Chapter 16 - The Storm

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Chapter 16

It was late.  Aimee didn’t know how late.  She had been trapped in her own thoughts since she left Sheena’s room.  The stars were out and she could hear the sounds of the palace at night.  She found it oddly comforting that things continued on as normal even though her own status quo had been upheaved.

It was clear now, the decision made.  Since Zahir was going to marry another girl she would not stay.  The arrangements would go on as planned.  Perhaps it is better this way.  Zahir would be with the wife he was supposed to have and she could go back to writing and publishing her research.

Her Arabian adventure was almost over.

The night was getting chilly so she started making her way back to her room.  She needed a hot bath and possibly a drink.  Where she was going to find alcohol she didn’t know. The first thing she was going to buy when she got back to London was a case of good scotch.

As she made her way through the tiled hallways it became apparent that something was up when the third person she passed stopped and stared. She checked her reflection in a dark window but apart from wild towel dried hair she looked the same.

Word must’ve spread about the new nuptials.  Finally Sheena descended on her in a state of concern. 

“Ameera, we’ve been looking all over for you.  Are you alright?”

“Yes, thank you, I’m fine; I got a bit lost that’s all.  I think I will have a bath and then go to bed.”  She said realising she was bone-tired. 

“But Ameera, you didn’t even have dinner, you look pale, you should eat something.”  Sheena tried to steer her in the direction of the kitchen but Aimee just side-stepped her.

“I am not hungry, I will be fine, I guess I didn’t realise how tired I am.  You can go ahead and go to bed as well; I won’t need you again tonight.”  Aimee touched her shoulder reassuringly and walked the rest of the way to her room alone. 

Zahir didn’t return that night.


The next morning after a night of restless sleep Aimee woke just before dawn.  She felt groggy and craved a cup of strong black coffee.  She quickly got dressed in one of the more flattering dresses she liked because it floated around her.  She ran a quick brush through her hair knowing Sheena would fix it for her later.

It was still early enough for her to make the trip down to the kitchen without running into anyone.  Most would be at morning prayers anyway. 

In the kitchen she found her secret stash of coffee Chef had ordered for her and while she waited her stomach growled in protest of missing dinner.  She absentmindedly noticed the glass jar Chef had been stocking with her favourite cookies were dangerously low as she fished one out to have with her coffee. 

With the steaming cup she walked through the main hall towards her favourite spot on the balcony to watch the sun rise. 

As the first rays broke over the horizon and bathed the world in gold she was reminded of early mornings on-site at camp and how much she loved watching the sun rise over the desert. 

Movement in the courtyard below caught her attention and as recognition set in she almost dropped her cup. 

It was the Sheikh and his daughter, Zahir’s new wife.  They must’ve stayed at the palace last night; that’s why everyone was giving her strange looks.  Seems the Sheikh was intent on moving his daughter straight into the palace in case Zahir changed his mind.  Aimee wondered how long it would take for Zahir to marry her.  For a moment she entertained the idea that he would marry this Basma but stay true to her.  Basma could just stay in a room in a far corner of the palace and she wouldn’t ever have to talk to her.  Or Aimee could move to the apartment in the city with Zahir.

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