Chapter 5 - The Invitation

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Chapter 5

The great hall echoed with their steps and moonlight lit up the garden to the left.  The glowing white of the flowers made Aimee slow her step; absentmindedly walking over to reach out and touch the soft petals.  A memory fluttered.  

Her last visit to the Palace ended in almost the exact way, except, after dinner and alone in the garden Zahir found her sprawled on a divan staring up at the sky.  He slowly walked around her, his hands lightly dragging on the plants and flowers surrounding her. The water from the trickling fountain muffled his steps.

“What will you do when you get back to London?”  His low voice startled her.  

“Study, research, write, publish, teach,” she said glancing towards the source of his voice, “we found some interesting things here.” 

He stepped from the shadows, and looked down at her on the flat of her back.  “Are feeling unwell?”  A crease formed across his forehead.

A choked laughter escaped her before she answered. “No, I’m sorry, forgive me for not getting up Your Royal Highness,” she placed a hand on her stomach, “your generosity is not appreciated by my stomach.  The food was delicious, but I am too stuffed to move.  We’ve been having so much stew in the desert, I am afraid I over-did it with the fresh fruits and vegetables.”

The worry eased from his face and a smile played around his lips.  It was customary to feed guests to the point of bursting.  He dragged another stool closer and sat crossed legged next to her.  “Please just call me Zahir.”

They continued to talk for an hour, while he jokingly tried to convince her to stay a while longer.  

Steps echoing in the hallway and voices spilling down the corridor drew her attention back to the present.  The guests were leaving. 

Sheena led Aimee back inside her room and proceeded to relieve her of the dress and other accessories.  It felt like a weight was being lifted off of her, not realizing the true mass of what she had been wearing.  

Moments later there was a light knock on the door and Sheena quickly covered her in a light silk robe that covered her from neck to foot, and then went to answer the door.  

She turned back immediately and looked slightly embarrassed.  "His Highness would like a word with you."  

Aimee merely nodded, not knowing if she could refuse to see him.  Not that she had any reason to, except for the fact that she was only wearing a robe and it made her nervous.

Zahir stepped inside the room and surveyed her for a moment before clearing his throat.  

He looked oddly serious to Aimee, but managed a shy smile. “I realize it is late and you must be tired and I don't want to keep you up.  You looked really beautiful tonight Aimee, you were the jewel of the whole celebration."  

Aimee felt a blush creeping up her neck, and she nervously broke eye contact to stare at the floor.  “Thank you Your Royal Highness, but the clothing you supplied me with was exquisite.  Even if it weighed a ton,” she muttered the last bit.  

Seeing her blush a small smile played around his mouth but he continued.  "I would like to invite you to accompany me in going riding tomorrow morning.  We need to discuss a couple of important matters and it’s really quite scenic.  If you don't want to go out that's acceptable as well."  

Aimee just stared at him for a moment.  She loved horses and the idea of seeing a bit more of the area on one, but one thing bothered her.  "I would love go, but, don't you have more important things to do than show a guest around on horseback?"  

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