Chapter 17 - The Fallout

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Chapter 17

Gradually light started to filter into the cave and the chaos outside started to die down.  Aimee waited another ten minutes before she led Zahraa outside.  The sun was shining again but she could see lightning in the distance and knew a thunderstorm was on its way.  A canyon was a bad place to be should a thunderstorm hit as it was prone to flash floods.

“Time to go home girl,” Aimee told Zahraa as she stepped into the stirrup.

Carefully she picked out the camel-trail that led out of the canyon and once top-side she was astounded at how different everything looked.  The sandstorm had moved a lot of sand around and dunes had sprung up out of nowhere. 

Again she thanked her basic training as she calculated her intended direction based on the position of the sun.

They set off at a canter as Aimee was in no hurry to get back to the palace.  The thunderstorm was still an hour or two away.

Fifteen minutes later a mini sandstorm seemed to approach at rapid speed.  Aimee pulled Zahraa to a halt and a couple of minutes later the origin became apparent.  Three white Land Rovers were speeding in her direction and Aimee could guess with absolute certainty the occupants. 

She slid off Zahraa’s back and wrapped her scarf more securely around her face in anticipation of the dust.

The convoy slid to a stop not far from where she stood and before she could even wave Zahir was out the door and running towards her.

He slammed into her and wrapped himself around her, kissing the top of her head repeatedly.

“Are you okay?  Thank Allah you are alive!  Where have you been?  What were you thinking?  The sandstorm could’ve killed you both!”  He said in-between kisses.

“I’m fine!”  Came the muffled reply, he was holding her so tightly.

He released her enough to look into her eyes.  “I was so afraid; why did you do it?!”

Movement over his shoulder caught her eye as she saw Latif lead Zahraa into a horse carriage hooked behind one of the cars. 

“I was bored and just wanted to get out of the palace for a while; you won’t let me drive so I took Zahraa out for a run and we explored the canyon for a bit.  The soil horizons down there are quite interesting.  How was I supposed to know a dust storm would hit.  We took shelter in a cave and it was fine.”  Aimee explained.

She decided not to share her main reason for wanting time away from the palace.

He stared at her for a long time before her took her by the hand to lead her back to the car.

“Come, you are covered in dust.” 

The ride back to the palace didn’t take long and once they arrived Zahir insisted on escorting her straight to her bedroom so she could shower.

Sheikh Mohammad passed through the reception hall with a stern expression and Aimee could swear she heard him grumble about her.  In passing Zahir agreed to come right back and speak with him.

The shower was heaven and she watched as the brown water ran towards the drain. 

Wrapped in towels Aimee walked into her closet when she heard the door open again.  She assumed it was Zahir but it was Sheena who ran straight into her arms and gave her a big hug.  

One little sandstorm and everyone wants to hug me…

As Sheena released her she looked so relieved Aimee almost laughed.

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