out next the seductive view of the city. 

“This is a-mazing!”  Aimee grinned as the Maître D’ seated them.

“Best view in the city,” Lawrence agreed.

The Maître D’ left to relay their drink orders as Aimee admired their surroundings.  A red lantern cast a soft glow on their table and suddenly silence descended as they studied the menu with intense concentration.

“I can recommend the soft-shell crab and Sichuan dried chili; if you can handle the heat of course.”  Lawrence said with a wink.

“I can handle heat, but I think I will start with some dumplings and work my way up to it.”  Aimee said as she picked out a few variations.  When the waiter returned with a bottle of wine and a bottle of water Lawrence placed their food orders. 

“To the best view in the city,” Lawrence said as he touched his glass to hers. 

“It certainly is,” Aimee said as she glanced at the twinkling lights in the distance.

“It certainly is…” Lawrence repeated softly as he smiled at her.  “So, I have to confess, I have ulterior motives to wanting to dine with you tonight.” 

“I can’t wait to hear this!” Aimee grinned.

“Well, I was hoping to get you to agree to a little business proposal I've been thinking about.  How would you feel about returning to Saudi for a couple of weeks?  I have some business there and have heard of an interesting story.  While I conclude my business I would like you to research and identify the location of what is supposedly a very old cave, home to treasures hidden there by old desert tribes.”

Aimee felt the blood drain from her face at the mention of returning to Saudi.  Though her interest was raised by this supposed cave of wonders, she did not see herself going back so soon, if ever.

It seemed Lawrence picked up on her sudden emotional change because he was quick to add, “I’m just putting out feelers, nothing’s been confirmed.  I would like to have the best with me and you are certainly the best.  But I know you are getting busy at the university and I don’t want to take you away from that, though I feel I should mention that when I mentioned it to the Dean earlier he did not seem unwilling.  I did somewhat sneakily imply that it had something to do with your plans to publish soon.”  Lawrence seemed positively wicked with a cheeky grin and an expectant stare.

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