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“Brother, firstly, I need you to not be mad, this is actually good news,” Leo said upon Zahir’s gruff answer. He glanced at Aimee, his face steeped in worry.

Aimee was propped up against the gentle curve of a palm tree, Leo’s jacket softening her back.  They were at an oasis a mere fifty kilometres from the city.

“Is Aimee okay?” Zahir’s worried voice enquired.

“Yes, she is fine, in a manner of speaking,” he glanced at her again then took a deep breath to deliver the news.

“She is in labour, and I know you forbid us from travelling but things happen okay?  Look, her labour has progressed and it’s too late to get her to the hospital.  You need to bring her doctor in a helicopter; I’ll send you the coordinates straight away.”

“Dammit Leo!  I trusted you with this one thing!”  Zahir exploded over the phone.  “I’m on my way,” Leo could hear Zahir running in the background, “let me speak to her.”

Leo handed the phone to Aimee while mouthing ‘he’s coming’, then headed over to the car to activate the GPS locator.

“Zahir?” Aimee asked.

“My love, I’m on my way, are you okay?  Are you in a lot of pain?”  Zahir’s stressed voice greeted her.

“It seems our baby is eager to meet us, the contractions are rapidly increasing which is why we won’t make it to the hospital,” Aimee explained.

She could hear Zahir shouting orders in the background and soon the sound of helicopter blades slicing through the air.

“I’ll be with you soon hayati, I love you!” He shouted over the noise.

“I love you too,” she said loudly and paused to look around her, “hey, at least it’s not a cave!”

She could hear Zahir chuckle in the background and knew he was just as excited to meet their baby as she was.

Their driver and Aimee’s bodyguard were a respectable distance away keeping watch and waiting to signal Zahir’s helicopter so Leo sat down next to Aimee to hold her hand.

She grinned at him, “Just a quick drive hey?  What’s the worst that can happen?”

He chuckled too, “In my defence, you are not due for another two weeks.”

Aimee’s laughter was cut short by the arrival of another contraction and she hoped Zahir would arrive soon.


Zahir found it impossible not to constantly remind the pilot to hurry up.  After they had picked up Aimee’s doctor and a nurse at the hospital, he knew it was only a short flight to Aimee’s location but he would not be happy until he was with her and assured that she and the baby were safe.

Finally the oasis came into view and he spotted the white Land Rover.

The second the helicopter touched down he was out the door and running towards Leo and Aimee.

When he reached her he sunk down to his knees next to her and kissed her fervently.

“It’s alright my love, people have babies everywhere!” Aimee attempted to calm him after his kiss.

“Let’s see what we have here your highness,” said Dr Nassif and bent down next to Aimee.  “May I?” He asked before he pulled on gloves and lifted Aimee’s dress.  Meanwhile the nurse took Aimee’s blood pressure and vitals.

After examining her he pulled the dress back down and grinned at the expectant parents, “It is almost time, nine centimetres dilated and almost time to start pushing.  It seems you do everything with a touch of adventure your highness.”  The doctor grinned.

Zahir signalled to the pilot and co-pilot who hurried over with a tarp and several other emergency supplies. The doctor had brought two big bags as well and soon they had moved Aimee over to a make-shift delivery area. 

Aimee was covered in sweat and holding onto Zahir’s hand tightly.  Leo was busy pacing up and down the perimeter while the nurse and doctor unpacked their bags. Aimee was surrounded by sterile sheets and padding as she puffed through the contractions.

“Your highness, it’s time to start pushing.  Take a deep breath and as you exhale give a big push,” Dr Nassif instructed her.

With tears running down her cheeks Aimee did as instructed and it took another five pushes before the baby popped out and soon after the air was pierced with its cries.

“It’s a boy!” Dr Nassif announced.

“A boy!” Aimee sighed as she locked her gaze with Zahir.  He stared down lovingly at her before raining kisses over her tear-stained face.

“Your highness,” Dr Nassif said as he handed the little baby wrapped up tightly to Aimee, “your son.”

Leo approached cautiously and Aimee smiled at him as she cuddled the little bundle.  “Leo, come and meet your godson, Prince Raza.”

With Zahir and Leo on either side they all gazed down at the little baby prince.

“Welcome little one, oh the adventures you will have…” 

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